Chen Ping didn't have any fear at all. He knew that someone would stare at him, but he didn't know this group of people, and they were just clowns.

The personal strength of these people may not be underestimated, but for themselves, it is an out-and-out waste.

He doesn't want to cause trouble here, but that doesn't mean he will let this group of people humiliate himself at will.

Soon, Chen Ping and the others came to a teahouse, which looked rather high-end, and Chen Ping even felt that he had strayed into some high-end place.

"This place looks pretty fresh."

The various decoration styles here make Chen Ping feel a little different, and he knows very well that the consumption of this place is not low.

"If you want to find out some important news here, it should not be that simple. If you look at the people here, you will know that this consumption is definitely not a simple figure."

Lin Zhiyuan also sighed beside him, he didn't know in his heart that these things must be extremely expensive.

Hearing this, the old monk also glanced curiously at the menu next to him, his face showed a look of surprise. He never dreamed that just a pot of tea here would be so expensive.

"A pot of tea actually costs thousands of spars?"

The old monk has collapsed a bit, and the price really surprised him.

"Look at the people's requirements mentioned above, but if one person has a pot of tea, if the consumption is lower than this, then we are not qualified to sit here."

The old monk shook his head helplessly next to him. He suddenly felt that this shop was too dark. Is this a completely black shop? Let them consume in this place and they will be bankrupt in a short time.

"The money I rushed out this time is probably only enough for everyone to drink a few pots of tea. If you can't figure out the secrets during this time, it will be embarrassing."

Lin Zhiyuan said helplessly, he didn't have any way to go, this time he went out too hastily, no one thought that coming to experience in the secret realm would consume so much money.

My monk also sighed. On weekdays, he would never put any money on him.

After all, the old monk has a high position, and it is impossible for him to carry a single cent on his body at ordinary times.

"This is really embarrassing. I knew that I would take all my money with me, so I wouldn't be ashamed of it."

The old monk sighed helplessly. After hearing this, everyone looked at each other. They knew they were too embarrassed.

Chen Ping shook his head reluctantly when he heard this. These guys go out without money, so everything will depend on themselves.

"Don't worry, although you didn't bring the money, I did."

Chen Ping carried the rabbit and walked directly into the teahouse.

Although the tea here is very expensive, there are not a few people who come here to consume it. All of them are carrying huge sums of money and spending crazy here.

Chen Ping quickly found a free private room. It happened that they were lucky enough to get a private room successfully.

Had it not happened that someone had left the room, he wouldn't have been so lucky to have a place as soon as he came.

"Guests, you are really lucky. Someone just left the room here. They wouldn't leave at random unless there was something at home."

Dian Xiaoer saw that these people were relatively unfamiliar, and couldn't help but emphasize.

Hearing this, Chen Ping showed a look of doubt. He really couldn't figure out what to look forward to in this place. There were so many people who could consume it desperately.

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