I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3106: , The spirit of the demon【below】

As long as he can take out the fairy tree, no matter how ugly Akali looks, or even extremely deformed, the other party is willing to believe his figure.

But now things were obviously taken away by the other party, even if they turned upside down today, they couldn't find out the treasure of the elven clan.

"It seems that we still can't let this group of people go."

"You have to do me a favor. We have to find the guy Akas. No matter what, we have to bring back the baby of the elves, otherwise our actions this time will be too bad."

Akali gritted her teeth, and finally decided to kill the opponent.

At this moment, Akasi also successfully escaped. He knew very well in his heart that this time his family had encountered an extremely terrifying disaster.

This kind of thing can be said to be a catastrophe.

"Fortunately, I have the pills that Chen Ping gave me, otherwise I won't have any way to get out of this woman's hands alive."

Akasi also felt a little bit of fear. Although he was snatched from an elixir, his mood has improved a lot now, at least he still has a lot of elixir given by Chen Ping in Huaizhong.

"It seems that I can only go to Chen Ping next. If Chen Ping is unwilling to help me, then I can only choose to pray to others."

Thinking of this, Akasi's heart also flashed a panic, he was afraid that Chen Ping would not help himself.

He was also a little grateful that he had left contact information with Chen Ping before, but he didn't expect that he would have to look for Chen Ping again so soon, which seemed a bit ironic.

"Chen Ping, where are you now? I have something to ask for."

Chen Ping, who was wandering around in the town, suddenly received news from the other party. Upon seeing this scene, a look of surprise flashed across Chen Ping’s face. He thought that the matter of taking the sacred tree was exposed. Well, there is more or less a little panic in my heart.

"It's okay to say anything, I'm in the city right now."

Chen Ping quickly sent his location over. He wasn't afraid that the other party would trouble him, he was afraid that the other party would ask for himself, and he would not be able to help.

According to his understanding of Akasi, this guy must have encountered some big problems, so he came to contact him as soon as possible.

Akasi saw the position sent by Chen Ping and couldn't help squeezing his fists. Fortunately, the opponent didn't walk far, so he could find Chen Ping in time.

"Wait for a while, I will rush over as quickly as possible, I have a very important thing, I hope you can help."

After saying this, he directly shut down the communication method and hurried to where Chen Ping was. At this moment, he followed the advice of his ancestors and placed all his hopes on Chen Ping. NS.

Everyone could hear these conversations clearly, and a daze flashed across their eyes.

The rabbit scratched his ears beside him, as if he was thinking of something.

"The sacred tree told me before that if their children and grandchildren are in trouble, and I hope the boss can help them, wouldn't they be in trouble now?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help it.

"As soon as we left, did they get into trouble with the back foot? This is too weird."

And at this time, Xiong Ziqi also showed a tangled look next to him, as if he suddenly spoke when he remembered something.

"I seem to remember that when we were leaving, there was a woman who appeared on the territory of the elves. If I'm not mistaken, this woman should be Akali."

"More importantly, this woman has an uncomfortable breath on her body. It seems that this person is a bit wrong."

Xiong Ziqi is very sensitive to the breath of all kinds of monsters, so he is also extremely aware of this breath.

Chen Ping didn't know that the other party had such a powerful ability at the beginning, but later did he discover that Xiong Ziqi also had a powerful talent when he slowly contacted him.

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