I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3477: , Crazy consumption of elixir

Seeing this scene, the disciple couldn't help but sneered. He knew that the time for his revenge had come. Originally, he didn't intend to kill Zhu Tobi. After all, the other party is the eldest master of the sect, and it represents Liu Shenzong.

But now this guy has completely angered him, no matter what price he will pay next, he will kill Zhu To quickly.

Thinking of this, he raised the long sword in his hand and pierced directly towards Zhu Tobi. It was clear in his heart that everything was over.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Yiliang couldn't help closing his eyes. He shook his head in pain, with a helpless look in his eyes.

Because of the practice, he has no way to get the second child in a short period of time.

Over the years, he has worked so hard to train Zhu Tobi, and he has not forgotten to cast a net everywhere to cultivate the next generation.

But no one of so many women is pregnant with his kind!

Zhu Tobi can be said to be his only son.

By the way, his only son, now dead, can no longer die. Under the attack of the other party, he turned into a smear of flying ashes, and disappeared for no reason!

"Why is it like this..."

Zhu Yiliang suddenly felt as if he had been tens of years old, and his whole body was haggard.

The man in the cloak saw this scene, his eyes flashed with vigilance, and he did not expect things to develop into this look.

At the same time, he developed a keen interest in that pill, and he wanted to know who was able to refine such a pill.

The spectators of them could see clearly that the disciples of tomorrow's palace were already dying, but a pill to rescue him in this way was a miracle like a god.

Seeing this scene, his heart was extremely entangled. He wanted to get to know the people in the palace, but he was worried that the other party would discover his identity.

He is not a good person.

But he didn't think he was a big villain.

"Heaven Palace, hehe, I underestimated you before. I knew I would talk to you about this business. Maybe the effect will be much better."

He touched the rabbit and quietly approached the position of the palace, and at this time Chen Ping also sensed the existence of the rabbit.

Chen Ping subconsciously looked towards the man in the cloak, and he saw the extremely quiet rabbit lying in his arms.

The rabbit looked very honest, with a dull gaze under his eyes, without any sly appearance at all.

His rabbits have always been eccentric, it is absolutely impossible to have such a sluggish moment.

"Brother, look over there. Isn't this the rabbit you raised? How could it appear to others?"

Lin Zhiyuan turned his head and glanced at Chen Ping curiously. He didn't know why this happened.

Chen Ping shook his head. He always felt that the rabbit was under control.

"But there are so many rabbits in the world, maybe they just look alike. You don't have to worry too much. My rabbit brother is not weak and shouldn't be forcibly abducted!"

Lin Zhiyuan saw Chen Ping's expression and couldn't help but comforted him. He thought Chen Ping was worried about rabbits.

"Actually, the rabbit has been lost once before."

Chen Ping hurriedly said what happened to the rabbit. After hearing this, Lin Zhiyuan's expression became extremely ugly. He didn't expect that the quirky elves like the rabbit would suffer.

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