I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3494: , Kind of arrogant

Hearing Chen Ping's words, the store's face showed a relieved look. He didn't expect Chen Ping to be so radically cured.

However, Chen Ping made him a little embarrassed when he said all this so bluntly.

He smiled embarrassedly at Chen Ping, and apologized to the other side.

"Recommend you a pet to my brother. It should be stronger, preferably a combat type!"

Chen Ping glanced at Lin Zhiyuan, he knew that Lin Zhiyuan was embarrassed to take the initiative to speak.

Hearing this, Lin Zhiyuan looked at Chen Ping gratefully, "Hey..."

The store quickly recommended a few pets from the side, and Lin Zhiyuan was dazzled, and even thought that he wanted to get it all in his pocket.

The old monk was also watching with satisfaction. Although he had the supreme status, he failed to have a decent pet.

In their world, it is very difficult to own a pet.

Chen Ping waved his hand and bought one for both of them very proudly.

At this moment, Chen Ping heard a humming sound coming from a place.

He turned his head curiously, looking for the source of the sound.

"What is it that keeps screaming?" Chen Ping looked at the store with some doubts. He couldn't find the source of the sound for a while.

Upon hearing this, the store immediately walked to the side and lifted a piece of rags.

"Unexpectedly, you can still hear this thing, my cloth can cut everything off!"

With a look of surprise on the store's face, he took out the contents of the cage and handed it to Chen Ping.

At a glance, Chen Ping saw a guy who looked like a little fox, groaning constantly in the cage, looking very pitiful.

This guy is very embarrassed, and his whole body is covered with various injuries.

"Little guy, are you hurt?"

This guy clearly understands Chen Ping's words. At this moment, he is staring at Chen Ping pitifully, and he keeps shaking his big furry tail. Chen Ping is a little distressed when he sees him. The idea to take home.

"Shopkeeper, can you sell this monster beast."

Chen Ping glanced at each other curiously. If this guy is willing to sell, then he doesn't mind spending some money to buy it back.

The shopkeeper glanced at the fox.

"It's just a little fox. I have observed this guy when he bought it. He has no fighting ability at all. He is just an ornamental animal. If you like it, you can give it to you directly. Anyway, you have taken care of a lot of my business today!"

This fox was obtained by chance from a hunter. If the fox hadn't been seriously injured, he wouldn't be able to buy it at a very low price. Originally, he wanted to study again to see if the fox had anything to hide. The supernatural function was discovered by Chen Ping unexpectedly.

Chen Ping proposed to buy this fox, which saved him a lot of things.

"In that case, then I'm not welcome."

Chen Ping touched the little fox with a look of excitement on his face. To be honest, he liked the little fox in his heart.

The little fox naturally knew that he had been purchased by someone, and was very excited and wagging his tail.

"Hey loudly."

This little fox's ability to act like a baby is quite strong, and Chen Ping feels very moved when he sees it.

The old monk watched this scene silently and couldn't help covering his mouth and laughed.

"It is said that this fox will transform into a human form, and then people will turn into a human and come to you."

Hearing the old monk's ridicule, Chen Ping couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

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