I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2734: , The sky has changed

In addition, during the recent period, countless practitioners have been busy to seal them, and they have an attitude of having nothing to do with themselves and hanging up high.

Seeing the current situation, although their hearts were panicked and although they felt their own strength was weak, they always felt that someone would come to save themselves.

But they obviously think too much. For such practitioners, Chen Ping's attitude has never been to help.

If they are willing to join the support team, then Chen Ping will certainly not give up them easily.

But obviously, if this group of people always had an attitude of sweeping the door, then Chen Ping would not give them any help.

Those practitioners who are willing to join Chen Ping's team are also around the villa at this moment, watching the heaven and the earth nervously.

During this time, they have also put in a lot of effort, and Chen Ping feels very pleased.

In the same way, they also received corresponding rewards. Every time they went out to perform a task, Chen Ping would reward the relative pill.

They have made a lot of money these days.

Facing such an image of heaven and earth, those of them who hold treasures are even more reluctant to die.

"What to do? We will definitely face a fierce battle next."

Someone spoke with unreasonable worry, he had noticed something was wrong.

The others looked at each other in a panic, and they couldn't see the danger here.

"No matter what, we will have to fight no matter what. This is where we live, and we must never let those monsters and monsters occupy it!"

"Besides, with Chen Ping helping us, what should we be afraid of?"

There are also people who can't help standing up and inspiring people. They all know in their hearts that only fighting can get the first line of life.

Everyone had a nervous look on their faces, and they pinned all their hopes on Chen Ping.

Although they haven't seen Chen Ping these days, everyone has used Chen Ping's pill. Naturally, it is clear that this person is very powerful.

Especially people like Ye Fan who are so powerful are willing to call Chen Ping the boss, which is enough to prove how powerful Chen Ping in this province is.

"Everyone calm down and observe carefully. After this world change is over, we will go to fight again."

Chen Ping suddenly spoke out and confessed.

Hearing Chen Ping's words, everyone had a backbone in an instant, and each of them nodded seriously, waiting for the end of the world change.

I don't know how long time has passed, and the whole day has been dark.

Chen Ping glanced at Jiang Wan, who was standing in the crowd, a trace of gentleness flashed through her eyes.

Jiang Wan's progress is obvious these days.

Chen Ping could even feel how exaggerated the strength of Jiang Wan and Mi Li.

Jiang Wan and Chen Ping looked at each other in the crowd, then turned their heads away.

It is clear in each other's hearts that now is not the time to entangle the love of these children.

A trace of tension flashed in Chen Ping's eyes, and he really felt the pressure this time.

The lives of all his relatives and friends are weighed on him. How can he not be nervous?

In addition to a group of cultivators full of fighting spirit, there are two others standing in the villa, looking at the front with some worry.

This is Jiang Guomin and Yang Guilan.

Yang Guilan now has a flustered look on her face, and she is a little bewildered by pulling the corners of her husband's clothes.

"What is the situation? They have been busy these days, but the effect is getting worse and worse!"

She kept talking, seemingly dissatisfied with everyone's efficiency.

"Skilled practitioners like them should show up soon after doing things, but there are more and more monsters and ghosts. If it weren't for the good location of this villa, it would have been swallowed long ago!"

During this time, Yang Guilan also watched a lot of news, and of course he knew that many places had fallen.

She was also very worried in her heart, and she was afraid that she would fall here in the next moment.

Fortunately, perhaps because there are many practitioners living nearby, plus this is the area of ​​the academy.

So nothing unusual happened around here, except for some ghosts crying and howling every day, it was safe.

But today, there was a vision that suddenly fell from the sky, and the whole sky was dark, even if they turned on the lights, they felt a little depressed.

This is completely different from ordinary nightfall. If they are walking on the road without turning on the lights, they will be completely in a dark mist and can't see anything.

And there is still a lot of gloomy atmosphere, which constantly wraps people up, making them feel insecure.

"Didn't Chen Ping give us a sachet two days ago? Everyone has already said that it is safe to wear this thing on your body."

Although Jiang Guomin was very nervous, he was still able to remain calm.

He trusts Chen Ping very much and believes that Chen Ping will be able to survive this crisis without incident.

Yang Guilan heard her husband's words and touched the sachet stuck on her waist with some doubts.

To be honest, she didn't think this thing worked.

"It feels like the so-called consecrated items that I asked for in the temple. Isn't it a big deal?"

Although Yang Guilan kept saying that it was no big deal, she actually put these things on her body.

In this situation, she really didn't dare to die at will.

"Don't talk so much nonsense. People are willing to give you all because you are Wan'er's mother!"

"Otherwise, why do you think you got this thing!"

Jiang Guomin was also a little intolerable. After leaving such a sentence, he walked to the balcony and watched the world alone.

And ordinary people who live at home are also holding this sachet tightly. They know in their hearts that this is the only thing that can save their lives.

A few days ago, Chen Ping had already let the people under his hands refining this kind of sachets, precisely because he felt a kind of Yin Qi.

This thing is not something ordinary monsters can possess.

So while guarding against these monsters, Chen Ping was also fully prepared.

This sachet does not have much effect on the monster beast, but it has a lot of resistance to the kind of thing that is taken into the soul eater by itself.

Monster beasts don't invade the house at will, they just like to destroy everywhere and eat the pedestrians on the road at will.

Once someone hides at home, most of the monsters will pass by regardless, after all, their IQ has not yet grown.

But this kind of spirit body is different. They come and go freely wherever they go, and they are very sensitive to humans.

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