I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3216: , Something is wrong

"I was teleported to a secret realm just now, and a person who looked exactly like me appeared!"

"No matter what tricks I use, he can deal with me. This is too exaggerated. That person seems to be able to copy my abilities."

Now all the big families have taken their precautions, they couldn't help but leaned aside and started discussing it. Everyone was extremely afraid of this.

Chen Ping stood silently on the side, he did not pay attention to anyone, but was observing this mysterious place for himself.

"Boss, we are out too. This thing is a bit weird. If I didn't react quickly enough, I was tricked by this thing."

Shi Zhentian approached nervously, with a flustered look on his face, never dreaming that things would turn out to be like this.

When he saw an identical self, he didn't feel a little nervous.

But when he saw that this guy used the same trick as himself, his heart began to panic.

"Damn, the strength of this guy is really not to be underestimated."

He was talking flustered in his heart, and he didn't know whether he was boasting himself or the other party.

An hour passed quickly, and everyone looked at the people who appeared one after another, some were happy and some were worried.

Many people in small families have no way of guaranteeing that their people will be able to come back alive.

After most people encounter this unknown fear, they will immediately show their strongest strength, and they will be swallowed in the next moment and turned into sacrificial supplies.

In a place they didn't know, a huge black statue was slowly waking up.

Everyone dies, he will turn into a blood, directly into the body of this black statue.

It's just that the other party hides so deeply that normal people can't see the statue at all, let alone can detect the strangeness of the statue.

Slowly, the black statue became blood red.

Although Chen Ping didn't notice the weirdness here, Kai always felt that his heart thumped and thumped and felt that this place was not a good place.

"Don't you guys get so excited first, I feel something is not right here."

After a long silence, Chen Ping finally spoke. He felt that there was something wrong with this matter, and everyone needs to pay attention to it.

Heard this. At this time, everyone suddenly thought of Chen Ping.

"Hehe, why do you think that we should listen to you this matter, it is because of you that has become so complicated."

"More importantly, you even caused all the major races to target us in this way. Is it possible that you think you have no problem at all?"

The big families suddenly seemed crazy, constantly accusing Chen Ping, their faces were full of anger, and they always felt that everything was caused by Chen Ping.

Chen Ping also felt very speechless. He didn't expect this group of people's brains to be so awkward. Could it be that he forced them to come to this place? This is really weird.

"If you are so stupid and have to listen to the kobolds, then you are too disappointing."

"Everyone is human anyway, there is no need to be so stupid."

Chen Ping finally couldn't help but said something. He felt that something was wrong with this matter from the bottom of his heart, and hoped that this group of people would react.

However, this group of people was extremely confident and did not want to believe them at all, and even felt that Chen Ping was bragging.

"Don't believe that his stuff is completely deceiving the public. He deliberately said this in order to lead us into the ditch."

After hearing these words, Chen Ping sighed for a long time. Sure enough, some people were born like this, and they didn't want to listen to people at all.

At this moment, a young man quickly walked over with the people under his hands, with doubts on their faces.

As they wear roughly the same clothes, Chen Ping can also judge that this is a large human family.

Seeing a look of curiosity on this man Chen Ping's face, he wanted to know what happened to him suddenly.

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