I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2692: , The Flower Thief

"Hurry up and put the pot on the shelf. Let's eat this leg today!"

After struggling, Ling Xiaoyun decided to swallow this leg privately.

Anyway, he was also ordered in danger, and he was directly fooled here. In this case, he is not willing to take these good things back to others to eat.

"We ate this thing ourselves. If we have a chance to see them both in the future, we would like to thank you again!"

Ling Xiaoyun is also a person who knows his gratitude. He knows that he is indeed too arrogant, so he hides everything in his heart, and is ready to thank him again when he has the opportunity next time.

"There is also what happened today. You are not allowed to say anything about it. Just say that with our efforts, this monster beast was successfully resolved, and the body of the monster beast was quickly divided by other animals. , We don’t know anything!"

Before he got out of the pot, Ling Xiaoyun couldn't help but confessed to everyone that he was afraid that any of these little guys would be ignorant and mess up the matter.

All of them are dead waiters who have followed Ling Xiaoyun for a long time, and of course they know what Ling Xiaoyun means.

"Don't worry, Little Commander, it is absolutely impossible for us to say these things. Those two people are our saviors."

Everyone looked at the deliciousness of this pot with great enthusiasm and wanted to taste it.

"Come here, I also brought wine. Although it's not a lot, I can take several sips with one person."

Everyone takes out all the good things they bring to share, don't want to miss the super delicious lizard legs, there is wine and meat, naturally it can be regarded as a pleasant life.

Chen Ping took Shi Zhentian and quickly went deep into the forest. Shi Zhentian was walking and thinking about Chen Ping's methods of leveraging, but he didn't understand.

"Boss, why did you give them the demon beast legs just now? I always think this little guy has a bad brain?"

Shi Zhentian was still a little bit brooding about the opponent's move, and felt that giving him a monster leg would be considered a very face-off.

"No matter what, we put them in a dangerous situation and seriously injured his body. I took a look and found that several people are still in serious injuries. Although I don't want to give the pill, I can eat a leg. It's a reward for them."

Chen Ping didn't care about a monster beast leg at all, he only cared whether he could find the thing that caused the monster beast to mutate.

Shi Zhentian nodded thoughtfully from the side, even though he said that, he felt a little unhappy after all.

"It is a great honor for them to be able to eat a leg."

Shi Zhentian shook his head and said.

"But how do you know that they will eat instead of handing it in? A little-brained leader like him will definitely hand in everything!"

Shi Zhentian didn't think this guy would eat things by himself.

"This kind of person probably doesn't have much brains, he must be handed over to the person above them at that time, and then he can't eat a bite of meat, and he has lost a few brothers for nothing!"

Hearing these words, Chen Ping shook his head. In his eyes, Ling Xiaoyun was not such a person. The other party was a smart person, and he should be very clear about what he should do.

As the two of them were walking all the way, Chen Ping noticed that a somewhat coquettish-looking flower suddenly appeared in the mountains ahead. This flower was exuding a fragrance, which made people feel refreshed.

According to his understanding, this well-growing flower shouldn't appear in such a barren mountain range. It is obvious that something is wrong here.

"Hold your breath, I was affected by this flower."

Chen Ping reminded him that he was afraid that this little guy would not understand anything, and he would be directly controlled by this flower.

Chen Ping's words made Lion Zhentian stay vigilant in an instant. He stared at the front seriously and probed his head nervously.

"I'm going to pick this flower off now and see what is going on."

This flower is not a magic flower that can be used as medicine.

In Chen Ping's memory, there is no explanation for this flower.

Therefore, Chen Ping is really a bit uncertain about what it is, it feels like a foreign object from the sky, mysterious and weird.

"Boss, be careful, I feel that this flower is like talking... I look at this flower as if I see a coquettish woman, dancing in front of me, and constantly beckoning to me ,Ler me get through!"

Shi Zhentian frowned and said seriously, he naturally felt the strangeness of this flower.

Chen Ping would naturally be able to detect things that Shi Zhentian could detect.

He approached the flower so cautiously.

Chen Ping subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched it lightly. Unexpectedly, the flower would tremble directly, and it looked extremely crippled.

Chen Ping suddenly felt a strange feeling.

It seems that this flower is like a charming woman, resisting her touch.

"If there is a problem, I will pick it up again!"

Chen Ping didn't want to hesitate, he would lose!

Without a word, he took out a shovel and shoveled out the root of the flower.

Before the flower could react, he put it in one of the ring spaces.

Immediately after holding this ring, he appeared in the world of Tongtian Pagoda.

It is invincible in this area, so Chen Ping doesn't worry about what will happen.

Before this fascinating flower could realize what was going on, Chen Ping caught it, looking extremely dazed.

"You have nowhere to hide now. I know you can express what you mean and talk to me honestly."

Chen Ping spoke solemnly, and he enveloped the flowers with an extremely powerful pressure.

Feeling Chen Ping's fierceness, the flower was trembling constantly, and even her body was already drooping.

Seeing the other person's appearance, Chen Ping didn't have any thoughts of pitying Xiangyu.

"What is your origin! Why do you have the ability to increase the strength of the monster beast and become violent."

Chen Ping couldn't see through this weird flower. He planted the flower in the space of the Tongtian Tower and let the other side grow.

However, he enveloped the opponent with extremely terrifying pressure throughout the entire process, making this flower somewhat breathless.

"If you don't say anything, I will destroy you directly. Anyway, I don't know where you came from. It is estimated that your cultivation base for so many years can only be turned into a pool of mud."

Chen Ping deliberately pretended to crush the flower, and stretched out his hand with teeth and claws.

At this moment, the flower suddenly changed and turned into a woman that I felt sorry for.

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