I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3223: , Fight together

By devouring the flesh and blood of the major races, the opponent kept improving their abilities.

Chen Ping also knew that if he swallowed all these guys present, he might not be an opponent next.

He worked so hard to arrange this round, and he certainly won't let this round be broken like this.

Chen Ping's appearance has already been regarded as destroying the opponent's strategy. If he is prevented from eating the flesh and blood, it is estimated that this guy can be mad on the spot.

"No one wants to stop me today, no matter what your strength is, I don't believe you can save this group of people!"

After saying this, the black energy was also speeding up, approaching the mermaid clan directly.

The guys of the mermaid clan ran towards Chen Ping in a panic, hoping that Chen Ping could protect himself.

"Gu Lele."

Chen Ping confessed to Gu Lele, this group of people seemed too stupid, and Chen Ping was also somewhat helpless.

Gu Lele immediately rushed forward and directly attacked the group of black energy.

Chen Ping once gave them some sachets, which can be used to expel all kinds of evil things.

Gu Lele had a whim, picked up this thing and threw it towards the other party.

In fact, he just wanted to do an experiment, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

After this black gas felt the powder in Chen Ping's sachet, it quickly retracted back in an instant. He didn't dare to move any more, as if he had encountered something terrifying.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces showed excitement. In this case, it means that they are all saved.

"This Xiongtai, do you still have this kind of powder?"

"I can buy this thing from you at a high price, as long as you are willing to sell it to us..."

Everyone was very excited and said to Gu Lele, they seemed to have grasped the hope of survival, praying for the other side to give themselves some panacea.

After hearing this, Gu Lele also ignored them, but directly beckoned to Chen Ping very excitedly.

"Boss, how are you doing in this experiment?"

After hearing these words, Chen Ping showed a relieved expression.

I really didn't expect that Gu Lele was so smart, and he could successfully think of some ways to deal with these black qi.

Although their bodies are indeed immune to this thing, the guys of that group of races are not.

At this moment, Shi Zhentian also showed a trace of incomprehension. He always felt that this matter was a bit incomprehensible.

"Don't these people have the body of the God? And the strength of the people living in the world of the God cannot be underestimated. Their bodies have always been what we yearn for!"

"Why can't they even resist this ordinary black spirit, is it just a bunch of flowers?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was plunged into thinking, and they also remembered this matter.

Everyone is able to become so powerful by using the water of the elves, and this group of people already have a powerful body, it shouldn't be like this.

After hearing this, people of all major races were also very puzzled.

Other humans also tried to reach out their hands to touch these black qi like Chen Ping and others.

But their ending was not much better either, they were basically swallowed up directly.

Facts have proved that only the people under Chen Ping's hands were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe.

"This is related to the baths we took before, let me just say it, let you take a medicated bath more often!"

These things of Chen Ping have provided a great help to their bodies. If Chen Ping hadn't urged them to improve their own strength, it is estimated that they would have only been cleaned up now.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's hearts were very moved. They didn't even know that Chen Ping was their second parent!

"Distribute all those sachets."

Chen Ping confessed that since this group of people had already prayed for him eagerly, then he was not a heartless person, and taking this opportunity to make this group of people have a better view of humanity.

In fact, whether this group of people hates humans, Chen Ping doesn’t care about him at all. They just don’t want the world to become lonely. Originally, this real world belongs to everyone, and he only did some small things within his power. It's nothing.

"You are such a good person, it seems that we did misunderstand you before!"

"I was bewitched by a treacherous man before, so I would doubt you!"

"This thing can expel such a powerful black spirit, and it must be very expensive. I didn't expect you to give it to us directly without taking it. This shows how good you are!"

Everyone suddenly changed their style of painting and began to praise Chen Ping blindly. Chen Ping even felt a little uncomfortable when he heard these words.

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