In addition, the man is now translucent, and it is obvious that he has feathered.

Shi Zhentian was beside him, looking at this bed with some excitement.

"I think this bed is a treasure. The corpse of this person has been stored here for at least a thousand years, but it still remains intact, and even surrounded by vitality. This thing is absolutely valuable!"

Having said that, Shi Zhentian also stared at this bed expectantly. If Chen Ping didn't want it, he would definitely have it for himself.

"If you really like it, just take this bed away later."

Chen Ping didn't care, he didn't have any interest in such things.

As soon as Chen Ping's words fell, the man lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Chen Ping with piercing eyes.

"Have I been asleep for thousands of years?"

The man suddenly sat up and spoke curiously.

His action really shocked Chen Ping and Shi Zhentian.

No one thought that this guy, who had been judged dead, would suddenly sit up.

The two of them took a few steps back cautiously. They stared at the man with enthusiasm, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes, and no one knew what this thing was.

"Boss, is it possible that we broke into a horrible evil repair cave? Then this is a dead end."

Shi Zhentian whispered beside Chen Ping, feeling a little retreat.

Chen Ping remained silent and didn't say anything. He just looked at each other silently, wanting to see what tricks this guy could do.

"Ah, it turns out that I'm already dead. It seems that I have persisted with this remnant soul for a long time."

The man didn't say much, but felt his body for himself, and said helplessly.

Chen Pingwan's stunned, why does this guy like to talk to himself?

After taking a look at Chen Ping, the middle-aged man directly fixed his gaze on Chen Ping.

The Lion Zhentian next to him seemed to have been directly ignored.

"This young man, I think your bones are amazed, and we are very destined to be able to enter the king's mansion so smoothly. Are you willing to be the king's apprentice and inherit the king's noble mantle?"

The middle-aged man spoke to Chen Ping with some pride, a trace of triumph flashed in his eyes.

He was confident in his abilities and knew in his heart that no young man could refuse his invitation.

As the king of engraved gods, he was still very confident in his heart that he could get Chen Ping in his bag.

"Accept disciples?"

A slightly funny expression flashed across Chen Ping's face. He did not expect that the other party would offer to accept himself as a disciple.

Shi Zhentian couldn't hold back his smile. He really didn't expect that someone would propose to accept his boss as a disciple. This was really an exaggeration.

Chen Ping looked at this self-proclaimed king in silence. He wanted to know where this person came from with confidence and daring to accept himself as a disciple!

"I don't know what you do?"

There was a curious look on Chen Ping's face, and he really didn't understand what the other party was doing.

Seeing Chen Ping's extremely ignorant appearance, the man couldn't help but speak silently.

"I don't know if you have ever heard of a **** master, I am the one who created this kind of thing."

Hearing his self-introduction, Chen Ping's eyes flashed with surprise, but he didn't expect this person to be quite powerful.

Be able to create one yourself. Profession can be regarded as very capable, although this thing does not seem to be a big deal to Chen Ping.

"I'm really sorry, I'm not interested in this kind of thing."

Chen Ping smiled and spoke. He didn't have the slightest idea of ​​connecting with the other party.

He didn't even figure out whether this person was good or bad. How could he be accepted as an apprentice somehow?

However, Chen Ping was indeed a little shocked as to the identity of this person. Since this guy calls himself the king, it proves that he is definitely a generation of heroes.

It's no wonder that the guy named Luan Chuansha did not hesitate to use the lives of so many people as a price to nourish this world.

Chen Ping's words made this middle-aged man look suspicious. He really didn't want to understand why Chen Ping would reject him?

However, Chen Ping's refusal did not make him feel unhappy at all, on the contrary, he was a little admired.

"You are the first person to refuse me. It is very good. I also admire you very much. My name is Wang Sheng. I am also very optimistic about you."

After being rejected by Chen Ping, Wang Sheng did not show any discomfort on his face. Instead, he showed an expression of admiration for Chen Ping, which made Chen Ping also feel a little unbelievable.

It seems that this person does not look like a bad person.

"It's true that I have something to ask for. This king has always been dictated by justice throughout his life. He has never committed **** crimes. As a result, he was framed by a vicious villain. The place, in the end, can only be depressed and hateful."

"I can give you all my things, but you must promise me one thing. When you grow up, you must help this king get revenge!"

King Sheng suddenly said loudly, a trace of hatred appeared in his eyes, and it could be seen that he hated the evil villain extremely.

Chen Ping knew that this was just a ray of divine thought left by the other party before he died, but the bitter killing intent released by this divine thought made him feel a little surprised.

The remarks that King Sheng said made Chen Ping feel a little moved. Without being his apprentice, he could still enjoy his things, and the only price was to avenge him.

With Chen Ping's current strength, wanting to avenge King Sheng was completely easy, and he didn't need to think too much.

"Don't worry, I will naturally satisfy your wish if I take your things. I don't think you are like a treacherous person. I naturally understand your thoughts."

Chen Ping said with a smile, he was quite optimistic about King Sheng.

If it weren't for the death of King Sheng, maybe they would still have a chance to sit together and have a good chat and drink.

Seeing Chen Ping directly promised his revenge, an expression of excitement flashed across Wang Sheng's face.

He didn't expect Chen Ping to agree to himself so casually, Chen Ping, but he was the most upright person he had ever seen.

"It stands to reason that you should seek revenge from the old man who lived here before. Why did you find me suddenly?"

"The professions of the two of you are similar, so you should have a good chat."

Chen Ping was a little puzzled, he really couldn't understand why the other party didn't choose to let Luan Chuansha take revenge.

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