Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

When Jiang Guochang heard it, he immediately agreed.

Then, after hanging up the phone, he looked at the excited Jiang Guosheng and Jiang Liang, and said, "Boss Yao agreed, but you have to wait two days later. Both days, you will give me peace, don't play the grass, don't panic, don't We missed our plan!"

Jiang Guosheng nodded.

Jiang Liang was even more delighted, and said: "Don't worry, dad, I have been staring at Jiang Wan's every move in these two days, and doing nothing."

And here.

Looking back at Chen Ping.

He has now returned to the One Palace.

In the living room, he looked at the jade jade auctioned from Yao Yue and had been exploring its internal structure.

Chen Ping found that the internal structure of this jade jade is really rare!

Not like ordinary white jade.

Its texture is self-contained, with spatial laws, as well as artificially carved regular legal arrays.

Could it be said that the predecessors thousands of years ago had already seen the door, and even learned some abilities after entering the door?

This is like the Qin Qin's Gas Refiner?

Chen Ping was puzzled.

The content engraved on the back of the jade jade is actually eight characters:

There is a green plant in the snow.

According to Chen Ping's own analysis and the fragmented pictures that emerged in front of him looking into the internal space structure of the jade jade, this snow-white snow should be a place, and this green plant should refer to the Bailu Linglu .

There are a few places in Chen Ping's mind where the snow is, but the search is too wide and takes too much manpower and material resources.

Moreover, according to the fragmented picture that emerged from this jade space structure law circle, there are still many strange and strange creatures rampant in this place.


Ferocious beasts and ancient people practice morale.

After concentrating, Chen Ping got up and thought about the next situation and actions.

We must first resolve the matter of the Western Twelve Temples. At least, we must give the Evil Temple a knock, and at the same time deter those overseas temple organizations to make them understand the truth.

The Chinese in the country did not come in at random and let them bully at will!

More importantly, Chen Ping wants to release a signal to the outside world. Anyone who dares to cross the border to expose his wife and children will face the risk of being cut off or even destroyed!

Then, Xiangjiang Lin's family, Chen Ping will also go.

He wanted to understand the current situation of the Lin family, to understand his mother, but also to understand the Lin Pavilion Lord of the Pavilion of Kings.

Then, at the Kyushu General Administration, Chen Ping will also go there, and this time, I am afraid it will take a long time.

The secrets of the sixth area, as well as the systematic study and control of their current attribute power and rules.

Before this, Chen Ping must deal with the trivial matters of Shang Jiang clearly, and Jiang Wan should arrange a strong guard!

Thinking of this, Chen Ping dialed Qiao Fugui's phone, and at the other end he asked respectfully, "Young Master, what do you ask?"

Chen Pingdao: "To mobilize an elite **** team to come to Shangjiang to carry out the task of protecting the young lady. In addition, arrange for four members of the Shadow Guard to arrive at Shangjiang at the same time."

"Good young master, I will arrange it here."

Qiao Fugui answered, hung up the phone respectfully, and immediately arranged it.


At the same time, the Chen family on Tianxin Island was divided into Zongzheng's palace.

Chen Liwen was sitting on the throne of Zongzheng at the moment. Below, they were all the newly selected members and talents of the family.

An **** walked in, bowed to Chen Liwen, who was continually publishing his plans for the next three years, and then walked to the front with a few words.

Chen Liwen's complexion changed and changed, followed by a bunch of eyebrows and said, "Okay, I know."

After all, he glanced at the family members below, and said with a cold voice: "After the meeting, Wushu and Qishu stay, I have something to discuss with you."

Since Chen Wu was imprisoned in the dungeon, the separated guards in power replaced Chen Wu's son, Chen Huang.

This line of Chen Yangbo naturally changed Chen Yangbo's son, Chen Shuzhong.

The two stayed, looked at Chen Liwen sitting on the throne of Zongzheng, and asked, "Master Zongzheng, is there anything important?"

Chen Liwen looked at Chen Huang with a dull look and said, "Five Uncles, according to the news from his family, Qiao Fugui was mobilizing an elite **** to Shangjiang, and secretly deployed four members of the Shadow Guard, What does Uncle Wu think about this matter?"

Chen Huang's face sank, he was sitting on the edge of his neck, and Han Mei raised his head, asking, "Is Lord Zongzheng trying to fight Shangjiang?"

Chen Liwen's eyes flashed a stern coldness, saying: "That's right! Chen Ping separated me so much, and caused me to lose so much benefit, I must get it back!"

Chen Huang nodded, and then said: "Since Master Zongzheng has to deal with Chen Ping and Jiang Wan, it is indeed the best way to get on Jiang's surgery. I suggest that we call the caravans and overseas capital under our hands to directly transfer Shangjiang's The pharmaceutical market is all seized, forcing Chen Ping to take action. At the same time, I will also arrange some dead people to constantly harass Shangjiang's forces belonging to Chen Ping and seize the underground market of Shangjiang. Then, I will contact the Western 12 The sanctuary is a three-pronged approach to ensure that Chen Ping’s children are overwhelmed! At that time, we can take advantage of the fictitiousness, and we can do three things with one fell swoop and constantly devour the power belonging to Chen Ping!


Chen Liwen sent a seat armrest and shouted, "Okay! Wushu, just do what you said! This time, we must give Chen Ping a lesson!"

"That line, I'll do it now." Chen Huang got up and left the palace with strides.

Here, Chen Shuzhong frowned, asking, "Master Zongzheng, this move is a bit improper. Now, the strength of my separation is 30% lower than before. Although Chen Tianxiu ordered, the separation of the family and the family During this time, only commercial competition is allowed, and there is no phenomenon of compatriots. However, if we anger Chen Ping, I am afraid that there will be certain risks..."

"Seven Uncles! Those who are serious matters are not inconspicuous! As long as we are ruthless enough, there are no things that we can't do! Chen Tianxiu's order, I can't follow them apart!"

Chen Liwen waved his hand, his eyes full of chill.

Chen Shuzhong still wanted to say something, but in the end he shook his head without saying anything.

Soon, the separation team gathered a group of caravans and foreign capital, and rushed to Shangjiang non-stop.

Looking back at Chen Ping.

When he was about to go out, a familiar figure came in the doorway, still very slim and graceful, with a chill of dust.

"Chen Ping, do you need to avoid me like this?"

The woman who speaks is none other than Su Xueyun.

She wore a white low V-shirt, a small red leather skirt, a pair of straight slender jade legs, crossed hair, and sunglasses, and looked like a fashionable fairy darling in the sun.

"Why are you here?" Chen Ping frowned, feeling vaguely in her heart.

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