Zhang Chengbing immediately suspended the development of the situation, and said to Gu Lele very excitedly.

Gu Lele also didn't expect things to develop into this way, he just refined ten pills in general.

"What are you doing? It's so scary..."

Zhang Chengbing's attitude is indeed a bit weird, Gu Lele frowned and said something dissatisfied.

However, facing Gu Lele's dissatisfaction, Zhang Chengbing did not take it seriously, and now he can accept even if the opponent scolds himself.

This kind of practitioner with great talent must be included in the bag.

On weekdays, those practitioners who apprentice to learn art do not have much talent, and they are basically existences that Zhang Chengbing looks down on.

Now that it's hard to have a powerful character, Zhang Chengbing's attitude is naturally different.

He said this to Gu Lele cautiously, always wanting to deceive the other party into his own banner.

However, Gu Lele has never played cards according to the routine, and Chen Ping just watched it silently, unwilling to talk more.

He knew that Gu Lele would definitely not give him any face.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Chengbing's remarks, Gu Lele sighed impatiently.

"Are you sick? This game hasn't ended yet, and you suddenly terminated it. Have you ever respected the players behind?"

Gu Lele was very dissatisfied with the other party's action. There were still several people who did not show his work. He was undoubtedly disrespecting people by doing so.

Zhang Chengbing didn't expect that the other party would say this kind of disrespect for himself so directly, and his expression instantly became a little ugly.

But now Zhang Chengbing also knows that he must please Gu Lele so that he can get the other party in his pocket.

So Zhang Chengbing couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"The contestants at the back show your work quickly, hurry up!"

He didn't think that the following people could be so powerful.

In his opinion, Gu Lele is already the most powerful existence.

Even Kan Chengfeng couldn't help showing a somewhat shocked look next to him. To be honest, he didn't expect that this time there would be a genius.

To be honest, he was also a little excited, but Kan Chengfeng knew in his heart that he didn't have any ability to put the other party in his pocket.

He couldn't provide this person with enough resources for practice, and there was no way to make him surrender to himself willingly.

So keeping the other side by your side is undoubtedly raising a time bomb.

Kan Chengfeng is a very smart person, and he would not forcefully reach out for something that does not belong to him.

The few remaining people quickly showed off their pill. Indeed, the amount was a bit unsatisfactory.

Until the last Chen Cuohuang came on the court, many people had lost interest.

Zhang Chengbing opened the opponent's alchemy furnace with a lack of interest, and glanced into it casually.

In the next second, his whole body was sluggish.

Zhang Chengbing didn't expect that this young guy would be able to refine so many elixirs.

The number of pills in the opponent's hand was almost exaggerated.


Zhang Chengbing counted and counted in disbelief. He always felt that there was something wrong with his eyes.

Chen Naihuang glanced at the pill inside and patted his head abruptly. He didn't expect to put a few more, which was really a mistake.

According to his original number, Gu Lele could indeed be defeated, but it was still a bit difficult.

After all, there is one more than the other party.

But now that he has put a few more **** by mistake, he will win the situation firmly.

After all, he is already the last player, no one can suddenly come out and surpass himself.

Zhang Chengbing stared at Chen Cuohuang dumbfounded, a glimmer of expectation flashed under his eyes.

On weekdays, he could hardly see so many geniuses with alchemy talents, but today he actually saw three.

The girl's strength was already pretty good, but it was still not enough compared to the two boys.

Especially for the last player, Chen Naihuang's strength is simply not good.


Zhang Chengbing read the name of the other party curiously and was puzzled. Why did he choose such a strange name?

"Sorry, the wrong sign."

Chen Cuohuang directly took out another name tag from the side and hung it on her body.

Chen Naihuang.

The name Chen Naihuang was obtained for Chen Ping, and he didn't want to be called out by the other party.

Seeing that the other party had a more normal name, Zhang Chengbing also nodded.

"This name is very domineering. It feels like a king. It is very suitable for alchemy. Why don't you join my team and worship me as a teacher. I can take your alchemy achievements to the next level."

Chen Ping couldn't help laughing when he heard the other party bragging wildly here. He felt that this guy must have something wrong with his brain.

"I think there is something wrong with your brain designation. You are about the same as me in learning alchemy, and you want me to worship you as a teacher?"

Chen Cuohuang's attitude is also very arrogant, after all, this guy had stunned his master before.

"I'll just ask you if you can make so many pills with two pills of medicinal materials?"

"If you can do it, come and tell me about apprenticeship and art, I'm afraid you will want to secretly learn my skills then."

These words were unceremonious, and Zhang Chengbing's whole body was stunned.

But he also knew that he had exactly this purpose in it.

He simply couldn't refine so many elixirs, so this time he also wanted to take this opportunity to learn from Chen Cuohuang or Gu Lele.

How could a person like him save his face, so accepting them as disciples and letting them teach this skill is the best way.

Unexpectedly, these two people are a little arrogant and do not seem to buy their own account.

This feeling made Zhang Chengbing very uncomfortable, and he couldn't wait to abduct these two guys directly.

"Hehe, young man, it's a good thing for you to be arrogant, but if you are too arrogant, it's not so good!"

The other party's ridicule made Zhang Chengbing feel very uncomfortable.

Standing by, Gu Lele also looked at Chen Cuohuang with some surprise.

I didn't expect this man to be so spineless.

As an equally arrogant person, Gu Lele has a good impression of Chen Cuohuang.

"Brother, you are so right. Maybe this guy is not as talented as ours, so he wants to accept us as disciples?"

Gu Lele couldn't help but approached Chen Cuohuang and said with a smile.

Seeing the other party's wretched smile, Chen Cuohuang couldn't help but smile.

The actions of Gu Lele just now were indeed quite wooing.

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