I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2671: , Drive up market prices!

It was sold for three days in total, and fifteen rings were enough.

After Xiangzi changed his face, he came to the door of the shop swayingly. He wasn't too willing to queue up.

He didn't even expect that there would be so many people in line at noon.

And it’s noisy here. It seems that everyone is arguing about something.

"The store, you can sell us some!"

"Yeah, we really want it, even if you increase the price, there is no problem!"

"Isn't it 30,000 yuan? I took out 100,000 yuan! You can sell it to me!"

All the people were speaking seriously, and they hurriedly urged Chen Ping to sell the storage ring.

But Chen Ping didn't care at all, he sat silently, waiting for Shi Shaochen and others to be busy.

Anyway, these things are provided in limited quantities. If they can't buy them, they can't blame themselves.

Xiangzi leaned in curiously, and he escorted a passer-by to ask what was the situation?

The passerby quickly said what he knew, and even painted vividly.

After hearing these words, Xiangzi was completely sluggish. He didn't expect that there would be such a thing.

"Are you sure you are right? This shop actually took out the legendary storage ring for sale. Are you deceived? Is it possible that this is an ordinary ring?"

Xiangzi didn't want to believe it was true until he heard these words.

He questioned the other person again and again, which made this person very dissatisfied.

"Are you sick? What are you yelling at here?"

The passerby didn't know who this man was after being disguised, so he yelled at him very dissatisfied.

"This shop is well-known and reputable. How could they sell fakes? The pill that others took out is what we expect. Do you think they need to lie to us?

This passerby had no hope of lining up, so he could only silently envy the top five beside him.

At the same time, he secretly vowed to raise money as soon as possible, maybe he could be ranked first in the next time.

"Okay, okay, don't waste my time here, I have to go to raise money, I must quickly get the money for the storage ring!"

After saying this, the passer-by ran away quickly, ignoring the lever.

Xiangzi stood there dumbfounded, feeling that his three views were about to collapse.

To be honest, he never dreamed that he would see things like storage rings being sold publicly.

This time the matter is very important, and he must report it up quickly.

At this time, Kan Chengfeng was enjoying a good time with Gu Xiaoshi.

Since Gu Xiaoshi entered the mansion, Kan Chengfeng has been lingering, even forgetting the other women in the house.

Xiangzi's sudden visit made Kan Chengfeng very dissatisfied.

"If you have something to say quickly, don't waste Lao Tzu's time. If you let me know that you are talking about useless information, I will definitely trouble you!"

The love process between the two was interrupted, and Kan Chengfeng felt very dissatisfied.

Gu Xiaoshi tugged at his clothes, scratching her head aside, looking a little unhappy.

Xiangzi didn't pay attention to this either, and just spoke up, telling everything about the storage ring that he saw today.

Kan Chengfeng was dumbfounded in an instant.

His expression was exactly the same as Xiangzi's reaction at the beginning.

"My god, what are you talking about? Are you sure you didn't joke with me?"

With an extremely shocked look on Kan Chengfeng's face, he couldn't understand why someone would sell the storage ring.

In fact, he still trusts Chen Ping very much.

Although in his opinion Chen Ping is a very hateful guy, he has to say that their shop has never really sold bad things.

It is naturally impossible to deceive people. Facts have proved that Chen Ping can really have a storage ring!

"Did they say how to sell it?"

Kan Chengfeng was a little panicked, he regretted that he had gone far away from Chen Ping!

If he and Chen Ping still maintain a deep friendship, he doesn't need to spend a lot of time at this moment, and he can also buy a storage ring in Chen Ping's hand.

But now he is also a self-aware guy, knowing in his heart that Chen Ping cannot sell the ring to himself at will.

In this case, he can only think of other ways to see if he can get the ring.

"I heard that they only sell rings to the top five people every day, and it doesn’t seem to be for a long time. This thing is still a bit precious. Pass it out."

Xiangzi was calmly analyzing, and he also felt that Chen Ping could not have too many storage rings.

"I will arrange people to line up tomorrow, replace all the people in the front line with ours, and try to make all those things round."

A glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes. If he could get a lot of storage rings, maybe he would be qualified to get one.

After all, he could still get the 30,000 yuan stone, and it was wonderful to exchange this kind of external object for the storage ring.

With a storage ring, you can walk with wind!

Xiangzi has been envious of those who have storage bags for a long time.

In the past, his master had a storage bag, but he was greedy, and the feeling that he could take things out by flipping his hands was indeed extremely arrogant.

Today, he also saw Chen Ping displaying the storage ring, and even he even put the table in his personal storage space, which proved that the storage ring's capacity is definitely not small.

"According to people who have purchased storage rings, this space is not small, at least as big as this brick!"

Xiangzi pointed to a brick on the ground, which happened to be one square meter.

Although this space is pitiful to Chen Ping, it is like a chicken rib.

But for this group of people, it is like a treasure.

They all know that having such a large storage space is equivalent to having a supreme status.

When others walk in the arena, they are afraid of exposing their wealth.

I am afraid of being stolen when I put it at home, and I am afraid of being robbed when I take it on my body.

No matter what, they can only walk cautiously, not free and easy at all.

And carrying all kinds of treasures on his body for a long time, after all, is a little frightened.

But having a storage ring is different. They can walk around the rivers and lakes extremely arrogantly without any worries.

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