Everyone is talking about you one by one, and they also know that the situation is serious, but everyone feels helpless.

Similarly, Chen Ping announced that there will be new things for sale tomorrow.

All the people exploded in an instant, they didn't expect that there would be new products for sale in the treasure building.

The pills and weapons alone made them a little bit enamored, and those who bought them even had to wear them to sleep.

Now that Zangbaolou is about to launch new products, everyone is starting to look forward to it.

Two things on the bulletin board quickly attracted everyone's attention. Kan Chengfeng was also aware of the incident, and he remained skeptical of what Chen Ping said.

"I know that their clerk, Nuoyi, went out once recently, but this lady is very beautiful..."

Kan Chengfeng was secretly sighing that Chen Pingyan was not superficial, and that he was able to recruit such a beautiful woman as a clerk. If it weren't for Chen Ping, he would have already put the book of Nuo in his pocket.

He didn't want to believe that Nuoyi was a powerful woman.

Therefore, he subconsciously believes that all the news that Chen Ping said are deceptive.

"You don't have to guess, these news are absolutely deceptive. I have never heard of such a powerful monster!"

Kan Chengfeng also knew that monsters were extremely rampant now, and major cities were in danger.

But he didn't believe that there would be such a powerful monster be born in the ancient burning forest.

"Have you inquired about the things he wants to sell?"

"Selling something is so mysterious, you find someone to buy me one tomorrow."

Kan Chengfeng confessed to Xiangzi next to him. Since he was upset with Chen Ping, his eyes were full of disdain when he looked at Chen Ping.

Even Chen Ping's every move was extremely disgusting in his mind.

One night passed quickly, and Chen Ping only notified the door to open at noon the next day.

Opening the door, the first person he saw turned out to be Chen Zhuofei.

Although this man once again dressed himself in disguise, in Chen Ping's eyes, there was no difference.

"Shopkeeper, I arrived today as scheduled, you must sell me something."

Chen Zhuofei spoke nervously.

Kan Chengfeng had already arranged the Zhu family's affairs, and he also managed to get the first sum of money, which was enough to buy something.

Chen Ping smiled and put it in directly.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, one by one, the new product we launched this time is the storage ring."

After saying this, Chen Ping took out the ring directly and showed it to everyone. This time he sold five in total.

"The top five people can buy this ring."

Chen Ping said with a smile, a glimmer of expectation flashed through his eyes, he wanted to know how crazy this group of people would be after they learned about the storage ring.

Chen Zhuofei stayed aside completely.

His eyes widened, never dreaming that Chen Ping actually launched this thing.

You know, even their Zhu family only has one storage bag.

The other people also exploded. They didn't expect the treasure building to be so big to play, and suddenly introduced something like a storage ring.

What's more surprising is that the storage ring is so precious, since the other party just took it out and sold it?

"That's awful, this time I didn't know I would sell this kind of stuff, and I definitely didn't bring enough money!"

"That's right, this time I originally wanted to buy a pill, but I didn't expect to launch such a baby. How can I have enough money!"

The people in the front couldn't help but whispered.

Their mood is very tangled.

Everyone knows that this ring is definitely not too cheap, so some people even want to ask Chen Ping if he wants to pay for it.

When the people in the back heard these words, they immediately became happy.

"If you don't have money, don't buy it. Let us quickly!"

"Just want you poor ghosts, don't waste time here if you don't have money, and let out all the good things!"

Seeing that they were about to quarrel, Chen Ping quickly stopped everyone.

"Don't quarrel, everyone. The first five people can register information with me. If we can get the money within a stick of incense, we can still sell it to him."

Chen Ping's remarks relieved the people in front of them, and a trace of excitement flashed across their faces, and they immediately wanted to come up to register their information.

Chen Zhuofei couldn't help clapping his hands excitedly at this time.

"This time the money I brought is completely enough, sell it to me quickly!"

Chen Ping offered the storage ring a price of 30,000 yuan.

The price is actually not high, but for ordinary families, it can be considered a sky-high price.

A practitioner from a top family like Chen Zhuofei knows that this price is absolutely nothing.

Storage rings are hard to find.

No matter how much money you have, you may not be able to get things like storage rings.

And at this moment, someone actually sold the storage ring clearly at a price, which is simply a happy event.

If he didn't really have so much money, and didn't have the qualifications to buy all the storage rings at once, Chen Zhuofei would almost want to round up everything here.

"Okay, the first ring will be sold to you." Chen Ping took out the ring and let the other party choose at will.

These things were all made by those children who were interested in them. They looked fancy, but Chen Ping didn't like them very much.

But Chen Zhuofei felt that such a ring looked extremely creative.

He picked one casually, and put it in his hand seemingly more domineering, and studied it carefully.

"Oh my God, it's too domineering..."

"What a blessing to be able to own a storage ring in this life!"

Chen Ping glanced at the remaining four rings, one of which had a flower pattern on it, which was very naive.

After Chen Zhuofei got the pet ring, he gritted his teeth and bought some pills and weapons.

All the money he got was spent at once.

Chen Zhuofei did not leave in a hurry, but hid in the shop and delved into the storage ring. He took the things out and put them in again.

He knew very well in his heart that this kind of ring could be regarded as a precious treasure in the world.

The other people did not bring enough money, they could only register the information, and then left the shop quickly.

Some wealthy people just chased it up, wanting to ask them to help buy them at a high price.

Chen Ping doesn't care about these things.

He didn't plan to release the ring too much.

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