I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 2738: , The scary bones

In the beginning, they were also complacent that they could solve this monster.

Only later did they discover that this white bone monster looked so terrifying that they could not handle it at all.

"Oh, why didn't you say it earlier? This is too scary!"

"It's over, it's over, I thought I was pretty good before, but I didn't expect that this world was joking with me!"

All the people yelled in panic, because they also discovered this serious problem.

But when they found out, it was too late. Not all of them were able to deal with the strengthened bones. They just dodged in panic, trying to avoid the attack of the bones.

But the facts have proved that they can't avoid it at all, and the speed of the bones is much faster than them.

Some people were directly hit by the bones, and fell to the ground on the spot, painful lovers, some arrogantly wanted to challenge the bones, and they were directly cut off a hand.

Seeing this group of people screaming in pain, Chen Ping also felt a little helpless. There were a lot of bones. It was not that simple to clean them up.

More importantly, he hasn't found a way to solve the matter now.

The people of Qingfeng Taoist Temple were even more frightened, and they were all panicked now.

"What's the situation? Isn't it said in the ancient book? These bones can only be reassembled three times at most, but now it's the fourth time, why does the other party still exist?"

"Yeah, I feel like I'm going to fight a bit, if he continues to assemble, I am definitely not an opponent!"

This group of little Taoist leaders are also fighting non-stop. After hearing Chen Ping's words, they dare not go all out to destroy the bones.

Not only that, even the group of monster beasts isolated next to them were fighting the bones.

Chen Ping thought that these monsters were the second round of tests the palace gave them, but the facts proved that this white bone was their greatest enemy.

Before some monsters had time to react, they were directly stabbed by the long sword of the white bone, and blood splashed wildly in an instant.

In the next second, this monster beast began to twist his body frantically, looking extremely painful. He wanted to break free, but found that he had no power at all. It felt like being sealed by someone.

After a few seconds passed, this fierce and mighty looking beast was directly sucked up to dry its flesh and blood, and suddenly turned into a pile of bones.

And these flesh and blood turned into blood mist and flowed into the underground of this palace.

In the palace at this moment, all humans are fighting with the monster beasts.

Although they all belong to different camps, the current situation is extremely dangerous, and no one has the mind to think about other things.

As long as anyone can find a solution to these bones, that's not a problem.

These seemingly capable bones are weak at first, and can be easily destroyed by practitioners.

But with their constant efforts, the strength of the white bones has also become extremely powerful.

When the bones are illuminated by unknown light, they will immediately regroup and become an existence that they can't solve.

After the first three deaths, none of these bones would be too strong, and they were still within human control.

But afterwards, the strength of these monsters and humans would be no better than bones!

Especially after the fourth death, the strength of these white bones has reached an extremely terrifying level.

And those dead monsters and humans will turn into new bones and pile up in the corner, seeming to be baptized by the sun and the moon.

Chen Ping has no doubt that the corpses of these monsters and humans will one day become bones to deal with them.

The people of Qingfeng Taoist felt that their hearts were about to collapse.

They always feel that all this is a dream.

"Impossible, the content of that ancient book is absolutely impossible to lie to us!"

"But why have they killed them several times, and they can continue to resurrect!"

"Master, you must save us, we have already sacrificed many fellow daoists!"

The people of Taoist temple fled around in a panic, and they knew in their hearts that they were in big trouble now.

But not all the white bones have the same strength after being resurrected, and they are also able to distinguish their opponents.

Xiang Chen Ping's existence, after he smashed the bones, he would resurrect the bones according to his standards.

Those who are not so powerful are different. The bones of their fourth resurrection may be as strong as Chen Pingdi's three times.

After they discovered the secret of the white bone, everyone no longer killed the white bone directly, but maintained their physical strength and slowly consumed the white bone.

After all, after killing the opponent, the strength of this white bone will instantly become stronger, and it will make a comeback again.

No one can stand such a toss.

Chen Ping didn't hesitate either. He chopped the ribs so that only his body and head were left, but he didn't kill the opponent.

"I see how you resurrected like this, and how arrogantly you came to kill me."

Chen Ping stared at the white bones indifferently, and his mood slowly changed from tension to a little calm.

He really didn't know the weirdness here, but he also knew that he didn't have much time for himself.

If they can't solve the Sealed Land or can't find a way to leave this place, they may be besieged here until they die.

In this place, the bones do not need to eat or drink nutrients, they only need to be reassembled again and again, and looking at them like this, it seems that there is no upper limit in physical strength.

People and bones are naturally incomparable. When time passes slowly, this group of people will be exhausted and unable to deal with bones.

They soon followed suit and cleaned up the bones in Chen Ping's way, leaving the other body and head left, lingering and panting.

At this time, suddenly, the huge palace was shrinking rapidly.

Almost everyone has discovered that the internal space of the palace where they are located is rapidly becoming smaller, and the space left for them has been reduced by half.

Some people were suddenly hit by half bones when they were in a daze, and they turned into corpses.

Those who did not react were quickly taken away from their lives, and there was no time to react.

The screams made everyone awake in an instant, each of them had a panic and horrified expression on their faces, and they didn't know what to do.

Chen Ping stared at his surroundings without a word. He wanted to know what had happened, why did this palace suddenly shrink so much?

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