I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1197: , The predecessor supreme

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Chilling flashed in Chen Ping's eyes!

Yao Yue!

This woman really didn't settle down!

Following this, Chen Ping lifted his foot and left the Zikang Group, went straight to the Hundred Bird Club, ready to find Yao Yue to discuss!

However, when Chen Ping was standing in front of the Hundred Bird Club, he realized that the club was closed.

Then, he tried to dial Yao Yue's cell phone, and no one answered.

Was posed by this woman!

With anger in his heart, Chen Ping quickly dialed Qiao Fugui's phone, and said in a cold voice: "Give me an order, a global pursuit order, Yao Yue!"

Qiao Fugui immediately reverently replied: "Young Master, I will arrange it immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Fugui was sweating and sweating. Now, the matter of the guard who had just arranged in front of him, now there is another killing order.

Hey, the young master is really too busy.

It didn't take long for the Chen family on Tianxin Island to issue a hunt order to the world, and the target of the hunt order was a woman who was too seductive.

All of a sudden, the world's active killer organizations are secretly carrying out activities.

Among them, the killer organizations formed by some disciples are not excluded.

Of course, at this moment, in a luxurious mountain villa.

In a huge pool, a woman, a maid with her back to the door, was bathing.

The water in the pool gleamed with a pale blue magical light, and there were continuous blue fine lines like elves, slowly gathering from the woman's chest, abdomen and lotus arms to her face.

At that moment, the woman's entire face had thin blue fine lines that kept shining.

This person is Yao Yue who has left Shangjiang and is hiding in his residence.

However, it can be seen that under the blue magical light, Yao Yue's face is changing.

Slowly, her face was replaced with another face.

After a long while, Yao Yue opened his eyes, and a strange blue light flashed in his eyes.

Then, the maid took over the mirror. Yao Yue looked at the beautiful face in the mirror and smiled faintly: "Well, yes, as expected, young is good, this face is so smooth and delicate, it should be able to use a paragraph It's time."

After all, she got up, graceful jade body, deep water.

With the help of the maid, Yao Yue put on a pale pink nightdress, with a delicate and transparent figure, taking graceful steps, stepping barefoot on the carpet, and stepping out of the basement step by step.

As she approached the door, she glanced and glanced at a beautiful young woman in the corner.

However, the woman's face was blurred at the moment, as if she had been peeled off alive.

"Handle it cleanly." Yao Yue said, and then stepped away.


Several maids, bowing down, dragged the beautiful young woman out of the basement.


Here, Yao Yue returned to the main hall of the villa. Not long afterwards, some people sent the content of the Chen's killing order.

Yao Yue looked at it for a few moments and chuckled, saying, "Hehe, this kid is not too stupid, but, I'm sorry, that Yao Yue is dead."

As soon as the voice fell, an elderly man on crutches stepped out of the back of the main hall.

He was dressed in a gray Chinese costume with a cold face, and there was a strong man beside him.

These two people are not others.

It was really Ji Xun, a predecessor who was released from the imperial division cup of wine to release his military power.

Unexpectedly, they will appear here!

Seeing this person, Yao Yue immediately fell back slightly and respectfully said, "Righteous Father."

The old man yelled, sat on the sofa, glanced at Yao Yue, and asked, "How is it going?"

Yao Yue squatted down and knelt in front of Ji Xun, and the jade hands made a cup of tea for Ji Xun, and then handed respectfully to Ji Xun, saying, "Yi Fu, almost prepared. Chen Ping will go abroad in two days , Shangjiang will be free, and when the time comes, it's a good time for us to shoot."

Ji Xun took a sip of tea, nodded, and looked at the demon Moon with love, saying: "You are the one I picked, the chess piece I gave to the Luo family, and I arranged it in the league with all my hands. It’s up to you, and I’ll set you free when the incident is over.”

Hearing this sentence, Yao Yue's eyes flashed a deep, dormant excitement, but, soon, the color of excitement dimmed.

She knelt in front of Ji Xun and bowed: "As long as the righteous father needs, the daughter is willing to dedicate herself, including her own life."

Ji Xun nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "What do you say over the Luo family?"

Yao Yue respectfully replied: "Luo Xingyu has already gone to Shangjiang and is ready to shoot at any time. The golden blood in Jiang Wan's body is the rarest in the Luo family's generation and the closest to their experimental research results. So The Luo family will definitely do their utmost to bring Jiang Wan back to complete their plan. However, it seems that only a few people in Luo Xingyu’s vein know about Jiang Wan’s golden blood. As for the rest of the Luo family, I don’t know yet."

Ji Xun heard, nodded, and pondered for a moment, then said: "Let out some wind, let those guys who are as dirty as mice in the dark fight for each other. I am looking forward to the internal chaos in the Luo family, this way, right My plan is more useful."

Yao Yue nodded and responded.

Then she said again: "Father, I shouldn't be able to lurk here in the Alliance. The leader seems to have discovered my identity and has driven me out of the core circle."

Ji Xun smiled and said, "It's okay, the old fellow Ying Ying, I'm afraid I'm overwhelmed now. I've given some of his sons and daughters to take care of things in the country. Jiang’s affairs, among others, will be handed over to Ping Yue for a while."

Having said that, Ji Xun got up and was ready to leave.

Yao Yue respectfully sent Ji Xun away from the villa before returning to the main hall.

And here.

After returning to the car, Ji Xun's face was cold, and he crossed the sentence on the side: "Send a few people to monitor her every move. This little Nizi, just concealed. When necessary, she will be done directly Don’t miss our big event."

Xing Yue nodded, his face showing condensation, saying: "Yes, supreme."

"Oh, don't call me Supreme, I have been disarmed."

Ji Xun smiled faintly, "Let's go."

Soon, the car left the villa.

On Yao Yue's side, after seeing Ji Xun's car leaving, the chill that was hidden in the corner of his eyes gradually appeared.

"Come here," she shouted.

"Boss." Several guards came in, kneeling on one knee and sulking their heads.

"You few, go to Shangjiang to find Luo Xingyu, and give this thing to him." Yao Yue said, throwing a kit in his hand to the guards.


Soon, several guards left the villa and went straight to the direction of Shangjiang.

However, they had just left the village half a mile.


A cold light flashed across their necks!

Followed, these guards fell directly into the pool of blood.

In front of them, a tall figure standing back to back was a rogue, with a samurai machete tied around his waist.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and caught the kit that fell in the air.

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