"My body has a strong sense of rejection of those monsters and the like, so when I saw Akali, my body became very uncomfortable, but everyone was anxious to leave at the time, and I didn't say much. what."

"It's possible that Akali colluded with the monsters and tried to clean up Akasi and others, so now Akasi wants to come to us for help."

Xiong Ziqi's analysis made everyone nod their heads in praise. I have to say that his analysis is quite reasonable.

"Anyway, we wait here for a while and we will know the truth of the matter, and the speed that is beneficial to the other party should be over soon. Even if we have something to ask for, we can figure out the specific situation."

While sharing the precious elven water, Chen Ping calmly waited for the arrival of the other party. He didn't know how to take a short hand.

Taking the other party's elven water was not enough to make Chen Ping feel so guilty. It was the rabbit who really embarrassed him. This guy fooled away the other's treasure.

With the Elf Tree, Chen Ping can have a lot of Elf Water.

Under the cultivation of his various elixirs, this guy will soon be resurrected again, and the output will be much higher at that time.

But when he thought of Akasi's extremely straightforward appearance, Chen Ping couldn't help showing a tangled look, and after repeated thinking, he decided to help if he could.

"Boss, I seem to feel something."

At this moment, the rabbit poked Chen Ping directly, with a look of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect this guy to come so quickly.

"That guy is really fast."

Chen Ping made a pot of tea with a smile, and waited for the other party to arrive directly in the yard. Anyway, all manners should be required.

Akasi quickly reached this place in Chen Ping's positioning. Seeing this extremely luxurious courtyard, Akasi was a little at a loss, and even thought he was in the wrong place.

"I didn't expect you to come so fast. Let's do it quickly. Next, we two will taste the tea. I have got a lot of top-quality tea. Let's have a drink."

Chen Ping knew that the other party was in a bad mood, so he also took out precious tea to entertain him.

Seeing Chen Ping's enthusiasm, Akasi was very moved, but he is not in the mood to drink tea now.

"Chen Ping, I do have a very anxious thing right now. I want to ask you to help me. If you can help me, then I will definitely be grateful. Even if I'm a cow or a horse, I will definitely..."

Seeing how excited the other party was, Chen Ping waved his hand, he didn't want to make this guy so excited.

"You are a little calmer, there is no need to be so excited, I guessed it, what do you mean by tasting a sip of tea beforehand, this tea is not the kind I sell you, this thing is definitely the best."

After saying this, Chen Ping took a sip for himself, always feeling a dreadful appetite.

Akasi glanced at Chen Ping. Although he was entangled in his heart, he was helpless now. Since Chen Ping had already said what he had said, he naturally didn't want to say more, but carefully picked up the teacup and gently. Take a sip.

When he drank this cup of tea, his expression changed instantly. He didn't expect that there would be such a delicious tea in the world.

This tea not only consumed his vitality, but he was completely restored. There was even a feeling of helping oneself widen the forest field. Is this a god-like thing?

"How is it? Do you feel that you are a little calmer now? Don't panic when you encounter everything, first think about whether you can handle it."

After hearing this, Akasi shook his head. He had never thought about what Chen Ping said. It was because he was unable to handle this matter, so now he is so panicked. If he is capable Strong, now there is no need to come and pray for Chen Ping.

"I'm sure I can't handle this. My family has now been completely destroyed."

"Our elves were attacked by Akali. This woman's strength became very powerful. It was obvious that she had reached an agreement with those demons. It was simply unscrupulous to kill us."

After hearing these words, Chen Ping couldn't help but silently glanced at Xiong Ziqi. This little girl was really amazing, she said everything.

"Sure enough, I knew you came because of this incident. Don't worry, we are all brothers. I will not let your elves perish."

Chen Ping patted the other person on the shoulder, which is considered to be the promise given by the Fairy Tree.

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