I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2699: , Five-Rank Alchemist

I have to say that he also has some strength, which Chen Ping will not deny.

Picking up the pill in the opponent's hand and studying it, Chen Ping also thinks this guy is not bad.

Although definitely not better than his own people, but in this continent is already considered to be the top.

He had never heard of such a person before.

Chen Ping returned home silently, and did not take this matter to heart.

Soon the next day, all the contestants came to the central square.

At this moment, the central square is very lively, and everyone is looking forward to the start of the game.

And those contestants, all with their eyes above the top standing aside, they look down on such ordinary practitioners.

Practitioners are also divided into levels.

Ordinary practitioners only know about fighting, which is the lowest level for practitioners.

But they are different from those who know some skills.

The identities of the alchemist and the refiner are extremely precious, no matter where they go, they will be treated in various ways.

And more importantly, they earn a lot of money, and they are quite powerful.

In addition to the fact that it may be worse in combat, other aspects can be made up for with pill.

However, whether it is possible to refine such a good pill is another aspect.

Only powerful practitioners are qualified to be arrogant, and ordinary alchemists can only humblely seek refuge in those small families.

Chen Ping glanced around and saw the little guy he saw last night.

This little guy stood in the crowd with a face full of indifference, seemingly not interested in everything.

Obviously this little guy saw it too, and Chen Ping couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

It seems that the other party is also curious, why did Chen Ping turn back?

"You are very welcome to visit Tianling City! I am the city lord of Tianling City, Kan Chengfeng! And this gentleman named Chen Ping is one of the judges this time."

In order to be able to expand the scale of this time, Kan Chengfeng even spent huge sums of money to invite an alchemist to the imperial city.

This is a fifth-grade alchemist.

Although his rank is not very high, it is already out of reach for alchemists.

It is becoming more and more difficult to go up, and it is already the dream of countless people to become a fifth-rank alchemist.

Everyone quickly heard the loophole introduced by Kan Chengfeng.

When the other party introduced Chen Ping, he didn't seem to introduce what he was, only that he was a judge.

When introducing Zhang Chengbing, the fifth-rank alchemist, he spent all kinds of adjectives and talked about each other's life and deeds.

It seems that Kan Chengfeng also wants to please him.

Chen Ping didn't care about this. He took a stool and sat down. In contrast, this guy's life and deeds were not interesting to others' alchemy.

Zhang Chengbing naturally also noticed Chen Ping's attitude, and an unhappy expression flashed across his face.

He didn't expect Chen Ping to be so disrespectful to himself, this is a taboo!


Zhang Chengbing couldn't help coughing, trying to remind Chen Ping to respect himself.

After all, he was a fifth-rank alchemist, and Chen Ping could not offend him anyway.

The city lord hadn't finished the introduction, and Chen Ping sat down so carelessly. This action was really disgusting.

Even the City Lord Kan Chengfeng's attitude towards him is extremely humble, this guy who doesn't know where he came from has made it clear that he doesn't give himself face!

In fact, it's not that Chen Ping really doesn't want to sell this face.

He really wanted to stand and listen to it, but Kan Chengfeng had already spoken for almost an hour now, and Chen Ping felt that his ears were about to be cocooned.

So in desperation, he just sat down on the stool and continued to listen.

Those practitioners seemed very curious about these stories. They all listened to them with gusto, and from time to time they heard shocked sighs.

On the other hand, Chen Cuohuang and the little guy had expressions of disdain. They both seemed to be very impatient with Zhang Chengbing.

Time does not know how long it has passed, and Kan Chengfeng finally stopped the introduction.

Chen Ping only felt drowsy, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

Kan Chengfeng's words felt as if they were more useful than a hypnotic spell, allowing Chen Ping to sleep anytime, anywhere.

"Well, the long-awaited fifth-rank alchemist has also arrived on the scene, everyone should perform well and see if you can buy the eyes of this alchemist!"

"Maybe everyone still has a chance to be harvested as apprentices!"

Kan Chengfeng's words immediately stirred up stormy seas.

All of them were whispering in excitement below.

No one does not want to be accepted as a disciple.

It is precisely because of this that they listened so seriously just now, and everyone hopes to have a good image in front of each other.

And Zhang Chengbing didn't even bother to observe the alchemist below.

He put all his attention on Chen Ping.

Zhang Chengbing has lived for so many years and has never seen such an arrogant man.

Chen Ping was the first one to dare not put him in his eyes.

In this case, he must come back with revenge.

"My life and deeds are a rough idea, but for this Mr. Chen, I feel that he doesn't seem to have any stories."

There are three judges in total this time, namely the city lord Kan Chengfeng, Zhang Chengbing and Chen Ping.

Needless to say, Kan Chengfeng's identity is the city lord of Tianling City.

And Zhang Chengbing is also an alchemist with extremely prominent life deeds.

What is Chen Ping?

Perhaps the people in Tianling City knew exactly who Chen Ping was, but none of these outsiders knew Chen Ping's identity.

They all thought that perhaps Chen Ping was just a young man.

The little guy who presented the medicine to Chen Ping also looked at Chen Ping with some curiosity. He also wanted to know Chen Ping's identity.

"I have lived in Gu Lele for so many years, and I haven't been fooled by anyone. I didn't expect to be planted yesterday."

This little guy's name is Gu Lele. He looked at Chen Ping curiously, wanting to know who Chen Ping was.

Gu Lele didn't think Chen Ping was a bad person. He always felt that Chen Ping looked much better than Zhang Chengbing and Kan Chengfeng.

Chen Ping couldn't help frowning when Zhang Chengbing asked the other party to introduce himself.

He really didn't want to do such a shameful thing in the public.

Kan Chengfeng also looked at Chen Ping curiously. To be honest, Kan Chengfeng didn't understand Chen Ping.

The only thing he knew about Chen Ping was that the other party would also refine pills and open a shop.

"I don't have much to say, I'm just a cultivator, I am not strong, and I don't have any other abilities."

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