This time it can be regarded as a benefit for him.

Hearing this, Guan Fengqi couldn't help but shook his head helplessly. Of course he knew that Chen Ping was kind, but he knew more clearly that this matter was not so simple.

"I know that your fine wines have the effect of enhancing people's strength, but these effects are a little insignificant for us now!"

The strength of the Liushenzong group has increased too exaggerated, even exaggerated to make people incomprehensible.

Lin Zhiyuan also rushed over at this moment. He was about to talk to Chen Ping about the matter, but he didn't expect that the Sect Master had already arrived here first.

"I just heard some of my friends say that this time the Liushen Sect is struggling and wants to deal with us, not just us, the disciples of other sects have only a dead end after meeting them."

"They are like crazy, they are not afraid to face any sect at all!"

After hearing these words, Chen Ping's expression became somewhat intriguing. He knew that a sect could not be inexplicably self-confident. It was definitely a so-called chance.

"It's possible that they have encountered some terrible era. I'm not sure about this, but the things I provide to you can at least guarantee that the people under your hands will not make any mistakes."

After saying this, Chen Ping took out some pills from his arms and handed them directly to the other party.

There was a trace of triumph in his eyes, as long as he had used these pills, no one would not praise him.

After Lin Zhiyuan got the pill and learned the effect of the medicine, he was shocked. He didn't expect Chen Ping to still have these good things.

Chen Ping is also his friend no matter what, the trust between the two of them is naturally needless to say.

"Can this pill really increase my strength after taking it? Can I also improve at my level?"

A glimmer of expectation flashed across his face, and he swallowed the pill without any hesitation.

Guan Fengqi looked at each other expectantly, he wanted to know what exactly did this pill do?

Soon he saw that Lin Zhiyuan's strength had been greatly improved.

Lin Zhiyuan's strength had reached an unmatched level in an instant, which was really too exaggerated.

At this moment, he finally stopped struggling, and his heart was very clear that Chen Ping was definitely a god-like existence.

"You are too tough..."

Suddenly he didn't know what to say, and his heart became very interested in the pill that Chen Ping provided.

"But this thing is also drug-resistant. I suggest you practice honestly. There is not so much advantage in the world to take advantage of."

"It is absolutely impossible for the group of people from the Six Gods Sect to possess such a powerful medicine."

After hearing this, Lin Zhiyuan also nodded seriously.

At this moment, his heart can be said to be extremely adoring for Chen Ping.

"The effect of these pills is to recover from the injury. If something goes wrong with the body, then only one pill can be used to solve it."

Chen Ping explained everything clearly, and he didn't hesitate to contribute all these pills.

The disciples of the Tian Palace quickly received this batch of supplies. Although they were all skeptical, as soon as they heard that this thing was provided by Chen Ping, everyone put aside the stone in their hearts and decided to trust it.

After taking these medicines, their own strength has been greatly improved. The major disciples who had no confidence in the first moment suddenly burst into confidence. They knew that this was the best opportunity for revenge.

Relying on their strength, the opponents of Nazongmen have been provoking them in various ways, making everyone angry.

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