I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1196: , Can't hide

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Su Xueyun walked in, her eyebrows with a condensed temperament, glanced at the villa, and then her eyes fell on Chen Ping, saying: "Why, I can't come to see my dry daughter and dry son?"

Chen Ping twitched his eyebrows and looked at Su Xueyun, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs straight.

Then, he silently poured a glass of water to Su Xueyun, said: "If you have anything, just say it."

Su Xueyun glanced at Chen Ping and gently smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Chen Ping, do you need to be so estranged from me now? Can't we be like good friends between us?"

Chen Ping took a breath and said, "You should understand that I am married and have two children. I love Jiang Wan. These bottom lines, I will not become."

Su Xueyun's eyes were dull, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Do you really not think about me?"

Chen Ping glanced at Su Xuejun's bright eyes, and just about to speak out the word, Su Xueyun seemed to know how he would answer, immediately laughed and interrupted: "Okay, I know what you want to say, but , Don’t tell me, I understand."

Followed by, Su Xueyun seemed to hold back the tears in her eyes, and then smiled generously: "I came to you today, there are actually two things, the first thing is over the Tianxin Island, I contacted a few days ago When I came to Shi Tai'an in the 12th district, I just wanted to tell you that there has been a recent change in the 12th district. Shi Tai'an and Lin Xie have already fought to fight for the next director of the 12th district. The second thing is from the Alliance, Inviting my Su family to become a ten member council member, I want to ask your opinion."

After listening to Su Xueyun's words, Chen Ping twitched his eyebrows and asked: "Shi Tai'an and Lin Xie have a fight?"

Su Xuejun nodded and said, "Well, since the last Chen incident, Shi Tai'an has fought against Lin Xie, and it has lasted for more than half a month. The two sides are now evenly matched, dividing the twelve districts into three zones and standing on three feet. They are trying to win over the other district masters and want to annex each other. However, no one is a fool. At present, the third district master has never appeared, and Shi Tai'an and Lin Xie can only contain each other. As for who can win the 12th district, it’s bad."

"However, behind Shi Tai'an, there are people from the Chen family who are secretly working and helping. Therefore, Lin Xie's current situation is somewhat dangerous and not good."

Su Xueyun finished, looking at Chen Ping's dull face, waiting for him to speak.

After a while, Chen Ping said: "I know, the next thing, the alliance invites you to join the board member unit?"

Su Xuejun nodded and told the truth: "The situation on the other side of the alliance is not very clear at the moment. It is reported that the leader of the alliance seems to have been trapped in a place. These days, the big and small things inside the alliance are just a few of his hands. A righteous daughter is planning."

"The leader is trapped?" Chen Ping was a little surprised.

Less than a month later, the alliance leader was trapped?

Where are you stuck?

Su Xueyun shook his head and said, "I don't know. This is just inside news. According to my analysis, there may be two reasons. One is that the leader is in good health and is in recuperation. The other is that the leader is not in the country."

Chen Ping nodded, Su Xueyun said something reasonable.

The alliance leader, the descendants of Ying, cannot easily have problems.

That only shows that he has his own plans and arrangements.

Chen Ping looked dignified and thought for a long time, he said to Su Xueyun: "Is there anything else?"

Su Xueyun shook his head and said, "No, why? Just rush me away in such a hurry?"

Chen Ping got up, made a gesture of invitation, and said, "Then I won't send you."

Su Xueyun Liu Yemei twisted, picked up the bag, glared at Chen Ping resentfully, stepped up and hurried towards the outside of the villa.

However, before leaving the villa, she turned around and said, "Chen Ping, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Your family, Jiang Wan, seems to have just gone to the Hundred Bird Club."

"Hundred Bird Club?" Chen Ping questioned.

Su Xueyun raised her eyebrows and smiled: "The owner of the Hundred Bird Club, you should know it, called Yao Yue. Bye, leave."

Having said that, Su Xueyun dropped two slender jade legs and left the villa.

On this side, Chen was flat.

Yao Yue contacted Jiang Wan?

Thinking, he quickly dialed Jiang Wan's phone and no one answered.

A bad hunch suddenly appeared in my heart. Without saying a word, Chen Ping went straight to the Jokang Group.


On Jiang Wan's desk, there were scattered file materials, and she, with her face full of dullness, stood in front of the large window with her hands around her chest, her eyes puzzled and angry.


The door opened by the director was pushed open, and Chen Ping rushed in, panting, panting, shouting: "Waner..."

Following that, his eyes locked the information on the desktop. He walked over, picked up a few copies and glanced, his eyes suddenly showed a deep chill.

Followed, he looked at Jiang Wan with his back to him and explained: "Wan'er, you listen to me to explain, in fact, this matter is not what you think..."

"shut up!"

Jiang Wan roared, turned around, her eyes were red, her eyes were full of tears, her lips were shaking, staring at Chen Ping and asked, "When will you still plan to lie to me? Why, why can't you tell me honestly?" !I am your wife and mother of rice grains! Why are you here, I have become a burden, a... a totally worthless existence..."

With that, Jiang Wan was full of tears, and that look was really distressing!

Chen Ping stepped forward two steps and wanted to explain: "Wan'er, it's not that I don't tell you, it's just..."

"No! Don't come over, I don't want to hear your explanation!"

Jiang Wan immediately stopped, reaching out to block Chen Ping who came over, wiped his tears, and said: "I need to be alone, you go out first."

Chen Ping was also uncomfortable. He looked at Jiang Wan, who turned around and turned his back to himself. Don’t believe it, they are provoking our relationship."

Jiang Wan didn't speak, only said: "You go out."

Chen Ping was helpless and silently withdrew from the board office.

Then, standing at the door, he heard the tears of tears behind the door.

Chen Ping lowered his eyebrows and looked at the documents in his hand.

It contains the secret scenes of the tragic death of Luo Jiabaozheng's faction, and the **** wrists of Chen's blood to the Luo family.

Inside, it also records some of the secrets of the Luo family's golden blood, as well as the various symptoms and final outcome of the golden blood syndrome...

In other words, Jiang Wan now knows his physical condition and the remaining time.

Even more frightening is that she knows that her two children also have Golden Blood Syndrome.

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