Hearing Chen Ping's words, a look of helplessness flashed across his face.

"You don't know, that guy has a problem with his character!"

It seemed that he had finally participated in this person who was able to talk, and Wang Sheng couldn't help but get together with Chen Ping, and kept complaining.

He didn't think much about Luan Chuansha, and he didn't even have the desire to accept disciples. He just provided a place for him to practice.

This is why Luan Chuansha's practice is so slow. After so many years, he hasn't reached the realm of cultivation level he wants.

"This storage bag contains all of my resources, as well as some professional materials. I guess you won’t be able to use those professional materials. You can consider auctioning them at a high price. For those who have never seen the world. It's still very valuable."

"There is also a biography that contains detailed information about those who have enemies with me. I hope you can help me get revenge and make them feel the fear of death."

After saying this, he directly stretched out his hand and took out a cloth bag from his arms and handed it to Chen Ping. The bag looked extremely ordinary without any feeling of luxury.

Wang Sheng looked at his cloth bag cautiously, and he was really reluctant to hand it over.

If it hadn't been for him to have emerged and ascended to the sky, and the things in it were his lifetime treasures, he wouldn't want to just fight against others like this.

Seeing the cloth bag handed over by the other party, Chen Ping nodded and took it casually.

This random movement of Chen Ping was seen by King Sheng. He just wanted to say something, but he didn't expect Chen Ping to put the cloth bag away.

He saw his cloth bag with his own eyes, and it disappeared into Chen Ping's hands.

Wang Sheng was completely stupid at this time. He didn't expect Chen Ping to have storage items, and he looked so powerful.

He hurriedly searched Chen Ping's body, and did not see any storage bags, only a ring in Chen Ping's hand.

Seeing this ring, a trace of horror flashed across his eyes, and Wang Sheng was also very uncomfortable now.

He immediately leaned in front of Chen Ping and spoke in a panic.

"What's the situation? Is it possible that you have... you have storage equipment?"

Wang Sheng spoke nervously, with a look of expectation on his face.

Chen Ping didn't say much, just shook his left hand casually, with a simple-looking ring on it with a hint of majesty.

This ring is obviously a storage ring. Although Chen Ping didn't say anything, this expression already wrote everything on his face.

At this time, King Sheng could no longer pretend to look like an expert in front of Chen Pianping. He has lived for so many years and has never seen a storage ring.

Although I have heard that some great powers have storage rings before, this is also a coincidence that people got themselves, and they can only greedy people's rings eagerly.

Later, he finally got a storage bag, and he was like a treasure.

And now suddenly there was a man who accepted all his treasures, and he was able to take out what he had been greedy for a long time.

Wang Sheng felt that he was stupid.

"It's really wonderful. I didn't expect you to have so many babies. It seems that I really underestimated you."

Seeing that Chen Ping was so capable, Wang Sheng immediately let go of the stone in his heart.

He didn't expect that he could easily find such a powerful existence.

After saying this, the last trace of tension and entanglement in his heart disappeared. Since Chen Ping has such a strong strength, then he doesn't need to worry about anything.

After showing a kind smile to Chen Ping, he instantly turned into a cloud of smoke.

Seeing that the other party disappeared, Chen Ping silently bowed in the direction where it disappeared.

The other party is willing to provide these things to himself free of charge. He is indeed a very good person.

Taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others, since Chen Ping took his things, he would definitely help him get revenge.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping took out the biography hidden in the cloth bag, read it carefully, and saw a lot of messy names written on it, and one of them was called the Soul King. He also had the impression.

This guy does not belong to Guzhu continent, but belongs to another terrifying continent.

Chen Ping didn't expect the other party to stretch out his hand so broadly, which is indeed somewhat unexpected.

"I guess there are not too many good things here, let's go, it's time to leave this place."

That guy Luan Chuansha didn't get any benefits here, and it is estimated that a storm will surely be set off after returning to Guzhuo Continent.

Chen Ping didn't want Guzhuo Continent to be involved a lot, after all, he still had a small industry there.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping gave Shi Zhen Angel a wink and asked him to put the bed away quickly.

Shi Zhentian immediately rushed up and put away the empty bed. Then they left the grave bag and returned to the palace.

The palace has slowly become the size of a palm at this moment, and those who originally stayed in the palace have also been expelled.

The palace seemed to have become an unowned thing, floating in the sky non-stop.

At this moment, Dao Qing Feng directly rushed in front of Chen Ping. He shook Chen Ping's hand in a panic. It seemed that he had something to ask for.

"Chen Ping, you have finally appeared, can you find a way to save my apprentices who are inexplicably trapped in the palace and feel like they can't get out!"

Everyone had panic expressions on their faces, and they didn't know what to do. It was obvious that many people were driven out, but some people were left inside.

"Can it still be like this?"

Chen Ping was also a little puzzled, he hooked a hook towards the palace casually, and wanted to pull the palace into his hands.

Originally, he wanted to get the palace by brute force, but he didn't expect that the moment he hooked, this seemingly luxurious palace would fly directly towards it.

Chen Ping knows very well that this palace is an unowned thing. Since the other party has found himself on the initiative, most of them want to recognize the master.

When Chen Ping tried to recognize the Lord, the palace suddenly jumped around Chen Ping excitedly, seeming to have recognized Chen Ping.

Without saying anything, Chen Ping released the people in the palace. He also worried that this group of people would die inside.

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