I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1190: , Never forgive!

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Jiang Liang was lifted up by Chen Ping, pinching his neck at the moment, struggling constantly, flushing his face and neck, squeezing out a sentence: "You... you can't do it to me... I am Jiang Guochang's son, Jiang. Wan’s cousin...you..."

Jiang Liang was also afraid at the moment.

Because, Chen Ping's body and eyes are all bitter killing intentions!

He wants to kill himself?

too frightening!

Moreover, the strength that Chen Ping showed just now is simply terrifying!

Chen plane looked cold, looking at Jiang Liang who was lifted in his hand, and said in a cold voice: "I have given you many opportunities, but you did not cherish it. Instead, you repeatedly treated Jiang Wanhe My child has caused harm. There is no room for discussion on this matter, so you should die!"

After all, Chen Ping's eyes shone coldly, his strength increased sharply, and the pinched Na Liang felt that he couldn't breathe at the time, and the whole person was constantly struggling, his eyes turned white.

"Tang...cousin...save me, I was wrong...wrong..."

Jiang Liang squeezed out a word at the moment and begged Jiang Wan, who was already staring aside.

Jiang Wan suddenly reacted, rushed over, grabbed Chen Ping's arm, tears in his eyes, shook his head and said: "Chen Ping, don't, don't kill here... he... he is my cousin after all ...Please let him go for the last time."

Chen Ping's eyebrows were twisted, and he turned to look at Jiang Hua, who was in the rain with pear flowers, with a questioning tone, and asked, "Are you sure I want to let him go? What did he do to you and the rice grains just now, you do not know ?"

Jiang Wan's eyes were red. He glanced at Jiang Liang, lowered his head, and said, "After all, he is my cousin, just let him go for the last time. If there is another time, I will never care about him..."

This is the biggest concession made by Jiang Wan.

After all, family bond is too heavy for Jiang Wan.

The matter of the biological father and mother is now the business of the Jiang family.

Jiang Wan really didn't want to lose any relatives, including Chen Ping.

After listening to Jiang Wan's words, Chen Ping's eyes flashed coldly, turning his head to look at Jiang Liang, who was about to lose his breath in his hand, and let go.


Jiang Liang fell directly to the ground, kneeling softly on the ground, gasping and coughing constantly.

"This is the last chance I gave you! Go back and tell Jiang Guochang and Jiang Guosheng, don't try to come to Jiang Wan and me again! If there is another time, I will never forgive!"

Chen Pinghan said, the killing intention in his eyes has never diminished.

Jiang Liang sat on the ground paralyzed, struggling to get up, and hurried out of the box.

Finally, when he was at the door, he looked back at Chen Ping and Jiang Wan with resentment.

He wrote down this hatred!

Leaving Hanxing Hotel all the way back to the car, Jiang Liang was relieved.

He quickly dialed Han's phone, but no one answered.


He smashed the steering wheel angrily, and he had confirmed in his heart that Han might have an accident!


Why is this happening? !

Just as Jiang Liang roared angrily at the steering wheel, a black shadow appeared next to Porsche, a figure in a black robe, knocked on Jiang Liang's car window.

"Who! Let's go away when you die!"

Jiang Liang scolded twice at that time.

As a result, when he had just turned his head over and looked at the figure through the car window, he saw that the eyes of the figure were shining with a strange red color, and the entire face seemed to be the face of a robot.


The figure stretched out a mechanical arm and smashed Jiang Liang's car window with a punch, and then grabbed Jiang Liang in the car!


Jiang Liang was frightened and shouted a few times at that time!

As a result, the robot in a black robe directly cited Jiang Liang's half-fist example from his face, and then used Bikala's mechanical voice to say, "I can help you deal with Chen Ping."

Jiang Liang was so scared and sweating at the time, and asked, "Are you... are you a human or a gui?"

The robot's eyes turned, and then grabbed Jiang Liang's mechanical arm, directly deformed into a tiny mechanical bug, and in the blink of an eye, drilled from Jiang Liang's eyebrow skin into his brain!

In an instant, Jiang Liang died in a car.

When he woke up again, he took a few breaths of breath, looked at the broken window glass on the left side of his eyes, and touched his neck.

"A dream?"

Jiang Liang murmured, and then a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, still full of resentment toward Chen Ping.

Following that, he scolded someone who shattered his car window, and then drove away.

After Jiang Liang left, in a dark place not far away, a figure wearing a black robe, two strange red-mans eyes on his face, looked at Chen Ping and Jiang Wan, who came out of the hotel, and then slowly 'S left.


Here, after returning to the villa, Chen Ping and Jiang Wan saw the wounds on the faces of Yang Guilan and Jiang Guomin.

"Dad, Mom, are you okay?" Jiang Wan asked with concern.

Jiang Guomin and Yang Guilan shook their heads: "It's fine, thanks to Chen Ping's friends."

At this moment, Ye Fan also sat on the living room sofa.

Jiang Wan immediately turned around and thanked Ye Fan.

Ye Fan smiled and said politely: "My name is Ye Fan, Chen Ping's friend. I met for the first time."

Jiang Wan also smiled and said: "Jiang Wan."

Later, she also saw that Chen Ping and Ye Fan had something to do, and she went upstairs holding the rice grain.

Chen Ping glanced at Ye Fan, the two left the living room in tacit agreement and came to the courtyard of the villa.

After two steps, Ye Fan looked at Chen Ping in front of him and asked, "How do you feel about controlling the rules and matter?"

Chen Ping lowered his eyebrows, looked at his palm, and then said: "At present, it's okay, there are still many things I don't understand."

Ye Fan nodded, raised his eyebrows and stared at the starry sky, said: "It is recommended that you still go to the Kyushu system to learn, so that your own potential can be maximized."

Chen Ping nodded and said, "I know, I will go after a while. I want to solve the matter here first, and after I leave, Jiang Wan and they need protection."

Ye Fan yelled, and then asked: "What are you going to do about the matter tonight?"

Chen Ping looked sideways, looked at Ye Fan, and asked, "Is there any temple in the West?"

Ye Fan replied: "The people of the Evil Temple are under Vatak's men."

"Evil God Temple?" Chen Ping frowned, a faint chill in his eyes.

Ye Fan nodded and sighed, and there was a slight chill in his eyes, saying: "The Evil Temple, the Holy Temple of Death and the Temple of Hades, and the three dark temples in the Western Twelve Temples are the most shameless and darkest. The three most sanctuary temples without rules. These three temples are full of death and crime. In their jurisdiction, they are basically a paradise for crime. This time, the people of the evil temple will shoot you. There are other people behind me signalling, maybe this is the Trial Dark Temple's temptation to the Chen, to you."

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