It is his strongest killer move to bind the opponent tightly in a rock-entangled way. Once this move does not work, it is enough to prove that the opponent's strength is extremely powerful, at least not that he can deal with it. Now The most important thing to do is to seize the time to recognize counsel.

But this woman had already said so many ruthless things, and now it would be too embarrassing to admit it.

"Why are you so strong?"

Chen Ping and the others did not hide their identities, so they did not deliberately wear any ears on their heads. At this moment, after seeing the appearance of Chen Ping, the other party couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

"You don't have any racial mark, nor do I feel any racial power in you."

"Is it possible that your true identity is human."

The other party yelled in horror, and never dreamed that he would be able to see human beings that can still appear freely in the world of God.

Hearing this, Chen Ping showed a puzzled look. He really didn't want to understand how this guy sees through his identity, and it stands to reason that they are also pretty good-looking.

Just because they don't have long ears or long tails, they don't think they are humans anymore.

Seeing Chen Ping's extremely dazed look, Stone Girl also instantly understood that there was absolutely no problem with her guess, and the group of people in front of her must be human.

"How could the true **** release you?"

The stone girl's heart is very entangled. If this group of people are really human, then they will definitely not be their opponents. Since such a proper compromise, it seems that there is no problem.

Everyone knows that the strength of human beings is definitely not to be underestimated. If you want to deal with humans, you will probably lose.

It is precisely because the strength of human beings is really too strong that the true gods that were persecuted at the beginning appeared and suppressed all the unruly human beings.

So far, the stone girl has a serious psychological shadow on humans. At the beginning, these humans occupied their own territory and made him homeless every minute. Some humans even forced themselves to be his slaves, which can be described as angry. Sharen also.

Chen Ping didn’t know that this guy had so many bitter pasts. At this moment, he is dealing with stones. The structure of these stones is a bit magical. His heart is very curious. What are the stones that he sees in peacetime? What's the difference?

"Since you are humans, then you can leave. Today, I will treat you as if I have never seen you. I will not trouble you, nor will you bother me."

The stone girl was a little flustered, and directly urged Chen Ping to leave quickly, and quickly put away all her precious stones.

Chen Ping also felt a little puzzled when he saw the group of stones that disappeared suddenly. They shouldn't be so scary.

"Ouch, you think we won't leave now, you have to tell us why we are so afraid of us humans, is it possible that you have done something wrong and afraid that we will come to you for trouble? "

Gu Lele was very temperamental. Seeing the other side's appearance, he didn't want to leave.

Seeing this scene, the stone girl also flashed a panic expression in her eyes.

"You humans don't have a good thing. They came to this place just to harvest our clan or the elves clan. Don't I know your nasty thoughts?"

"I am the only one of my clan. If you let you harvest again, wouldn't it be finished?"

Seeing this extremely ugly stone girl, Chen Ping didn't have any thoughts. He only felt that the other person was too ugly. Even if he wanted to get him in his pocket, he needed to think about it. Yes, after all, he really doesn't like things that are too ugly.

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