Even this black shadow was a little surprised, Chen Ping would actually say such a thing, in the scope of his cognition, human beings are not such a good talker.

Human beings have always been extremely selfish, and it is absolutely impossible to speak for other races.

"Actually, my strength hasn't been shown yet. If you leave here directly, I can consider leaving you a dog."

As his voice fell, a cloud of black air quickly struck, and once again surrounded the crowd.

In fact, he was a little scared of Chen Ping in his heart.

The strength of Chen Ping and the people under his hands should not be underestimated. Obviously, they are definitely not ordinary people.

Just like he has condensed into an entity, he may not be able to beat Chen Ping.

So he had to find a way to fool Chen Ping away first, as long as Chen Ping was let go, then his plan could still be completed.

"My people have already been wiped out by you. It doesn't make any sense for you to stay here. Just leave, and I am willing to let you go."

With a calm look on his face, he seemed to believe that Chen Ping would definitely leave.

"It's just that I only allow you to take the people under your hand, and the others are not your business."

As soon as the voice fell, the others stared at Chen Ping nervously.

Those races who fought side by side with Chen Ping at the time were a little flustered. Although everyone disliked human beings very much, it was undeniable that the strength of humans was indeed not to be underestimated. At least they could not easily solve these false true gods.

If Chen Ping really chooses to leave at this moment, most of them will only have a dead end.

The mermaid clan is the most faceless at this moment.

They had already chosen to compromise with Chen Ping before, and now they are even more embarrassed.

"Don't abandon us. We are also your subordinates. Otherwise, if you take us along, I believe our family won't have any opinions!"

"That's right, you can accept the merman clan as your subordinate, I believe our mermaid clan should also have this opportunity!"

Seeing that the people under his hands were so faceless and skinless, the patriarch of the mermaid clan also showed a very irritable look.

He never dreamed that this group of people would be so shameless in order to survive, and even their dignity was disregarded.

He has always been very face-saving, otherwise he would not offend Chen Ping for face-saving reasons.

So at this moment he wanted to survive again, but he didn't want to compromise with Chen Ping. This kind of tangled feeling made him very painful.

"Do you think I will leave?"

Chen Ping did not pay attention to the group of people who kept crying and howling. In short, he couldn't leave here inexplicably.

Although the reason he stayed was not for this group of guys, it also moved this group of people incomparably.

"Once I leave, then you will swallow them all, and you will naturally come to trouble me at that time."

"Unless I am a fool, I will definitely leave this place today, and your wishful thinking is also pretty good."

Seeing the other party's deliberately pretending to be at a loss, Chen Ping couldn't help but sneer. This guy really treated himself as an innocent fool.

"Are you sure you won't leave?"

Hei Ying's expression was a bit ugly, and he knew very well in his heart that if Chen Ping didn't leave, he would have to exert his strongest strength.

It is even possible that the games he has carefully laid out over the years will be completely destroyed.

Chen Ping stared at him indifferently, and at the same time gave Gu Lele and the others a wink secretly.

Feeling Chen Ping's little movements, everyone's faces were filled with excitement, and they knew that their boss would do something big next.

This guy's strength should not be underestimated, so even if they want to deal with it, they have to be careful.

The black air slowly approached everyone, and the people of the major races got closer and closer, and soon they were forced to the corner, and they even became unstable.

They don't have the powerful abilities of Chen Ping, and they can directly repel these black qi.

Ordinary races will be swallowed up instantly after they come into contact with this thing, and there is no way to resist it at all.

Once they are swallowed, it will provide a certain amount of energy to this shadow.

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