I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3236: , You are unkind and I am unrighteous

As soon as he said this, the Stone Man was silent.

He seemed to feel that Chen Ping was staring at his stone core, and he could kill himself in minutes.

More importantly, he is completely different from ordinary practitioners and all major races. Once the stone core is forcibly taken out, he will definitely be dead next, not to mention that he can be reincarnated through other people's bodies.

He just wanted to be stronger, and didn't intend to cause so many messes for himself.

"You... how did you know?"

A trace of panic flashed across his eyes, and it was obvious that he was already scared.

Many people around also heard what Chen Ping said.

They all took a thoughtful look at the Stone Man. After all, everyone felt that since Chen Ping was here, the Stone Man would definitely not be the one who would stigmatize him. In that case, they could find a way to kill each other.

As long as you can get the so-called stone core from the opponent's hands, you can make a lot of money.

"Boss, do you mean that as long as we can get this stone core, we can get out of this place?"

Gu Lele thoughtfully asked, his heart was very curious, it was the first time he had heard of the stone core thing.

Chen Ping nodded, indeed.

At this moment, the patriarch of the mermaid clan moved suddenly.

His speed is not good enough, even his people can't react, what the **** is this guy doing?

Chen Ping just stared at him silently. Although Chen Ping reacted the whole time, he didn't want to mix with this guy's yaozi.

"Hehe, you stupid stone man, hurry up and die for me!"

His speed is so fast that he has no intention of letting go of the Golem at all.

The Stone Man did not expect that one day he would be attacked by others.

According to normal circumstances, everyone is still very afraid of his black mist, and this group of people also know that their strength should not be underestimated.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for them to suddenly attack themselves, and for this, the Stone Man has strong confidence.

But he didn't expect that his self-confidence was completely broken at this moment.

Not only was this guy not afraid of himself, he even went directly to the court to sneak attacks. This method was extremely despicable.

"Good guy, your man's methods are really despicable, and you even carry out sneak attacks. Can't you not afford it?"

With an unhappy look on the stone man's face, he was obviously irritated by the other party. This guy's non-martial behavior made him very angry.

Naturally, the reaction of the Stone Man was not so quick, and in addition, he was unprepared, so he could not react at all.

However, the attack speed of these black mists is getting faster and faster.

"Don't blame me for being unrighteous if you are unkind."

He controlled these black mists and quickly moved closer to everyone. Although supported by the powder of the sachet, the amount of the powder in their hands was not much.

Everyone panicked and wanted to ask for help, hoping to get a new sachet from the other side.

However, Shi Zhentian hasn't spoken, and it seems that he doesn't intend to provide it.

The mermaid clan had a look of horror on their faces, and they couldn't figure out why the other party would do such an exaggerated thing.

In the eyes of this patriarch, as long as he can get the stone core, it can then control sovereignty. At that time, everyone will have to follow their orders.

As long as they want to escape, they must give themselves certain benefits, and he is an insatiable person, who can just use this opportunity to regain the reputation of their mermaid clan, at least not like It's as embarrassing now.

But he obviously thinks too much.

Originally everyone just wanted to force Chen Ping to compromise. After all, Chen Ping's strength lies here, and he is the only existence that can threaten the other party.

Although their attitude towards Chen Ping is not very good, in fact they have already pinned their hopes on Chen Ping.

But this guy in front of him is not like that.

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