I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3461: , The cuteness of the rabbit

He was very interested in that rabbit, and wanted to get in touch with the other person in his heart to see what the rabbit was.

Soon he found Chen Ping's address. He didn't expect that the place where Chen Ping lived actually had an enchantment, which could shield all his perceptions, which made his heart suddenly become a bit tangled.

This place is definitely not something he can enter casually, and he even senses the power of some formations. If he didn't guess wrong, it would be quite dangerous for him to stay in this place.

After struggling for a while, he turned around and left here, unwilling to stay here, this was actually enough to prove his guess.

Since the opponent can study such a powerful formation and such an exaggerated enchantment, it proves that his own strength is absolutely not to be underestimated, at least not that he can deal with it so easily.

So much so that he didn't care about the rabbit's situation at all, he just wanted to know how this guy got a powerful demon pet.

With his strength, he had dealt with many monsters before, but in the end he couldn't get them in his pocket.

Even he was tortured so badly by these monsters that he almost died in the land of various monsters.

The rabbit sounded not threatening at all, but he always felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

At this moment, Chen Ping also felt an unusual aura. It seemed that someone was looking at him at the door, and the strength of this person was not weak.

He released his divine consciousness curiously and glanced towards that location, only to see a man wearing a cloak and leaving quickly.

He didn't see the specific appearance of this man clearly, just saw a figure from the back.

Just seeing the other person's back, Chen Ping could feel that this guy's strength was by no means ordinary, and this person didn't have any kindness at first sight.

"Rabbit, come and take a look. I want to know how strong this guy is. This guy appears here cringly, absolutely trying to calculate us."

After hearing these words, the rabbit nodded silently and jumped up to chase him. He didn't know what kind of strength this guy had. He only knew that no matter what kind of strong the opponent is, he can easily do it. Avoid the opponent's attack.

The best thing about the rabbit is to escape, and his means of escape have never been underestimated.

If the rabbit's escape method can only be ranked second, then no one would dare to recognize the first place by himself.

After the cloaked man hurriedly left, he didn't expect that he was being watched. His face had always been nervous, and his heart was also looking forward to fighting Chen Ping.

Regardless of Chen Ping's strength, he will definitely meet with himself next, and then he will be able to judge what is going on with this guy.

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of a little bunny jumping around. The bunny looked a little plump, and he couldn't help feeling hungry.

"Well, I didn't expect there to be a rabbit here."

He didn't think of the rabbit in other directions, but simply thought that the rabbit looked delicious.

"Are you going to eat me?"

The rabbit's voice suddenly sounded, shocking the other party.

Hearing this, the cloaked man's face changed slightly.

He didn't expect this to be a talking rabbit.

If he didn't think of Chen Ping just now, he was almost certain that this was the monster he was looking for.

Seeing the innocent and innocent appearance of the rabbit, it was difficult for him to associate the other party with the murderous, bloodthirsty monster in Zhu Tobi's mouth.

The rabbit just hopped and came to the other side, looking unsuspecting, it blinked its red eyes and looked at the man in the cloak silently.

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