It seems that they want to occupy the human body and live again.

Of course, Chen Ping must be prepared for such a ghastly and frightening thing.

After all, these people have believed in all kinds of demons and ghosts since they were young, and all kinds of knowledge that everyone comes into contact with are also those terrifying spirit bodies in the world.

These spirit bodies can not only eat people and be scary, they can even harm people!

Therefore, Chen Ping knew that this kind of spiritual body was a huge threat to human beings.

"You have to bring this sachet, you can't forget it no matter where you go!"

The parents of ordinary people also began to educate their children. In order to prevent the children from losing the sachet, they even put it directly in each other's clothes.

At this moment, an eight-year-old kid ripped the sachet from his clothes with disdain and threw it on the ground.

"Who wants to believe these messy things!"

This little kid is a well-known local bear kid. He has been extremely irritable since he was a child, and he is unwilling to listen to what others say.

"This sachet has no fragrance at all. It looks like an ugly package. It is really ugly. I, a boy, don't want to bring these things!"

While crying, the bear kid stepped on the sachet crazily with his feet.

Parents were also a little flustered. They felt very distressed about this baby boy, so naturally they didn't say much, but turned around and picked up the sachet that was stepped on the ground.

"Baby, after this matter is resolved, you can throw away this sachet again!"

The mother of the bear child is very accustomed to her son, but there is no question about wearing a sachet.

"I don't want it, I'm going to throw this thing away!"

The bear kid directly grabbed the sachet again, ran towards the balcony, opened the screen window, and threw the sachet out.

Seeing the sachet disappear in front of his eyes like a parabola, the bear child's face showed the look of a winner.

"I want to see if I will die if I throw this thing away!"

The child bears his hands on his hips, waving his father and mother happily.

He stood on the balcony and smiled triumphantly, seeming to be very proud of his actions.

Seeing that one minute passed, the bear kid didn't make any changes.

Seeing this scene, the parents couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They also doubted that this sachet is actually just a psychological effect.

It's just that the previous practitioners said so seriously, they couldn't help but choose to believe it.

Just when they were about to go to the balcony to bring their son back, a sudden gust of wind blew into their room along the open windows.

The two men couldn't help but tremble all over, and they also felt a gloomy breath.

The role of the sachet in the next moment is brought into play, and the sachet releases a stream of heat, which directly neutralizes the breath.

Immediately after this eerie and eerie breath, he quickly moved away from the two.

But the bear child standing on the balcony is not so good.

He didn't have any protection at all, and now he had no choice but to be forced to accept this gloomy breath into his body.


"Mom and dad...what is this!"

The bear kid kept screaming loudly, as if he saw something very strange.

The couple just stared at their son, wanting to step forward to help, but there was nothing they could do about it.

This bear kid has been enveloped by a black air, and they can't even find the trace of their son in a black air.

"My treasure!"

The two kept crying, and wanted to save their son.

But they didn't know what to do.

"Hurry up and find those practitioners, they must have a way to save my son!"

The woman seemed to be crazy, she kept pulling her husband by the corners of his clothes, forcing him to go out to find a practitioner.

Looking at the dark sky outside, the man just sighed silently.

He took out the flashlight from the drawer and shone it out.

He found that a flashlight with such a strong penetrating power seemed to have lost its function, without any light.

In the past, this flashlight can illuminate at least tens of meters away. These are some special flashlights she bought specially.

But now...

He was really scared.

"My wife and children are gone, we can have another one, but if you want me to go out now, isn't this killing me? I don't even dare!"

She stared at her wife in a panic, terrified in her heart, and her legs were already trembling.

Although he loves his son very much, he pays more attention to his life.

It takes at least half an hour to walk from their home to that cultivator student. Now that there is no way to drive in this situation, there may be many dangers along the way.

The screaming woman quickly calmed down. She gave her son a tearful look, and sat on the ground very decadently.

The only thing they regret now is why they didn't educate their son well before!

If the son is obedient, he will naturally not tear off this sachet.

Now, how could they not understand that everything is the cause of the sachet.

Without the sachet to protect them, everyone would have to die.

It didn't take long for the black air that included the bear child to dissipate directly.

An extremely strange figure appeared in front of the couple.

It is still the immature bear child.

It's just that the opponent's face and body are slightly rotten, and even the thick bones can be seen in the corner of the mouth.

"Jiejie...Do you want mom and dad to accompany me together?"

The gloomy words of the bear child sounded.

The couple trembled instantly, and they didn't know what to do.

"Husband, let's now..."

The woman turned her head in a panic and glanced at her husband.

The man had already sneaked up to the gate, ready to escape at any time.

"Let's run...Who knows if this sachet is useful for this kind of thing..."

Although their hearts are also very painful, no one feels well when they see their son become like this.

But facing such a picture, almost everyone will feel scared.

Even if they are close relatives, they feel worried.

"Go go, go..."

The woman kept backing up close to the gate, and after a scream, she ran out with the man hand in hand.

Although they have flashlights in their hands, they can't do anything in such a place.

The couple can only move forward in the dark.

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