"I have a way to solve his current situation, but it takes a lot of attention. Then you will look at him well."

After saying this, he immediately bit his finger, took out a piece of paper, and kept writing and drawing next to him. Chen Ping didn’t care what the other party was doing. In short, saving Shi Zhentian was the most important thing. .

Chen Ping has already seen that the other party's body is not as simple as ordinary heavy shoes. Even if Chen Ping can save him, it may cause some harm to his body.

He could see a black aura, entwining the opponent's head at this moment, as if he wanted to swallow his entire mind directly.

"You should see this black air. If you let this black air swallow his head, then he will become a thoughtless puppet."

Crazy Liu's words were a bit vague. He glanced at the door subconsciously, his eyes full of resentment, as if he felt extremely unhappy with the perpetrator.

Chen Ping didn't expect that the other party would dare to do it directly under the public, but he did not have any evidence now, and Erlang Shen was a member of the Su family, so he shouldn't have to tear his face with the Su family at present.

"Anyway, save it first. We will discuss specific matters later."

Chen Ping confessed, and then urged the other party to act quickly.

At this time, Gu Lele and the others quickly walked out. At this moment, they also had a lot of food and drink in their hands. It was obvious that these people were out shopping.

When they came back, they saw the situation on Shi Zhentian's side at a glance, and they were scared enough for an instant. Everyone is brothers who have known each other for so long. If something happens, it must be more anxious than anyone else.

"What's the matter with this guy? He was okay before I left. Why did he suddenly become like this."

Gu Lele had a look of horror in his heart. He didn't expect that this guy would become so miserable, and that the black smoke on his head could be clearly seen by anyone.

Others panicked and surrounded Lion Zhentian. In their eyes, Shi Zhentian is a big bad guy who does no evil. Such a guy would be tossed like this, so it proves this blackness. The smoke is so terrible, if the black smoke contaminates him, it will be completely finished.

"Don't worry, everyone. Stay here for the time being. You have to believe in the power of Madman Liu. He can save our brother back."

Chen Ping really didn't know anything about these messy techniques, so now the only hope left was Crazy Liu.

Erlang Shen stood by and watched this scene silently. He was confident enough to know that no one would be able to break his poisonous evil.

But he obviously had too much confidence in himself, and his fault was that he should not underestimate Crazy Liu.

If it were an ordinary person, there would definitely be no way to kill him, but Crazy Liu was different. He happened to be a researcher in this area.

So at this moment, Crazy Liu can be said to be an extremely professional existence.

"Just stick this on his head for a while. I have to say that this thing is really strong enough. If you find it later, it is estimated that he will have been swallowed by this poison. Knowing who was so cruel to him is really disgusting."

Having said this, Crazy Liu glanced at Erlang Shen's position thoughtfully, and at this moment Erlang Shen's expression was also a bit ugly, he did not expect that the other party could actually break his own poisonous evil.

It's just that he was hiding very well, and he didn't show it directly. Instead, he silently stepped forward and looked at each other pretending to be caring. It seemed that he really looked like a good brother who cared about others.

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