I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3471: , One move to control the enemy!

They even said that they must kill the guys in the palace these days.

Although everyone is unhappy, they dare not say anything in the face of the opponent's powerful strength.

If you respond to the other party's clamor now and get hit in the face by then, that would be a very embarrassing thing.

What's more, this time the battle is arrogant, and everyone is fighting for their lives.

Now everyone has the confidence and confidence to face this sect. They believe that with their own strength, they will be able to turn the whole situation around, at least let them know the power of the palace.

It just so happened that in the afternoon, there was a battle between them and the palace, and this was the moment to let the other party know their strength.

And this time it was the eldest lady of Zongmen.

Guan Yayun was also full of confidence after her improved strength, vowing that she would give the opponent a fatal blow, at least let them know how powerful she was.

Ronnie was very nervous next to him, he didn't worry about his wife in his heart, he was worried that the people of Liushenzong would be too provocative.

After all, the mouths of these people are not clean.

In the afternoon of the same day, this extremely anticipated event had just begun.

Chen Ping stood silently in the corner and watched this scene. He knew that after taking his pill, the strength of this group of people was definitely not to be underestimated.

He came to watch the game this time to see the reaction of the group of Liushenzong.

He had already observed this group of Liushenzong before. Although their strength was not strong, after using this medicine, they did not have any side effects. This made Chen Ping feel a little surprised, and he didn't know what it was. What kind of genius can develop such a drug.

So Chen Ping was actually very curious about the identity of this group of people, and he couldn't wait to figure it out.

He believed that this guy would definitely be peeping in the dark, if so, he would just wait and see.

"By the way, brother, where did the rabbit go? I still want to play with him!" Lin Zhiyuan glanced at Chen Ping blankly. He felt like he hadn't seen the rabbit for a long time.

Chen Ping felt bad when he heard this. He always felt that the rabbit had something unexpected.

"Before, there was a person who was sneaking in at my door. I let the rabbit follow. Until now, the rabbit has not returned. I think something may be wrong. I will go and see what the situation is."

Chen Ping frowned. He always felt that if he went later, the rabbit might be stewed by others.

Lin Zhiyuan's expression became a little ugly after hearing this, but he didn't expect his good brother to be in danger.

But seeing Chen Ping didn't mean to act, he didn't say much.

At this time, a man appeared in the game, and he knew that he was here to watch the excitement.

The other party still wore a black cloak, which seemed to be pretending to be mysterious.

More importantly, he was still holding a rabbit in his arms.

This is the rabbit looks a little sluggish, and does not have the slightest sense of agility.

Some people have been beaten by rabbits, and they also know this rabbit.

"Isn't this rabbit that Chen Ping's pet? How could it be in this place?"

"The strength of this rabbit should not be underestimated. It appears next to another person now, proving that this person must be very powerful, and he has taken away Chen Ping's pet directly!"

Everyone felt that this guy was very powerful, and they knew very well in their hearts that this person was here to provoke Chen Ping.

In fact, the man in the cloak did have this meaning. His purpose was to provoke Chen Ping and let Chen Ping know his power.

Now that the rabbit has become his pet, he believes that even if Chen Ping's strength is too strong, there is definitely no way to fight him.

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