I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3472: , Let you see how awesome it is!

"You guys are quite interesting."

The man in the cloak glanced at the group of people who were discussing the matter, with a look of expectation in his eyes, and he couldn't wait to meet Chen Ping.

But Chen Ping didn't know about it, he was still watching the battle at this moment.

"Oh, hey, I didn't expect this to be the eldest lady of the Heavenly Palace. I thought you were so powerful, it seems that it is nothing more than that."

The one who faced the war officer Ya Yun was a somewhat ugly woman. This woman was dissatisfied with Xiaohong and his dissatisfaction. Seeing that the other party was so beautiful, he felt a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart.

Guan Yayun glanced at each other silently, and a hint of mockery flashed through her eyes.

"You still have to match one game to know how strong you are. I believe you are not that good either."

After saying this, Guan Yayun looked straight at the other party, waiting for the other party to attack her.

Seeing Guan Yayun's provocative appearance, he was too angry.

"Well, since you insist on looking for death, then I will let you know how good I am."

After saying this, he directly attacked Guan Yayun and looked at it, as if he was ready to solve Guan Yayun.

This time they had received notice from the suzerain, demanding to deal with Guan Yayun.

Originally, they planned to make a quick battle, but later they even wanted to show the power of their sect.

What they have to do is to clean up this sect's proud girl.

As long as you can let the other party know how good you are, then Heaven Palace, this time will be completely depressed.

Just when they thought that they would definitely win the victory, Guan Yayun suddenly shot, and he directly attacked the opponent frantically, and easily solved this guy.

The woman who wanted to provoke Guan Yayun hadn't realized what happened until now. With an extremely dazed expression on her face, she stared straight at the other person.

It's just that his dazed look has no answer, because he is dead at this moment.

The people of Liushen Sect did not expect that their own people would have so many changes, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

I originally thought that this time I would definitely win the victory, but I didn't expect that they had such a strong disciple, and there was no way they could win Guan Yayun.

Everyone here is a bit entangled, they are thinking about how powerful this guy is.

Many people who have known Guan Yayun before, they are very puzzled by the strength of Guan Yayun. It stands to reason that Guan Yayun should not have such a strong strength.

But Guan Yayun's own strength is too strong, which is beyond the imagination of normal people.

"Impossible, this is a very powerful disciple in our sect, how could it be such a waste? All this is absolutely fraudulent."

Zhu Yiliang's heart was extremely collapsed, and he always felt that this matter was a bit abnormal.

But according to Guan Yayun's performance, the other party has no abnormalities at all, and even his performance is quite stable. ,

"This strength really cannot be underestimated, this guy in front of me is not an ordinary person."

There was a trace of anger in Zhu Toubi's eyes. He never dreamed that there would be such a powerful woman in the world.

Although he had tried to understand each other before, but after all, he didn't know too much about the opponent's personal strength.

So he subconsciously believed that Guan Yayun was just hiding her strength.

"Guan Yayun must have hidden her own strength before, otherwise he would never be able to show such outstanding performance. I said that we should be more careful."

"But Guan Yayun doesn't intend to participate in the competition next. We can take this opportunity to attack him."

Since their own strength is not very good, they plan to find a way to take the opportunity to attack Guan Yayun.

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