I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3495: , Situ's inquiries

"This little fox wants to become a human, and there is still a long time to go. I guess you have found your significant other. This little fox hasn't become a human yet."

After a few casual chats, Chen Ping didn't waste any time. He said hello to the store and disappeared here. He knew very well that they had to hurry up and find the person the old monk was looking for.

And at this moment, Situ Lao also hurried back home, with a very upset look on his face, never dreaming that he would still be slapped in the face one day.

As soon as he got home, a man greeted him. This was Stuolao's father who loved his son.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that his son didn't pay attention to him, his face also showed a look of doubt. On weekdays, his son is so powerful and powerful. Why is something wrong today?

Stuart was not in the mood to pay attention to his father, he went back to the room angrily without saying a word.

"Chen Huwei, what the **** is going on? Is it possible that the young master went out and was bullied today?"

Situ Lao's father turned his head to stare at the guard a little displeased, he blamed all this on the guard.

The named Chen Huwei immediately knelt on the ground in fear, and he felt aggrieved in his heart.

"Originally, the young master was visiting the pet store, but suddenly a few people came to humiliate the young master, and then the young master came back very unhappy!"

Hearing these words, Situ Lao's emotions became even more irritable. He directly smashed things in the room frantically, with an ugly expression.

"Shut up! Such a shameful thing is never allowed to be said!"

Seeing his son's appearance, Situ Qin's face became ugly.

He did not expect that his son would be hit so badly in this place.

This son has been pampered since he was a child, but he has never received any stimulation.

He also never made any embarrassment to his son.

It can be said that this son of my own family has not suffered any harm since he was a child, and once he receives the slightest blow, he will feel extremely broken.

"Hurry up and find out this matter. I need to know what's going on. I definitely can't let the culprit just run away like this."

Situ Qin spoke very seriously, he couldn't wait to solve this guy.

The guard hurried to find out. They knew the situation here. This person could be regarded as causing a big trouble to themselves. The young master was bullied in this way, and they couldn't escape the relationship.

So far, everyone only knows that this person's name is Chen Ping, and no one knows his specific information.

The actions of these guards were not slow. They quickly investigated the matter clearly, but they didn't know what kind of case Chen Ping had behind them, and they dared to be so rampant.

"The report family, according to our intelligence, it hasn’t been a long time since this talent entered the city. It is estimated that he came from other areas. Their attitude is rather arrogant. They came here not only to buy some monster pets, but also to sway. Wandering around in this place."

The guard reported everything he knew. In their eyes, Chen Ping should be a guy with no identity background and a better bully.

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