Moreover, it is said that some related things can naturally be found in him, supporting everything.

At this time, Kan Chengfeng didn't have any thoughts to pay attention to others. He had already got in touch with the people in Fengcheng.

The Zhu family can be regarded as a big family no matter what, the skinny camels are bigger than the horses. Since they can drag the family here, it is enough to prove their strength.

If you work with them, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Although Zhu Wenjie's uncle was a little dissatisfied with all Zhu Wenjie's actions, for the benefit of the family, he finally chose to help Zhu Wenjie to become the leader.

Since their family wants to gain a foothold in this city, it must have a reputation.

The simplest and rude way is to find the trouble of the treasure building directly.

Zhu Wenjie and the others didn't provoke any enemies when they came here. The only one that angered Zhu Wenjie was the treasure building.

In that case, just take the opponent directly.

Kan Chengfeng happily received the other party, and this time only sent Chen Zhuofei as a representative.

"I have indeed heard of your Zhu family before. It is a pretty good family."

"Your financial and material resources can be said to be as rich as an enemy country, right?"

Speaking of this, a trace of envy flashed in Kan Chengfeng's heart. To be honest, he was jealous of such a wealthy family.

Although he is now in a high position, his ability to make money is not strong.

Had it not been for the in-depth cooperation with Huibaolou before, it is likely that he could not even support the consumption of the City Lord's Mansion.

The Zhu family has such a strong ability to make money, he naturally does not want to miss this good opportunity.

If the other party is willing to develop here, then as long as he has such a cash cow, everyone is a win-win situation.

"It's not enough for a country to be rich, but our family's ability to make money is indeed pretty good. Let's make a straightforward offer here."

"We hope that the city owner can support us to become the largest family in Tianling City and gain a foothold in the fastest possible time. At the same time, we also need to kill the chickens and the monkeys, and this chicken is the treasure building."

In fact, if they don't rely on the help of the city lord, they can still have a place of their own, but this speed will not be too fast.

After all, they are not locals who don't have any foundation here. If the city owner intends to make things difficult, they will naturally not be well.

It is basic common sense that people do not fight against officials.

If they can get help from the city lord, then they can develop casually.

Moreover, the current situation is so turbulent, if they really develop, it would be a great thing.

Taking advantage of the chaos to make money, this is the easiest time to get rich.

Hearing Chen Zhuofei's words, Kan Chengfeng smiled slightly, a look of expectation flashed across his face.

"Supporting you is actually very simple for me, but what kind of conditions can you offer?"

Kan Chengfeng asked without hesitation.

Since the other party is so straightforward, he naturally won't hesitate.

Chen Zhuofei had already prepared for the other party's question.

"Our family's income during this period in Tianling City can give you 20%."

Chen Zhuofei knew that this number was definitely not small.

If it is a normal person, they will choose to quickly agree to cooperate.

After all, this kind of opportunity is unattainable, and 20% of the amount is already a huge sum of money.

But Chen Zhuofei really ignored how dark Kan Chengfeng's heart was!

For him, 20% of his income is simply dismissive.

"I think this income is too small. I will take at least 40% of you."

Kan Chengfeng spoke arrogantly, he felt that this number was more reliable.

"Tianling City is now influx of forces from all directions. It can be regarded as a mixture of fish and dragons. There are many families who want to come to me, but your Zhu family is considered a relatively large family."

"It takes a lot of risk for me to support you."

"Of course there is one more important question. You want to deal with the treasure building."

Speaking of this, Kan Chengfeng couldn't help but smile. To be honest, he needed to rely on the strength of others to deal with the treasure building, and this group of people actually wanted to deal with the treasure building on their own.

"Have you ever learned about the treasure house?"

Kan Chengfeng raised his brows lightly, and a trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

Hearing Kan Chengfeng's words, Chen Zhuofei's face also became a little ugly.

He didn't expect this guy to be so black-hearted that he wanted 40% of the income.

In fact, Chen Zhuofei already had a deep understanding of the treasure building, and he also wanted to include the treasure building in his pocket.

All the things produced in this shop can be regarded as fine products, and the business is not good, even the Zhu family, who is the most proficient in business, can only look down on them.

And the things sold in it are considered the best in the world.

Chen Zhuofei even wanted to buy a batch to save his life at a critical moment.

"Do you know the origin of the treasure building?"

Chen Zhuofei didn't answer his question face-to-face, but wanted a set of words.

"I don't know, I only know that they were originally born in Riyue City, and it seems that they came to target Huibao Tower."

"The medicines and weapons they have made are all considered high-quality goods. Even I can't help but feel a little moved. They are a very mysterious force, and the energy spent trying to move them will definitely not be small, so I Only here will you be asked for 40%."

Kan Chengfeng also patiently explained to the other party, he did his best to describe the treasure building as extremely mysterious, and wanted to take advantage of the other party's hands.

The fact is the same, everyone can see the power of Treasure House.

Chen Zhuofei nodded and didn't say anything. After taking down the other party's conditions, he returned to the inn again. The price of 40% was indeed too high, and he needed to discuss it.

By the time he returned to the inn, Zhu Wenjie had already had a riot. He was extremely dissatisfied with what Chen Ping had taken care of, and he wished to take revenge immediately.

"Mother, why isn't Uncle coming back? Isn't it possible to talk about a cooperation for so long?" Zhu Wenjie has always been a savage and willful existence. Seeing that Chen Zhuofei hasn't come back for so long, he couldn't help but curse.

The other people stayed beside them silently and did not dare to speak. They were very dissatisfied with this arrogant and domineering guy, but they did not dare to say anything.

"He is slow to do things, so you can bear more, don't worry, I will avenge you."

Zhu's mother gently persuaded her son, fearing that the other party would be wronged.

"I don't know why we should give this person with a foreign surname such great rights. Wasn't he adopted by grandfather? Why do we dominate the house in our house!"

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