I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2736: , Enter the gate of the seal

At this time, they finally realized the feelings of the blind.

Just as the two of them descended the stairs as they remembered and moved towards the direction of the academy, suddenly a familiar voice sounded on the right.

"Jiejie, Mom and Dad are walking so fast, why not wait for the raging?"

The couple screamed unanimously. The man raised the sachet and waved it continuously. Suddenly he didn't know what hit his right hand, and the sachet fell to the ground.

In the next second, he didn't have any more voices.

Such things happen in the families of ordinary people.

Those obedient people hid in the room cautiously, without any problems.

And once a disobedient person appeared in the family, it would be a massacre of life and death.

Chen Ping didn't have the mind to pay attention to this now. He had already made a sachet, which was regarded as redemption for this group of ordinary people.

At this moment, the land of the seal has come.

Chen Ping saw a door slowly opening at the entrance of the villa.

Perhaps the other party could also perceive the existence of the Sealing Stone in Chen Ping's hands, so he chose to open the door here.

"Chen Ping, you must hurry up and seal it next. Then there will be some very powerful monsters and ghosts coming out of it. After we have almost beaten it, you must seal it in time."

The Taoist Master of Qingfeng Daoguan couldn't help showing a nervous look. It was the first time that he had participated in this matter as a commander.

Chen Ping nodded, he was prepared.

Seeing the dark villa, Chen Ping started the formation, and soon the entire villa was brightened up.

Within the range of the formation, everyone's sight became much clearer like daylight.

Those low-powered practitioners could not help but breathe when they saw this scene, they were also worried that their actions would be affected.

This dark situation is nothing at all for a strong practitioner.

After all, they can shuttle back and forth freely in the dark night.

The low-strength practitioners are different. In such an environment, their vision and strength will be affected to some extent.

"Let me see what kind of weird things are in this Sealed Land."

Chen Ping stared at the front with piercing eyes. At this moment, the sealing door was slowly opening.

Suddenly, a hand appeared in the sealed gate.

Practitioners with low cultivation bases have been affected by the Sealed Gate. They are immersed in the most feared scenes of life and cannot extricate themselves.

Some people have even begun torturing themselves with weapons, and they have a sense of not giving up but not committing suicide.

Chen Ping hurriedly crushed a clear desire pill and brought them back to reality again.

Everyone looked at Chen Ping with some lingering fears. They didn't expect that a door would have made them so miserable.

"There must be a secret in this door."

Chen Ping whispered.

The people at Qingfeng Daoguan remained silent, and they all stared at the gate eagerly, seeming to have an urge to step in.

"Actually, according to the records of ancient books, there seems to be something in it that can make human beings stronger."

The people of Qingfeng Taoist Temple also told everything they knew. They didn't deceive Chen Ping, they just concealed some details.

Although Chen Ping felt a little helpless about this, he was helpless.

As long as no important information is concealed, it doesn't matter.

If they hide some important information, then Chen Ping will definitely not continue to cooperate with them.

"It's hard to say whether there is anything that makes people stronger, but this door is enough to make people crazy."

Chen Ping could see that this door was absolutely weird.

It's just a door that can make so many practitioners lose their minds and try to commit suicide.

This shows how strange he is.


Suddenly there was a buzzing sound between the heavens and the earth, and the Sealed Gate directly released a burst of white light, covering everyone in it.

When Chen Ping and the others hadn't reacted, the light instantly sucked them away.

When everyone reacted, they had already appeared in an extremely desolate place.

There is an abyss ahead, and it is clear that it is a dead end.

They can only walk towards the rear.

"Is this the situation inside the Sealed Gate!"

Chen Ping was also a little puzzled, he didn't expect that he would be sucked in.

"Tongtian Tower...Why am I being sucked in?"

Chen Ping couldn't understand it, he had too many secrets, if it was revealed, it would be tantamount to ruin.

Chen Ping asked the Tongtian Pagoda curiously. He really couldn't understand why he was absorbed by this stone gate. Is it possible that the Tongtian Pagoda could not resist the power of this stone gate?

"It's good to face you here."

The buzzing sound of Tongtian Tower sounded.

Since Chen Ping's cultivation level has improved, coupled with his integration with the Tongtian Pagoda, it has become more and more perfect.

He was also able to have a brief exchange with Tongtian Tower.

However, it seems that every communication requires a lot of energy, so Tongtian Tower often remains silent.

At this moment Chen Ping remained silent, while the others were not very calm.

Each of them had a puzzled look on their faces, and they didn't know what happened.

"What's the situation? Could it be that I was absorbed by this door?"

Zhuge Qingfeng spoke curiously.

Ye Fan also looked around with a puzzled face, but he was calmer and didn't have any panicked expressions.

Shi Zhentian also looked around curiously, anyway, he was not afraid of the soldiers coming to stop him.

The people of Qingfeng Taoist Temple behaved completely differently.

They seem to have realized that all of this will happen, and everyone's face is full of excitement.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect that what was written in the book was all true, and we could actually enter the sealed gate!"

"Great, I must become stronger inside, and I must not miss this opportunity!"

"After so long, I finally managed to wait until this day!"

Everyone was roaring in excitement, expressing their inner emotions.

Chen Ping watched them silently, but he didn't think it was a good thing for this group of people to enter.

If you want to get a chance in it, luck is really important, and strength is also a considerable part of the factor.

Obviously this group of people will only be cannon fodder.

Chen Ping glanced at the dense white bones around him, it was obvious that these were left by the cannon fodder.

This place looks eerie and terrifying, and it really fits the Sealed Land.

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