I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3180: , Su's plan

"I have long heard that the Su family is very powerful, and now it seems to be well-deserved. I used to think that the Su family is an existence that can compete with vacations. Now it seems that their vacations can be compared to yours."

Chen Ping also praised the other party casually, with an indifferent look on his face, feeling that he had already blown the opponent out.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two Su family present showed excitement, unexpectedly Chen Ping was quite capable of talking.

They don't have the slightest opinion on such people who praise their own family.

"This is absurd. Next, are you going to have a good talk with us about cooperation?"

Su Hantian also knew that Chen Ping wanted to reach a cooperation with them, so naturally he didn't say much and chose to enter the topic directly.

"Yes, my attitude here is also very obvious. I just want to deal with their family, but I want to come over and confirm with you some details. If there are no problems, I will take action here."

Soon a few of them started chatting, and it was obvious that Chen Ping had also come prepared, and was very attentive to talk about these things.

After everyone chatted for a while, they knew each other very well. Su Hantian's heart still recognized Chen Ping. He didn't expect Chen Ping to be the same as he imagined. It was a rare achievement. Talent.

"Now that we have talked about this matter, I will leave, and hope that our cooperation will be very happy in the future, and at least we will destroy this family."

Chen Ping calmly said a few words to the other party, and then left directly. He knew very well in his heart that it would be useless to continue to stay here. This time, he has gained a lot, knowing a lot and he is very curious. Things.

Watching Chen Ping leave in a big stride, Su Hantian also showed a hint of expectation in his heart.

"This young man is pretty good. If he can be included in the bag, it will naturally be of great help to our family."

Su Hantian looked up to Chen Ping in his heart, and he had defined Chen Ping as a rare talent.

So his heart can't wait to get Chen Ping in his bag, as he owns.

"Father, don't worry about it. I'm already thinking of a way to deal with him, but I want to report one thing to you. The human puppet we raised has been rescued."

Hearing this, Su Hantian's expression instantly became extremely ugly, and he didn't expect things to turn out to be like this.

"What's the matter, how did those guys save people? Could it be the people behind him?"

"Impossible, he has been arrested by us for such a long time. Even if there is really a powerful person behind him, he won't be shot now. No, there must be something weird in it. You must investigate this matter. It’s good to be clear, and there can never be any accidents."

Su Hantian wore an ugly look on his face. He never thought that the human puppets carefully cultivated by his family would have accidents.

Seeing that they will soon be able to create a second puppet, if something goes wrong, their painstaking layout over the years has completely failed.

"Either we will get that guy back now, or we will find a way to get Chen Ping over as our puppet. In short, this matter must be dealt with, otherwise we will be delayed by the monster's affairs. There is not much time to resolve this matter."

Su Baiqi spoke very seriously, with an irritable expression on his face.

After Su Hantian heard this, he could only reluctantly acquiesce in the end.

After all, people have completely run away now, and even if they want to make up for it, they have no way to make up for it. If they don't want to make the matter big, they can only catch some people again to solve the problem for them.

They were very confident in the first battle of the monsters. After all, once a powerful human skin puppet was refined, they could still keep their Su family.

But the human skin puppet alone has no effect at all. They must have the second sentence of the human puppet. At this moment, the human skin puppet's experiment has been forcibly taken away. If they don’t want to If you think of a way, it's really unlucky.

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