"So don't even think about recruiting Chen Ping. Now Chen Ping has become my favorite guy. If he can successfully help us through this crisis, it would be fine."

"It's just that Chen Ping is also very thoughtful, and perhaps he may not necessarily be persuaded by us. In short, what we have to do now is very simple, and that is to gain Chen Ping's trust and deceive him. I believe this. Things are not difficult for our people."

Having said this, he pointed directly towards the depths of the room, which obviously had other meanings.

Seeing this scene, Su Hantian nodded silently, acquiescing to the matter.

"Let's leave this to you to arrange. In short, we must handle this matter properly. There must be no more troubles. Otherwise, when the monster arrives, it is very likely that we will have a private business here. It has not been processed yet."

After confessing a sentence, he returned to the room at a rapid pace, not knowing what he was preparing.

At this time, Su Baiqi also took the family's orders and came to the door of a woman's room.

I saw him silently tore off a seal at the door of the room, and then quickly opened the door.

"Sister, congratulations on your successful restoration of freedom. The next moment is your time to sacrifice your life for the family. If you can complete this matter logically, you will be free."

There was a calm look on his face, and there was also a condescending feeling. It seemed that the person in front of him was not his sister, but his servant.

After hearing this, a woman who was sitting in the room, who was looking at her yellowish mirror, had a hint of mockery in her eyes, and she seemed to feel extremely disdainful of this rhetoric.

"You lock me up when you don't need me. Now you need me to go out and find a way to beg me. Don't you think this is ridiculous?"

The other party threw away the comb in his hand and spoke very uncomfortably.

Su Baiqi glanced at the other party and strode in directly, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

"This is an opportunity that I have finally won for you. Don't toast or eat fine wine."

"If you can successfully resolve this matter, then you will be free again, and you can do whatever you want. Even if you find that wild man for a lifetime, there will naturally be no problems. I won't pay attention to you at all. It's a little bit."

After saying this, he sneered at his sister, seeming to look down on her from the bottom of his heart.

After hearing this, Su Muyun's face flashed with expectation.

Su Muyun has been imprisoned here for a long time. Because there is a seal with a charm at the door on weekdays, he has no way to get out of it. He can only be forced to be locked here, which looks very pitiful.

As early as a few years ago, Su Muyun and a man made a private appointment for life, but later the family knew about the matter, they directly locked Su Muyun in, and they also did not allow Su Muyun to get to know this man through any channels. Circumstances, Su Muyun even thought that her beloved Langjun was dead.

"According to you, the person I was looking for is still alive."

Su Muyun suddenly rekindled hope, if the other party was still alive, that would be great.

"Of course he is still alive. Our family didn't do anything to him at all, but now you have to help do one thing well, otherwise the family won't tell you the whereabouts of this man."

After getting the answer he wanted, he stopped struggling, and immediately agreed that as long as he can find his beloved man without incident, it doesn't matter.

"There is a man named Chen Ping who is very strong and has a lot of limelight. We need to use him to refine human skin puppets. You only need to trick him willingly. After we deal with him, you Freedom can be restored, how about it? Is this deal a good deal?"

After hearing this, Su Muyun's eyes flashed a little bit of idleness, unexpectedly this group of people would ask themselves to deceive people.

"What virtue and ability do I have? I can lie to this guy. You are too dear to me. I can only try my best. I just want to tell you that making skin puppets is very martial. Against the heavens, you are completely killing yourself by doing this."

Su Baiqi didn't care what the other party said, only when he could bring Chen Ping back.

"This thing must be completed within three days, otherwise our side will not recognize any of your actions in the future. You also know that the war of monsters is about to start..."

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