"I know why you were able to survive, but I am not interested in this. Don't worry, we are not that kind of person, and I won't do anything to you next."

At the moment when the other party took back the stones, Chen Ping also discovered that these stones were connected to the woman's body. The reason why these stones feel different from ordinary stones is precisely because the objects are carefully crafted by the other party. It can be said to be very powerful.

"You go quickly, don't stay here, I am afraid now when I see you humans."

The stone girl shivered and immediately backed away a few steps, and then quickly got into a cave, never wanting to show her head again.

The other party didn't cause any actual harm to himself, and this guy did feel extremely scared. Chen Ping didn't want to waste time and waved his hand, and left them with big strides. This is true for this ugly-looking guy. No interest at all.

Along the way, the black rabbit hugged Chen Ping's thigh in horror. At this moment, his heart was actually very panicked.

He originally thought that Chen Ping and the others were powerhouses of some kind, but he did not expect that these people were actually human beings.

He has now boarded the human thief ship, and obviously there is no way to escape.

At the beginning, he hated humans extremely, because what this group of people liked most was eating rabbits.

I don't know where their hobbies come from. A group of living people are as perverted as ghosts and monsters. They usually enjoy eating rabbits.

"I didn't expect you, a little guy, to be so powerful that you can connect with humans, but are you sure that humans will not pose any threat to us? In my personal experience, humans are terrifying."

The black rabbit leaned forward cautiously, and said to the rabbit.

"Awan, although we do have some contradictions now, I used to treat you well, and the relationship between us shouldn't let you just watch me be eaten by them."

The black rabbits are now very frightened, because their race has rules and traitors can be dealt with at will.

As a traitor in a family, he can naturally be picked up at will, there is no doubt about this.

If the rabbit is willing, it is likely to suggest that this group of people eat themselves.

"Hehe, you don’t call me this name here. Now that the family has been ruined by your guys, do you still have the face to stand in front of me? I tell you you better be obedient, otherwise I will be a while. The owner of you eats you directly, but he likes rabbits the most."

The rabbit couldn't help but threatened the other party. Although this sounded a little strange, it was scary enough to at least scare the coward.

Hearing this, the black hair rabbit had completely erected the black hair on his head. He shook the hair on his head in horror, and stepped aside in fear. It was flattering that the thighs holding Chen Ping kept shaking.

"What is your boss? I declare that I will be my boss from now on. Don't even think about robbing me."

The black rabbit hugged Chen Ping's thigh carefully. Chen Ping's strength really should not be underestimated. He knew this very well in his heart.

The Black Rabbit had long wanted to please Chen Ping, but now that he knew Chen Ping's true identity, he felt a little scared in his heart.

"Gu Lelemao, don't try to please me. Next, if you let me know that there is a problem with the information you gave me, you can just wait to clean it up. I've always been denied by the six relatives. What do you eat rabbit Things we all like."

Chen Ping threatened him. He was afraid that this rabbit would do something to him. After all, this is the opponent's home court. If he really played something, it would be bad.

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