I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3237: , Income from Tongtian Tower

No one is optimistic about him at all, and no one knows the realm of his strength, but everyone knows that this guy is definitely not tough, otherwise he won't be tossed into this look.

The Stone Man waved his hand calmly, and soon, this overweight fellow fell aside, and began to pant, his eyes with a look of horror.

He originally thought that this guy could be easily subdued in the case of his own sneak attack, but now it seems that he has thought too much about everything, and the strength of this thing is much more powerful than he thought.

"I hate sneak attacks. Since you are so arrogant, go to death."

After saying this, he directly wrapped the opponent with the black mist. This guy couldn't even react, he was already dead and couldn't die anymore.

Chen Ping saw this scene, and there was no expression on his face. He had no sadness or joy and he did not take this matter to heart at all. Although this guy is dead, he has nothing to do with himself. He died. Also died.

The mermaid clan also showed an incredible look. They looked at the patriarch and their expressions became a little tangled, but after a while, everyone still chose to accept it.

After going through many things, they also had a certain degree of dissatisfaction with this group leader. They had no longer wanted to do things under his hands. Now that the other party is dead, they can also choose a real new heir.

Thinking of this, their faces still had a hint of joy, and those who didn't know thought it was a great happy event for their mermaid clan.

"In fact, this guy intends to take out the core of your body. It's just that he is always so arrogant. He didn't first understand where this so-called core in your body is."

Chen Ping said with a smile. The leader of the mermaid clan was indeed extremely stupid. He didn't even figure out what was going on, and he did it directly. Isn't this a death for nothing? He had never seen such a stupid person.

After the Stone Man heard what Chen Ping said, his face became ugly. He really didn't expect Chen Ping to know him so well.

Killing the opponent will not get the core, but will cause the opponent's stone core to be directly destroyed. The only way is to imprison him and slowly extract it from his body.

After discovering that Chen Ping was much more powerful than he thought, the Stone Man suddenly panicked. He glanced at Chen Ping in embarrassment, and wanted to say something, but he felt that it was not appropriate.

When he tried to move, he found that he couldn't move at all.

This feeling of powerlessness made him very painful. He struggled madly, trying to get rid of Chen Ping's shackles, but how could he easily get rid of Chen Ping's imprisonment.

I saw him struggling with all his life, twisting his body frantically.

This scene dazzled everyone around him. It was obvious that Chen Ping didn’t use any method to restrain the other person, but this guy couldn’t move, and he didn’t have the slightest strength to fight back. This strength is simply not what they can do. Comparable.

"Fortunately, I didn't think about being an enemy of Chen Ping, otherwise he would definitely deal with it miserably."

"Worse, will the things I said before offend Chen Ping? It seems that after this time, I have to apologize to Chen Ping and make a gift."

"If I can get out of here alive without incident, even if I recognize Chen Ping as my father, there will be absolutely no problem. Our race can't come to my place and die."

Everyone kept avoiding the black fog, and prayed frantically to them, hoping that Chen Ping could help themselves.

Chen Ping beckoned to the stone man, and the next moment a lot of blue things appeared in the stone man's body.

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