The other practitioners were originally very nervous, and after hearing what the Qingfeng Taoist people said, they couldn't help showing excitement.

They didn't expect that this time they would get the chance for no reason.

Everyone kept searching in the Sealed Land, trying to find their own chance.

Everyone didn't walk far to the front before they saw a huge palace appear in front of them.

Shi Zhentian was also a little excited, he bounced around in front of the palace.

"Unexpectedly, there is a palace here, it looks really high-end."

When they entered the palace, suddenly a transparent barrier appeared in front of them, which directly trapped everyone aside.

At this moment, a large group of monsters that looked a little weird also appeared next to them.

The transparent barrier separates them and ensures each other's safety.

The monster beasts that looked extremely mighty appeared in the palace like this. Their bodies were huge, making this palace, which was already huge, looked a little small.

Now the human and the monster beast are separated by this barrier, even if it is just a transparent barrier, I can't hear any screaming from the other side.

Chen Ping was also in this palace, slowly looking for the so-called treasure, he really didn't know what this palace would bring him.

At this moment, the light of the palace, which had seemed a little dim, suddenly turned on.

Chen Ping took a closer look, and it turned out that the night pearls inlaid on the wall began to glow.

When the lights came on, they saw that the surrounding area was full of bones, even more than they saw when they first entered the Sealed Land.

Seeing these bones, everyone felt a little scared.

What's more terrifying is that these bones are actively pieced together, looking like they are about to be assembled into a human body.

Shi Zhentian was dumbfounded when he stood beside him. He looked at Chen Ping in a panic, not knowing what the situation was.

Even Chen Ping thought there was something wrong with his eyes, and he was mistaken.

While everyone was stunned, these skeletons were quickly assembled and flew towards the people around them quickly.

Chen Ping didn't hesitate, and punched directly.

He didn't have any spare energy left, and he blasted the skeleton into fragments all at once, splashing all over the sky.

Chen Ping made a preliminary estimate of his strength, and the strength he exerted at this time was at least a few thousand catties.

Although this is not his full strength, he also felt the horror of this bone.

"What is the situation with these white bones? Is it possible that there are still ghosts in it? Otherwise, why would they automatically regroup?"

Ye Fan also turned his head to look at Chen Ping curiously. He felt that Chen Ping would be able to answer this question.

Chen Ping shook his head, he really didn't know what was going on.

Although other people can deal with this bone, their psychological quality is not as good as Chen Ping's, and they have already shrunk in a little panic.

Although the bones were broken, the bad premonition in their hearts did not disappear.

Just when Chen Ping approached one of the broken bones, the white bones suddenly moved again in an instant, and turned into a human white bone with lightning speed.

More importantly, these bones have not only restored their original appearance, but also have an extra weapon in their hands.

Each bone weapon is different, but all in all it looks a little weird.

These weapons of theirs are also made of white bones, they look extremely sharp and full of killing intent.

Chen Ping felt that something was wrong and just wanted to do it, only to find that the bones rushed towards him.

The bone closest to him, with a bone sword in his hand, directly pierced Chen Ping's throat.

A long sword appeared in Chen Ping's hand in an instant, and it directly pointed at the bones of the skull.

In an instant, the skull of this white bone was broken open, and countless power of thunder flowed to the white bone in this way.

In the next moment, this humanoid bone fell apart again and turned into fragments.

Feeling the power of the white bone attacking him, Chen Ping also found out.

Although the strength he exerted every time was a few thousand gold, the strength of the bones was gradually rising.

In the beginning, the bones could only exert one thousand catties, but later it even reached two thousand catties.

Chen Ping always feels that if he breaks up the opponent and reassembles it, it is estimated that his strength may become three thousand jin or more.

At that time, maybe even Chen Ping may not be able to solve this group of things.

Sure enough, beams of light shot directly at the bone, and then the bone was reassembled again.

But this time the speed of the bones was much faster, and the force they used was even greater.

Chen Ping's expression was a bit ugly. He didn't expect everything to be exactly the same as he had guessed. He would reorganize when his bones were broken, and he would only gradually become stronger step by step.

Chen Ping wanted to know what the ray of light just shot at the bones was, but after searching in the palace, he could not find the source of this ray of light.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping was furious and swung his sword towards the top of the palace. He wanted to destroy the palace directly.

But when a dazzling light flashed, only a white mark was left above the palace.

Although Chen Ping did not go all out to shoot, at least more than 20,000 jin has been used for this blow.

Unexpectedly, even this palace could not be broken open.

It was also when he attacked the palace that he discovered that the palace was actually built of bones.

In their eyes, this palace was nothing more than a seemingly ordinary temple.

But now it seems that this palace is clearly a bone palace made up of bones.

No wonder it's so weird!

The hardness of these bones also exceeded Chen Ping's imagination.

He has a serious face, staring at this bone carefully.

The bones reassembled this time are obviously different again.

This time, the bones of the eyes were shining green, and they looked a little scary like wildfire.

And this time the white bone sword carried by the opponent also became a bit sharp, and even a hint of green light was entwined above it, which was extremely permeating.

This assassin definitely can't break it up again, otherwise it will be a different look after he reorganizes it.

Chen Ping's expression was also very serious, and he quickly told everyone about this discovery.

"Don't break this bone again, otherwise the strength of the white bone that appears next time will be doubled. It is definitely not something ordinary people can handle!"

This roar made everyone vigilant, and they didn't expect this to happen.

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