I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2691: , Killing monsters

Ling Xiaoyun also realized the seriousness of this matter, and turned around and wanted to run.

At this moment, Chen Ping also gave Lion Zhentian a wink. He asked Lion Zhentian to attract the other party's attention and attack the monster's eyeballs by himself.

As long as the monster does not close its eyes, the opponent will completely expose its weakness.

As a monster beast, Shi Zhentian's breath is very resonant.

After this lizard beast felt the existence of Lion Zhentian, it was furious and rushed directly at Lion Zhentian.

And Chen Ping also took advantage of this opportunity to kill and kill, and suddenly multiple weapons appeared in his hand, piercing the monster's eyeballs.

Seeing this scene, the monster beast also wanted to hide in horror, but it was too late.

After all, Chen Ping's speed was one step faster than him. No matter how the opponent resisted, Dagger Capital had already pierced his eyeballs.


The monster roared in pain.

"You die directly to Lao Tzu!"

Chen Ping also launched an attack without hesitation, and light waves directly pierced his brain from his eyeballs in an instant.

This little demon beast, who was underage, just died like this and couldn't die anymore.

Moreover, Chen Ping's movements were extremely fast. After this series of movements were completed, even Ling Xiaoyun did not react.

At this moment, Ling Xiaoyun was still running away, looking extremely ridiculous.

"Boy, where are you going? Now that the crisis has been resolved, where do you want to go?"

Shi Zhentian couldn't help laughing, and said to Ling Xiaoyun.

Hearing these words, Ling Xiaoyun was also a little sluggish. He stopped to look at Chen Ping, and then at the behemoth lying on the ground, the whole person was stupid.

He didn't expect that someone could actually handle this terrifying behemoth.


"Commander, please help us!"

At this moment, the wailing after another attracted Ling Xiaoyun's attention. Only then did he realize that his brothers were injured.

He rushed over and helped the brothers up, with a worried look on his face, not knowing how their health was.

The condition of this group of guys is not good, everyone is seriously injured and looks extremely pitiful.

Shi Zhentian just looked at them in silence, then stretched out his hand, took out a pill from his arms, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Oh, after the battle, it's great to have a pill that can restore vitality."

After taking this medicine, he did not hide the extent of his vitality growth and showed it straightforwardly.

Ling Xiaoyun watched this scene dumbfounded, and his whole person was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect the other party's vitality to recover so quickly, and he felt that the vitality value of Lion Zhentian was already full at once!

"What are you?"

Ling Xiaoyun couldn't hold back, and walked forward and asked curiously.

Hearing these words, Shi Zhentian didn't want to bother him either.

"Boss, this monster beast is valuable, should we make a fortune next?"

Shi Zhentian said with a gratifying voice, and went to help Chen Ping slaughter the monster beast.

This is the monster beast now dead, so the spleen is not so hard, but it can be easily solved by their weapons.

Ling Xiaoyun looked a little ugly when he saw that the other party was unwilling to take care of his own face.

"What's the matter with you? Am I talking to you? Why are you so indifferent and reluctant to talk to me?"

Hearing these sad voices, Chen Ping suddenly laughed. These words sounded a bit funny.

"He just gave you the pill, you don't want it yourself, and now you want to ask what's the situation?"

Chen Ping smiled helplessly, and with a wave of his hand, he put the behemoth directly into the storage space.

Seeing Chen Ping's operation, Ling Xiaoyun was even more completely stunned. The whole person felt that the Three Views had collapsed, and he generally stood aside stupidly, not knowing what to say.

"This this?"

"What the hell?"

He wanted to get the answer from Chen Ping's mouth, but Chen Ping made it clear that he didn't want to pay attention to him.

"This monster beast is done, let's go inside and see, maybe we can find the cause of the monster beast's mutation."

After saying this, Chen Ping directly stretched out his hand and touched a piece of the lizard's leg from the space.

"Take this thing back to you for business. I believe it will be of great use to you."

"If you eat this thing, you might be able to improve by leaps and bounds."

Chen Ping smiled and walked towards the depths of the monster forest with Shi Zhentian, leaving a crowd of people waiting nearby, staring at each other.

Chen Ping is not a great saint either. He once gave the pill once, so naturally it is impossible to give it a second time.

If the other party really wants this kind of healing medicine, then they have to spend money to buy it.

Originally the first time was to compensate for some of the losses of this group of people, but he did not expect that Ling Xiaoyun was so arrogant that he actually got the pill he gave to the ground.

If this is the case, then he has to bear these losses himself.

Ling Xiaoyun and the others stared silently at Chen Ping's back. They did not expect that when they thought they were bound to die, a powerful figure would suddenly drop from the sky to kill this monster.

As people who have been beaten, of course they all know how strong this lizard monster beast really is.

"I'm not mistaken, did that person kill the monster so easily just now?"

"Boss, why don't you want the pill that he gave you just now? Maybe it can really treat us?"

Everyone was asking Ling Xiaoyun curiously, and they all couldn't understand why they had to reject each other's kindness.

The most regrettable person at this moment must be Ling Xiaoyun.

Ling Xiaoyun also wanted to know why he was such an idiot at the time, so he refused the other's kindness.

"Hey, by the way, did he say his identity just now!" Ling Xiaoyun suddenly patted his head, as if thinking of something, he asked.

Everyone shook their heads next to them, but they didn't hear the other party talking about their identity.

"No, they just turned around wisely and left, there was nothing else at all."

"Yeah, how could we forget to ask their names!"

Everyone regretted it, and when they wanted to chase them out, they realized that Chen Pingren had already left.

Ling Xiaoyun glanced at it. Although this lizard's leg was ugly, it had to be said that this leg was exuding endless energy.

"Wonderful... this leg is really wonderful!"

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