I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3238: , Guangzong Yaozu

These things condensed quickly, and soon turned into a crystal clear stone.

The stone man kept screaming at him. Unexpectedly, Chen Ping actually had a way to pull this thing out of his body. This was absolutely extraordinary. From this we can see that Chen Ping is not at all. They are not even enemies of the same class that they can afford.

After the core of the stone man's body was pulled out, he instantly became dying, and there was no way to continue to confront Chen Ping head-on, and even the black energy around him became weaker.

The more courageous people tried to touch the mist, and then they found that the harm to their bodies was much less.

"It's really great. The facts have proved that Chen Ping's strength really cannot be underestimated. Just picking out the core of the opponent's body at random has successfully saved our lives."

"I don't know when we will be able to go out. I swear that from now on I will never believe what others say at will. These people are really sinister and cunning."

After everyone has been fooled by the loss, they no longer dare to believe all this, so everyone has a trace of jealousy in their hearts. If you are deceived to this place next time, it would be really unlucky.

Seeing that the Stone Man was dying and unable to resist, Chen Ping waved his big hand and threw him directly into the space of the Tongtian Tower. This guy's strength is good, Chen Ping keeps it, and he can also be used for some great use.

The Stone Man originally thought that Chen Ping would kill him, and he was already prepared, and he was undoubtedly prepared to die, but he didn't expect Chen Ping to grab himself casually and throw it into a sealed black space.

He doesn't know where this is, but he can feel that the vitality of this place is extremely abundant, which is countless times better than the place where he secretly hides for practice. If the place where he practiced can be regarded as an extremely luxurious place, then this At this moment, the place where Chen Ping caught himself was heaven.

He was desperately enjoying these extravagant vitality, and he was immersed in it all at once, unable to extricate himself. He didn't expect Chen Ping to bring himself to such a place. Is this completely for the benefit of himself?

Feeling the good environment here, he fell into it all at once.

At this time, the water monsters were also discussing the newcomer outside. Of course, they knew that someone was thrown in by Chen Ping. Although they don’t know the identity of the other party, it must be a comparison to be treated so rudely. Arrogant and domineering guy, so everyone is guessing the identity of each other.

"This guy must have offended the boss, so he was thrown into the wall and thought about it. As long as he is a good thing, it is absolutely impossible to be treated like this by the boss."

The water monster said plausibly that they were put in by Chen Ping, but everyone's treatment was not so bad, and they were already enjoying life happily once they came.

Others also agreed with this matter.

"Anyway, when the time comes, we have to educate him well. I feel that this guy will definitely not be easy to obey. The moment for us to play a role has arrived. After being here for such a long time, naturally We have to contribute something, otherwise the boss thought we were eating dry food."

The water monster looked at the tree demon couple beside me, and couldn't help showing a helpless look. To be honest, he really didn't want to stay here to eat dog food.

And at this time, after Chen Ping got the opponent's core, he didn't use the core to open a channel directly. Everyone can leave quickly through this channel, and also can ensure their own safety.

Seeing the passage opened, no one dared to leave directly.

After all, this channel was opened by Chen Ping, and they were not even qualified to rush to this place without authorization and go out first.

Besides, Chen Ping is now in the limelight, and being able to stay and chat with Chen Ping can be regarded as a very glorious thing, and no one wants to leave this place early.

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