I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3462: , Accept as a demon pet

"The breath on you is so familiar, where do you come from?" The rabbit asked curiously. He always felt that this man did not belong to this world, and even had a familiar breath on him.

The man looked at the rabbit silently, thinking about what he should do to take it away.

"I have a lot of secrets, do you want to know? Or follow me?"

"I can give you delicious and spicy food, and also help you quickly improve your strength, so that you can become the most elite existence in the rabbit, and even stand on top of this world!"

As soon as he said this, the rabbit jumped directly onto the opponent, with an extremely excited look on his face, and he directly agreed.

He knew very well in his heart that this person was a bit mysterious and very weird, so he planned to figure out the identity of this person.

The man in the cloak never dreamed that this rabbit was so stupid that he immediately agreed to go with him.

However, he did not act very arrogantly, but hugged the rabbit with a pious face.

He didn't expect that he could have such a powerful pet. Thinking of this, he decided in his heart to use some extremely exaggerated means to take the rabbit as his own.

This rabbit has made it clear that it is wise, so he will definitely not agree to be his demon pet at will.

He is just leaving with himself now, whether he can agree to become a demon pet next is another matter.

But he didn't care about him at all, there are many ways to solve this matter.

At this moment, the rabbit didn't know that the danger had arrived, he was still thinking about how to deal with this guy next.

The man in the cloak quickly took the rabbit away from his eyes with a look of expectation. He was in a good mood when he thought that the rabbit was already in his palm.

"Is this where you live?"

He took the rabbit into a thatched house and looked around with some curiosity. He didn't expect that this guy seemed to be quite rich, and he actually lived in such a small ruined house.

"The place to live is not good or bad, but its value."

After saying this, he directly opened the door and walked in with the rabbit. Only then did the rabbit discover that this place had a different place.

Although the house looks extremely dilapidated on the outside, it is very luxurious from the inside, and it even feels like entering the palace.

"Welcome to my world."

He glanced at the rabbit with a smile, and then took out a strange-looking yellow paper on the side.

"Are you willing to be my demon pet?"

The man in the cloak smiled and asked his eyes, with a look of expectation. If the other party is willing, it is naturally the best, and he also saves some effort.

Hearing this, the rabbit rolled his eyes. Originally, he wanted to spend some time with the other party. He didn't expect this person to be so direct, so it's no wonder that he is.

"If you want to accept me as a demon pet, you can't see if you have this strength. You want to take me away with your ability. It shouldn't be that simple."

There was a sneer in the rabbit's eyes, and it was obvious that he was looking down on the man in the cloak from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing this, a hint of helplessness flashed through the eyes of the man in the cloak, and he knew that he would never give the rabbit to his pocket easily.

"If this is the case, then you are just toasting and not eating fine wine."

As soon as the voice fell, he directly stuck the piece of yellow paper in his hand to the rabbit's head.

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