"This..." Lin Zhiyuan suddenly felt that perhaps this rabbit is really Chen Ping's pet.

"Just stay here, I'll take a look, I always think this person is not easy, he should be the guy who came to my door to spy on me that day."

After saying this, Chen Ping strode directly towards the other party. He had never seen such an arrogant thief. After stealing someone's rabbit, he actually dared to come to the door grandiosely.

"Do you think you stole this rabbit from me."

Chen Ping was not polite, so he walked over and asked seriously.

Hearing this, the man in the cloak was taken aback.

"When did you appear behind me."

He was a little apprehensive in his heart, never even dreaming that he would be sneaked around behind him.

What's more terrifying is that he didn't react at all during the whole process, as if this man didn't exist at all.

Feeling the power of Chen Ping, he didn't dare to say much.

He originally thought he was invincible, so he dared to come here to watch the excitement, but he didn't expect that he was still careless.

"You said this is the rabbit and it belongs to you, so will he take care of you when you talk to him?"

He spoke very stubbornly, unwilling to admit all this.

In his eyes, this rabbit does not belong to Chen Ping.

Maybe it belonged to Chen Ping before, but now that this rabbit has been owned by him, it has nothing to do with Chen Ping.

Rabbit just glanced at Chen Ping like this, without any expression on his face.

Lin Zhiyuan saw the other side and couldn't help but worry about it.

"Rabbit, don't you know us? We were chatting and drinking together before!"

Lin Zhiyuan couldn't figure it out, what the **** was going on?

Chen Ping couldn't help but sneer when he saw the other person's appearance.

"Wake up, rabbit."

Chen Ping's voice directly hit the rabbit's soul. There was a soul contract between him and the rabbit. This time he can be said to have completely awakened the rabbit.

The rabbit didn't even react to what was going on, so he immediately became sober.

With a look of horror on his face, he stared straight at Chen Ping.

"Boss help!"

After saying this, he directly rushed towards Chen Ping, with an extremely flustered expression on his face.

All his memories stayed before he lost consciousness.

He still remembered that this guy was planning to plot against himself, and also planning to take him as his own.

Now he was completely broken down.

He didn't expect that he was just going out to follow a person, and he would be spotted.

The man in the cloak did not expect that his method would fail.

His face became very ugly, and he stared at Chen Ping with some dissatisfaction.

"You are quite capable, and you can break my curse."

There was a hint of alertness in his eyes, and he didn't mean to feel sorry for Chen Ping at all. On the contrary, he felt that Chen Ping was not authentic enough.

Hearing these words, Chen Ping stared at each other straightforwardly.

"Little brother, stealing someone's pet is not a good behavior."

Chen Ping hugged the rabbit and looked at each other directly.

"This rabbit is not yours."

The rabbit also woke up at this moment, with an angry look on his face, he turned to look at the man in the cloak.

"What do you mean by this fellow?"

The rabbit was very angry, wishing to crush this guy in one bite.

It was not clear to him that he was raised by this guy as a pet.

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