"I know you are Chen Ping. You are indeed very famous. I have some cooperation plans and I want to talk to you."

There was a calm smile on the man's face. Seeing this, he seemed to know Chen Ping very well.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Bai Wuyi. I guess we are also the same age. Naturally, it doesn't matter what you want to call me."

After seeing the sincere look of the other party, Chen Ping couldn't help but nodded. Since he wanted to cooperate, he would naturally not refuse. He was very good at face-to-face.

Obviously this young man is very kind, so Chen Ping plans to have a good chat with each other.

Soon the two of them went to a deserted place, chatting very calmly, and Chen Ping remained excited the whole time.

Unexpectedly, after chatting with the other party, there will be so many gains, which is really an exaggeration.

"I also know about the invasion of demons, and I also know a lot about the Su family, but it is very difficult for someone like you to come out and penetrate all of this."

Hearing this, Chen Ping felt a little surprised. He didn't expect the other party to be able to reveal his identity. After all, few people knew that this matter had something to do with him.

But this young man not only guessed it, it was related to himself, and even talked about it with himself, so it proved that he is definitely a generation of talents.

Everyone thought it was a tauren, discovered all this accidentally, and wittily opened up all of it.

In fact, Chen Ping did a lot of things behind his back.

"You are quite clever."

"But I did this thing, and it is clear in my heart that vacations must be resolved. This is a big problem."

I said that Chen Ping very indifferently took out a bottle of Coke from his own space and handed it to him. He knew that this man came from the human world, but he didn't know where he came from, and whether there was such a thing as Coke. .

This thing is still something he stocked before, but one bottle is less than one bottle.

Bai unintentionally saw the thing Chen Ping handed over with some doubts, but he still drank the thing like Chen Ping, and then there was a look of surprise on his face.

"What is this? It is so powerful."

After he drank it, he instantly felt refreshed and happy, and there was a wonderful feeling of softness all over his body.

"I have drunk so many such precious tea, but I have never drunk such a delicious thing, this is simply the most perfect drink in the world."

Chen Ping smiled silently. He didn't take this matter to heart. He knew very well in his heart that the other party must not come from the same world as himself.

"The name of this thing is Coke. After you drink it, you will feel comfortable all over. I rarely use this kind of baby to greet guests."

"Today I chatted with you about the destiny, but I also want to have a good talk with you."

Chen Ping said to himself, with an extremely calm expression on his face.

Bai Wuyi also took a sip of Coke on his own, with a curious expression on his face.

"In that case. Then you can tell me then, where is the strange part of this matter?"

"Although I feel something is not right, but I am curious how you noticed it?"

His inner thoughts are very simple. Since Chen Ping can see through all of this, it is enough to prove that Chen Ping definitely has these functions.

"You are not curious about where the dead people go."

"I always feel that there is a trace of evil power, which is constantly turbulent. If we don't guess wrong, this stuff will soon spread to us."

Before Chen Ping's words could be finished, a strange black air suddenly filled him.

Other races have also appeared one after another, and their faces have a look of doubt.

Obviously these are races that have successfully survived. Their luck is quite good, and they can survive such a test.

"What was the situation just now? Why is it like this?"

"I watched the people next to me leave like this... They all turned into a cloud of blood."

"It's not our true **** at all, we were deceived."

People of the race still know their sincerity very well. After they participated in the battle, they soon noticed what was wrong with the problem.

Immediately after they saw the black air that was spreading towards them, their hearts were a little flustered.

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