Just a monster beast can upset all the cities.

It is estimated that those monster beast mutations were also caused by this monster beast.

Hearing these words, Shi Zhentian's expression also became a little serious. He had never encountered such a powerful existence before.

As the king of the beast bloodline, he still had a lot of status.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for this group of monster beasts to have any resistance to themselves, no matter who they fight, they will win every battle.

But this world is different. The monster beasts in this world don't seem to have any sense of worship for him.

Therefore, the identity of Lion Zhentian is still very unpopular here.

"Is this your new store? It looks very luxurious, much higher-end than the one in Sun Moon City."

Shi Zhentian couldn't help sighing with emotion, and had to say that this shop really looks high-end and luxurious.

Hearing the other's praise, Chen Ping couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. This guy's thinking was really jumping.

At this moment, Nuoyi has been taken to the real world, and this place looks like a group of dragons without a leader.

Xiaobai and the others are also constantly busy in Chen Ping's real world. Although they are very curious about this world, they are quickly integrated into it.

Chen Ping’s shop has been closed for several days, and everyone wants him to continue to open for business.

When Chen Ping opened the door, he found that there were many people queuing at the door.

Seeing Chen Ping opened the door, the group of people became excited in an instant. They rushed to Chen Ping frantically, begging for something the other party could sell.

"Shopkeeper, I beg you, even if you don't sell rings, you can sell other things too!"

"Yeah, we are all willing to spend money, as long as you sell it, we will buy it!"

All the people are begging Chen Ping and the others, and everyone hopes that Chen Ping can resume business.

During this period, some of them have made a lot of money by relying on these pills.

However, some people use these medicines to give relief to family members in other cities, which is of great use.

Without the help of these pills, the people in their family might have already died.

So everyone has now discovered the benefits of these medicinal pills, even if you are selling iron, you must buy these medicinal pills.

The weapons they used to attack these monsters were not a problem on weekdays.

It's just that the monster beasts have completely mutated now, and when they use them to attack each other, it appears to be of little use.

It even feels like tickling a monster beast, it will only make the opponent more excited.

So they have gradually realized how powerful the weapons Chen Ping sold are.

These monster beasts were lightly slashed by a weapon, and they would be seriously injured instantly.

This ability is too powerful.

When they realized the power of these things, they wanted to buy, only to find that Chen Ping never opened the door again.

Therefore, everyone can only continue to wait here at a loss, hoping that Chen Ping can continue to open the door and sell these things to them.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for so many days, Chen Ping didn't even open the door.

Today, when they all felt cold and prepared to leave, Chen Ping finally opened the door.

But they found that there was nothing on the shelf.

Doesn't this prove that Chen Ping has no plans to sell things either?

Is it possible that everything in his warehouse has been sold out?

"Store, is it possible that all of your inventory has been sold out? Now the roads between cities have been closed, and it is estimated that your goods will not be shipped in!" Someone couldn't help but questioned.

The reason for Chen Ping's closing of the shop was simple, because the Zhu family came to provoke them.

Therefore, until their mood returns to normal, they will never open their doors for business.

Chen Ping's move was not only able to close the door and go out of business, but also succeeded in bringing disaster to the east.

But over time, some people have the same curiosity. Is it because Chen Ping's inventory is completely insufficient, so this announcement is made?

Hearing the other party's questioning, Chen Ping couldn't help but laugh, he took out a handful of pill from his arms and showed it in front of everyone.

"Do you think my inventory is really not enough?"

"When the Zhu family came to apologize, I will officially start the sale here, and tomorrow I will gradually start the sale of the pill, but everyone who buys it needs to pass an identity review. Row."

Chen Ping's meaning is obvious, anyway, he will not sell these medicinal medicines to the people of Zhu's family anyway.

Hearing these words, everyone let go of the stone in their hearts.

Since Chen Ping is still willing to sell these things, it is naturally the best.

They are all ordinary people, so how could they not be eligible for purchase?

"If you are targeting the Zhu family next, that would be great!"

"Yeah, to be honest, we don't like them either. I really want to kick them out if we can!"

"You haven't looked at the shops they opened recently? Are they cutting leeks at all?! Earn our money while the army is in turmoil!"

Everyone has great opinions on them. The Zhu family opened various shops. The inns and restaurants are extremely expensive, and they are definitely not affordable for ordinary people.

The surrounding ordinary restaurants and inns were suppressed by them, and they felt that they would collapse at any time.

Originally, the current society is in recession and the economy is very depressed. It is not easy for everyone to support their stores.

Originally, the various shops were supporting each other to continue their business. Unexpectedly, a Zhu's family suddenly came and started to target them frantically. So who can stand it?

"Please help us solve the malignant tumor of the Zhu family!"

"If you can expel the Zhu family, you will be the hero in our hearts!"

Everyone prayed for Chen Ping from the bottom of their hearts, but they put all their hopes on Chen Ping.

Seeing everyone's expressions so pious, Chen Ping also felt a little puzzled.

"Isn't this kind of thing supposed to go to the city lord's mansion to respond? Ask your city lord to help solve this big crisis."

Chen Ping finds it strange, why does this kind of thing have to do with him? Do you really regard yourself as a savior?

As soon as his words fell, a man showed an uncomfortable expression and took the initiative to stand up.

"It's true that we have already reported this to the city lord, but there has been no response for so many days!"

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