"Even I think they should wear the same pair of pants, otherwise why the Zhu family can develop so fast! This speed is really terrifying!"

All the people are constantly complaining, they all think this thing is too weird.

Chen Ping couldn't help smiling inwardly, he didn't expect things to develop into this way.

It was clear in his heart that the city lord had some opinions about himself.

At first he thought that Kan Chengfeng was a very upright person, so he still had some trust in the other party, but only later did he discover that everything was just his own illusion.

Therefore, Chen Ping stopped the loss in time and did not lose any.

The distance between the two people has slowly become farther and farther away.

Originally, Chen Ping felt that people would not offend me, and I would not offend others.

This guy wanted to play some insidious tricks to ruin himself, but he didn't expect to be self-defeating.

The good reputation of his painstaking efforts was instantly ruined, and everyone knew that Kan Chengfeng was making small moves behind his back to toss them.

Now Kan Chengfeng simply lost his wife and broke down, and there was no way to clear himself.

"In fact, it is really difficult to solve the Zhu family. After all, the city lord is here. I am just a businessman. Don't put too much hope on me."

Chen Ping couldn't help but smiled and said, not like everyone promised to help them.

After saying this, he turned around and left.

Then you have to take Shi Zhentian and take a quick look in the forest.

This strange aura became stronger and stronger, and Chen Ping didn't want to waste time here.

Seeing Chen Ping's rapid departure, everyone panicked and wanted to catch up, but found that Chen Ping's speed was so fast that they could not catch up at all.

The man who had just spoken to Chen Ping stood aside, and seemed to understand something. He stood there and kept agitating everyone.

"Everyone, don't you understand the meaning of the store? Now the Zhu family and Kan Chengfeng have completely colluded, so they kept suppressing them!"

"Treasure Lou's announcement is also a helpless move. Who doesn't want to make money!"

He seemed to have thoroughly understood what Chen Ping meant, so he said to convey what he understood to everyone.

After hearing this, everyone felt very approving.

"You are right, I think it really makes sense!"

"So now we should go to trouble with Kan Chengfeng, right!"

Walking mightily towards Kan Chengfeng's residence, everyone's face had a look of expectation.

They knew in their hearts that once they could make this matter a big deal, Kan Chengfeng would never sit back and watch.

In any case, they must let the Treasure House reopen for business.

Kan Chengfeng didn't expect this matter to be so serious. At this moment, he was drinking tea in his yard and enjoying the dancing of beautiful women.

He has always been hiding by the side to watch the excitement, but he didn't expect that today, this group of people suddenly learned to be clever, knowing that they are coming to trouble themselves.

When he was extremely happy, the door of the city lord's mansion also rioted.

"The city lord quickly came out and gave us an explanation!"

"Hurry up and give us an explanation! Tell us well, what is the situation!"

"We must reopen the Treasure House, and you must do it anyway!"

Everyone in this group, whether young or old, was arguing at the door.

After Kan Chengfeng heard these movements, he felt his head explode in an instant.

With an angry look on his face, he directly smashed the tea cup in his hand to the ground.

"What the **** do these people mean! What are you making here!" He pushed the door open without saying a word, his expression was ugly as he watched the noisy people waiting at the door.

"Who gave you the courage to make trouble at the gate of the city lord's mansion?" Kan Chengfeng questioned solemnly.

Among this group of people is the backbone, that is, the young man who has realized Chen Ping's meaning.

The young man stood up and looked at Kan Chengfeng with some dissatisfaction.

"I also trouble the city lord to explain to us why we haven't received any response to these situations!"

"We have all said that the Zhu family is deliberately pitting our money, and it is still suppressing other shops, basically they don't want to survive for anyone."

Speaking of this, he spoke out of righteous indignation.

"Are you in the Zhu family, or why don't you answer our question?"

Hearing these questions, Kan Chengfeng's face also became ugly.

He didn't expect this group of spoilers to be so bold that they dare to ask himself directly.

"Don't you think I sit in the mansion every day to eat, drink and have fun!"

"Now that monsters are flooding, our city may not be able to last long. I contact various people to help us every day, and I have been trying to find a way to face this crisis. Does it really have time to manage such small things? "

He responded very uncomfortably, seeming to feel extremely dissatisfied with the questions of this group of people.

Although he does appreciate the beautiful women singing and dancing every day.

But this does not mean that he cannot speak loudly about his achievements outside.

Everyone was silent when they heard this. They really didn't know what the other party did in the mansion.

It is possible that Kan Chengfeng has really been busy with Tianling City's affairs, so he really didn't have time to pay attention to this so-called trivial matter.

At this moment, Kan Tianling stood up directly.

With an extremely dissatisfied expression on his face, he spoke quickly.

"Don't lie here, you watch beautiful women dancing every day, indulging in the fleshy forest of the wine pond day and night, how can you have the meaning of working?"

"You have given up the struggle tomorrow morning and let those monsters invade. If the city cannot withstand it, you will only choose to escape!"

Kan Tianling spoke aggressively, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

He knew very well that Chen Ping did the job.

Since it looks like this, he must cooperate well.

Kan Tianling's disgust for his father is from the heart.

Therefore, it didn't mean to be polite to attack the other party.

Hearing these words, Kan Chengfeng's face became extremely gloomy.

He never dreamed that his son would be the first to stand up against him.

"Xiangzi, hurry up and take this mad guy away!" Kan Chengfeng couldn't help but yelled angrily.

Xiangzi stood by and nodded. When the incident happened suddenly, he really didn't realize what was going on.

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