Zhu Wenjie snarled angrily, and seemed to be really dissatisfied.

"Hey, don't say such things, don't you see that he does all errands? We always need someone to run errands!"

"Your grandfather's purpose of training him is to help our family run errands. Don't take this kind of thing to heart!"

Mother Zhu's persuasion is indeed a bit shocking, and other people just dared not speak when they heard these words.

They all liked people like Chen Zhuofei who worked and were fair, and basically no one liked the arrogant and domineering Zhu Wenjie.

At this moment, Chen Zhuofei also returned to the inn, and he heard these words clearly.

Similarly, Zhu Wenjie's mother's comfort also made him feel very chilling.

The fact is also true, he is indeed a very ordinary adopted son.

He also knows that his identity is different from others, so he has always worked hard and carefully to survive in the family.

Unexpectedly, these people still have such a low view of themselves.

A hint of dissatisfaction flashed through Chen Zhuofei's heart, but he still did not show it after all.

Now the family's economic power is in the hands of Zhu Wenjie's mother, and he must also please the other party before he can get the money.

In such troubled times, it is absolutely impossible to have no money.

Chen Zhuofei also gradually had a plan in his heart, he knew very well how he should deal with this group of people.

When Mother Zhu saw Chen Zhuofei's return, she immediately changed her expression, with a trace of embarrassment on her face.

She didn't expect Chen Zhuofei to come back so quickly, and she didn't know if the words she just said were heard by him!

"Oh, you're back! How's it going? How about this matter? Is the city lord willing to cooperate with us to help my son get revenge?"

Mother Zhu had an expression of expectation on her face. There is nothing more important than revenge for her son.

Seeing the look of the other party so expectant, Chen Zhuofei couldn't help but sneer in his heart, but still maintained a respectful attitude on his face.

"The city lord has proposed 50% of the turnover, otherwise he will not reach a cooperation with us, and the treasure house is not a good bully force."

Chen Zhuofei spoke seriously, with a serious expression on his face.

Hearing what Chen Zhuofei said, everyone's eyes widened. They didn't expect the other party to offer such a price.

"Oh, this **** city lord is really good at talking loudly. He actually wants half of our turnover. Isn't this a joke?"

"Who doesn't know that our family has a very strong ability to make money, and it is natural to make a lot of money in such a place."

"He is equivalent to a white prostitution!"

Zhu Wenjie also felt very dissatisfied. He was reluctant to pay any of the money.

If all the money goes into Zhu's pocket, then all the money is equivalent to his own, but now he has to take half of the money out of his own pocket and give it to others. How can Zhu Wenjie accept it?

Zhu's mother's face was pale on the side.

"The appetite of this city lord is really too big, but now we are sent to others, in order to be able to develop as quickly as possible, we still have to agree to him."

Although Zhu's heart is a little unacceptable, they are now completely in a state of being sent to others. If they want to quickly have a place, they must listen to the city lord.

"Go and tell him, we agreed. We need to buy five plots of land to build our mansion and open a shop."

"But these processes and speeds require him to help us quickly fix them, and I will give him the design drawings here."

Mother Zhu said calmly, his idea is very simple, all this is just a stopgap measure, when their family develops completely, then they can completely get rid of this waste city lord.

As long as the power of a family reaches an extremely terrifying point, it is very simple for them to clean up the city lord. Everyone suppresses each other, even if it is the superior city lord! Don't have to give them a bit of thin noodles!

They had dealt with the city lord of Windy City in this way before this.

Chen Zhuofei returned to the City Lord's Mansion soon, and said all Zhu's mother's words.

"We have already agreed, and 40% of the turnover will be given to you, but we need you to cooperate with us to complete some things. We need our own mansion and storefront."

The two quickly got together and quickly agreed on everything, and at this time Kan Chengfeng had already begun to calculate each other.

The members of the Zhu family wanted to borrow a knife to kill people and use themselves to clean up the treasure building, and he happened to use the power of this family to solve the treasure building.

Kan Chengfeng has a lot of spies, he has already inquired that Zhu Wenjie and Chen Ping had a conflict.

It is precisely because of this that they can't wait to solve Chen Ping and fight for this tone.

The story of the treasure building was not a secret, and soon someone spread it and exaggerated it. Everyone knew that Zhu Wenjie had closed doors.

This was a fatal blow to their aloof Zhu family.

Kan Chengfeng couldn't help but smile, and directly approached a group of people, pretending to be the guard of the Zhu family, and wanted to come to the door to find trouble.

"Xiangzi, make arrangements so that this group of people will trouble me, and it must be done in the name of the Zhu family, try to move all the troubles east, let them fight."

He is a person who believes in the profit of fishermen.

As long as the two forces fight openly and secretly, it will be oneself that will ultimately benefit.

Kan Chengfeng is like the pushing hand behind him, secretly pushing the wind and clouds behind the city.

At this moment, Chen Ping was also carefully teaching Xu Cuohuang to refine some new pills.

This little guy is worthy of being a very gifted child, and he can quickly master something after learning it twice, and even refine it.

During this period of time, after his tireless research and study, the elixir in the warehouse was already full.

Even if they keep opening stores for sale this month, their medicines can't be sold out.

"Boss, I always feel something is wrong... Why is this street so quiet today?" Shi Shaochen also leaned in front of Chen Ping and said with some confusion.

Although they have not officially opened their business today, there are no pedestrians on the road.

"Could it be that these people are hiding, it doesn't make sense!"

Shi Shaochen said without knowing it, a trace of helplessness flashed through his eyes, no one was coming and going around, and it seemed a bit boring.

At this moment, Chen Zhuofei, who was dressed in disguise, came to Chen Ping's shop cautiously.

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