"If we were unable to refine the human skin puppets before the battle of the monsters, it would be equivalent to a complete defeat. I believe that your Ruyi Langjun would have no meaning at all when he was alive at that time."

After the two briefly negotiated, the other party directly told Chen Ping's specific situation.

After Su Muyun struggled to dress up, he went straight to the place where Chen Ping was. He knew that Chen Ping would be so valued by the other party, and he would certainly not be an ordinary person. In that case, he must be honest and open sometimes. Talk about it.

As soon as Chen Ping and Crazy Liu returned to the yard, Crazy Liu couldn't wait to study the injured guy.

"The boss quickly took the injured guy out to take a look. I always think this guy seems familiar."

Crazy Liu kept urging his eyes with a look of doubt. He felt that this person was quite familiar, but it was a pity that he really couldn't remember who the other party was for a while.

"Don't worry, his body is not very good right now. I am helping him to adjust his body. First, go and see how Shi Zhentian is doing. I'm afraid this guy has been scared to death during this period of time. Passed."

Chen Ping urged that he had already checked, this guy's body, this person has been devastated miserably, and there is no way to recover his will in a short time.

Although with the help of creatures such as water monsters, he is still extremely fragile.

"Holer, I'll go and see that hapless guy. I hope he can get this person's puppet straight away."

Crazy Liu also has a serious psychological shadow on Erlang Shen. He hopes that Shi Zhentian, a violent guy, can directly destroy the thing.

When he returned to Shi Zhentian and the others' room, he saw Shi Zhentian sitting on the ground in pain and holding his head at this moment, not knowing what he was doing.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

Crazy Liu went up and patted the other person on the shoulder, trying to wake him up.

However, Shi Zhentian didn't have any reaction at all, and there was a very painful look on his face, and he didn't even want to pay attention to Crazy Liu at all.

Crazy Liu felt a little horrified when he saw this scene, so he stretched out his hand and patted the other person's head.

Crazy Liu has been with each other for so long, and he also knows that Lion Zhentian hates someone touching his head. Once someone touches his head, he can directly blow his hair on the spot, showing his lion shape.

But after he patted the opponent on the shoulder, this guy still didn't react at all, it seemed that it didn't matter at all.

Seeing this scene, Crazy Liu ran out in a panic, looking at Chen Ping with a little horror. The matter is now, and Chen Ping can only solve the problem.

When he just ran out, he bumped into someone. Crazy Liu looked up with a bit of horror, and found that he had hit Erlang Shen. His brows wrinkled, and he felt a little scared in his heart, thinking about whom he hit. No, I have to run into this guy.

"Trouble you to give in, I have very important things to do now."

After saying this, he ran out quickly, unwilling to say a word to Erlang Shen. This guy made it clear that a personal puppet is an extremely terrifying existence. Maybe if you talk to this guy a few more words, he will do it. The puppets that were made into adult leather puppets were directly picked off.

Erlangshen glanced, Crazy Liu had a look of sound quality in his eyes, he did not expect that the other party would choose to leave in large strides.

At this time, Chen Ping naturally noticed something wrong with Crazy Liu. He quickly walked over and saw the lion trembling frantically on the ground at a glance.

Chen Ping was a little surprised and immediately stepped forward and squeezed the opponent. He injected his true energy into the opponent's body, feeling the changes in his body.

"This is a slap in the face."

Crazy Liu's face became ugly, he asked Chen Ping to enter some infuriating energy quickly to consolidate the physical condition of the other party, while he quickly moved aside and got busy.

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