I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2700: , Confrontation!

Chen Ping spoke very modestly, he has never liked to take credit for himself.

After all, it's useless to say more, bragging about so much will only make you look boring.

Hearing Chen Ping's introduction, Gu Lele's eyes couldn't help but a glimmer of excitement flashed.

He felt that Chen Ping had an appetite for him.

"Haha, it turned out to be like this."

Zhang Chengbing also despised Chen Ping more. He didn't expect Chen Ping to be a guy who didn't even dare to tell his own story.

Seeing this scene, Kan Chengfeng couldn't help snickering in his heart, he knew that things would develop into this way.

Kan Chengfeng knew very well what kind of person Zhang Chengbing was, and even more clearly, Chen Ping was a guy who never compromised with others.

Once the two people collide, a lot of sparks will inevitably be generated.

And you can profit from the fisherman and receive countless benefits from it.

"Okay, okay, everyone should stop tit-for-tat, the game officially begins!"

With an order from Kan Chengfeng, he directly asked the players to step onto the stage one by one.

This time, Kan Chengfeng also prepared a special alchemy furnace and medicinal materials for them.

"One person only has two medicinal materials. If you lose it after training, it is equivalent to withdrawing from the competition.

Kan Chengfeng announced the rules of the game, this time he made it clear that it was a bit stingy.

According to normal circumstances, at least five materials should be prepared for this group of practitioners.

But the other party actually made a big discount in this regard, and was only willing to provide two copies.

Everyone was a little dissatisfied when they heard this, but the rules were set by others, and now they are also in the territory of Tianling City, naturally it is hard to say anything.

When Chen Cuohuang and Gu Lele heard this, they couldn't help showing an expression of excitement. The two materials were enough for them.

The two were far apart, so no one paid attention to each other's expressions and movements.

Soon, alchemy began.

Everyone is refining this pill in the same way. It can be seen that everyone has a foundation, but it is a problem of proficiency and everyone's strength.

Chen Ping didn't need to worry about Chen Cuohuang at all. This guy brought it out by himself, so he didn't need to say much about his strength. With two materials, he would definitely be able to refine a large pot of pills.

His focus is on Gu Lele.

Through the list of matches, he already knew the name of Gu Lele, and was staring at the opponent in full concentration at the moment.

For those other practitioners, Chen Ping only needs to cast a glance at them to know how bad they are.

Gu Lele's performance was outstanding. His alchemy posture was fancy and garish, and it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Many women were screaming incessantly next to them, trying to attract Gu Lele.

However, at this moment, an enchantment has been arranged here, no matter how noisy the outside world can affect the participants.

Gu Lele's reputation was instantly smashed, and everyone kindly called him the king of alchemy.

In contrast, Chen Cuohuang, who is low-key alchemy, seems to be somewhat under-famous.

Chen Cuohuang has always been a relatively low-key, luxurious and connotative man, so at this moment, he is concentrating on refining the pill, and secretly stuffing the finished products into the storage ring.

He can refine more than 50 medicinal materials for one portion, which is indeed a bit shocking, so he chose to hide it directly and keep ten medicines.

Soon he ran out of both materials, leaving a total of 15 pills.

Although Chen Cuohuang's actions were low-key, Zhang Chengbing was taken in by Zhang Chengbing. He felt that this kid's actions were so smooth and smooth that they looked a bit authentic.

And seeing the other party's alchemy, he even had some insights.

It's just that this insight is not too deep, so he can only look forward to it and communicate with Chen Cuohuang in private.

Soon the time came, and many people had already been forced to withdraw from the competition. They were very regretful and stood beside them holding the alchemy furnace, feeling that they were going to die of anger.

The two materials are indeed not enough. The chance of them smelting waste materials is not small. Now they suddenly limit the amount of materials, which is a bit too much.

So alchemy is very expensive, and ordinary families can't support the path to alchemy masters.

"Well, now I invite the rest of you to show off the pill that you have refined."

Kan Chengfeng couldn't help talking with excitement. He was dizzy just now, and he didn't know who he should go to see.

Soon everyone lined up to show off the pill that they refined one after another.

So far, the leader is still a young girl, and the other party used two ingredients to refine 4 pills.

Others looked at this little girl with some envy. They knew in their hearts that the other party was definitely a powerful potential stock, and they didn't know where it came from.

Chen Ping also looked at the little girl approvingly, and the other person's eyes were full of clarity and agility, which made him feel bright.

Little brother Zhang Chengbing saw these relatively good young children, and some wanted to harvest each other as apprentices.

Although there are many people who want to be his disciples, not everyone has such a strong talent.

Soon it was time for Gulele to show off the medicine.

Gu Lele casually took out ten pills from the alchemy furnace and placed them in front of everyone, allowing them to take a closer look. ,

"The number of pills I refine is not large, that's it anyway, you can play with it yourself."

Speaking of this, Gu Lele couldn't help but turned his head a little proudly.

This wave of his operation is indeed a bit Versailles...

Seeing Gu Lele's achievements, everyone showed an incredible look, and they all thought they were wrong.

Gu Lele unexpectedly took out so many pills at once.

Moreover, this pill has a tangy fragrance, golden color and mellow color, and it is definitely not an ordinary pill at first glance.

"Oh my god, you guys are too amazing..." Zhang Chengbing stood up directly, with a look of shock on his face.

In any case, Zhang Chengbing did not expect that Gu Lele would be so powerful.

Obviously this guy looks a bit too young, but with such strength, I have to say that even he can't guarantee that he will not be surpassed in a few years.

Most of the people who come to participate in the competition are children in their early teens. Although there are also ancient old people, there are not many people. Many people have been eliminated in the first level.

Zhang Chengbing originally had thoughts about the little girl who made alchemy, but now he has been completely ignited.

He vowed to accept Gu Lele as an apprentice.

Before others could announce the results, Zhang Chengbing was already very excited and waved at the other party.

"Your kid is very good, follow me, and you will have a better future."

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