Thinking of this, he rushed directly to Chen Ping without hesitation, took out the spear in his hand and stabs at Chen Ping quickly. His movements are simply and neat, and he has always been the famous speed of the shadow guards. King.

His gun is extremely fast and accurate.

Chen Ping could not help but sneer inside when he saw the opponent attacking him. This guy was really ignorant.

He also didn't expect that someone would be ignorant and could not see his own strength, so he dared to play against him so rashly.

In fact, Rong Zhixiang wanted to stop the other party, but he didn't expect this person to be so fast, he had already started with Chen Ping apart from anything else.

This guy is brave and intrepid, except for his strength, he has no other abilities at all, and he can naturally see the power of Chen Ping.

This guy wanted to deal with the boss because he was good at it. It was impossible for him to win. He was just talking about dreams.

This is considered to be against Chen Ping, and he does not have the confidence to win it directly.


Rong Zhixiang yelled at the other party.

And this guy didn't take this matter in his eyes, but patted his chest arrogantly.

"Don't worry, is it just such a clown, it doesn't require me to spend too much time!"

As soon as the voice fell, he stayed where he was, unable to move as if he had been tapped.

Others watched this scene dumbfounded, they had no intention of confronting everyone.

They never thought that the other party would die so miserably.

The guy's spear directly stabbed Chen Ping, but Chen Ping didn't have the slightest position. Instead, he extended a finger and pointed it at him.

Chen Ping's finger just touched the spear tip of the opponent's spear, and the next moment, this extremely arrogant fellow turned into flying ash.

He held on in place at first as if he had been tapped, and then his body gradually disappeared between the heaven and the earth, looking terrifying.

After seeing this scene, even Rong Zhixiang was completely stunned.

Rong Zhixiang didn't know what he should say, but he knew that he had encountered a powerful guy. If he didn't guess wrong, his strength must be above him.

This person made him truly feel fear.

Originally, he thought Chen Ping was just a good guy to deal with, but now it seems that is not the case.

Chen Ping was obviously pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

His own strength has been strong to a certain level, so now it gives people a feeling of anti-simple and genuine.

It is because of this feeling that he will underestimate the enemy.

And the spearman, it was precisely because he despised Chen Ping too much that this result happened.

Everyone quickly stepped aside, and they didn't know that this matter needed to be more careful in their hearts.

If Chen Ping wants to attack them, it will be a matter of minutes.

The old monk quickly came to Chen Ping, his face was filled with pride. It is very arrogant to have such a brother.

Lin Zhiyuan was also standing beside him, but this group of people was able to crush his existence in minutes, but now Chen Ping has solved it with one move.

Rong Zhixiang trembled with anger after seeing the depressed look of this group of people.


He also didn't expect the strength of this group of people to be so strong, just a young man, so strong!

"Damn it, **** it, do you really think this place is where your Bailing family can walk sideways? Although this place is the city of your family, it doesn't completely belong to you!"

The rabbit jumped out directly, and said indignantly.

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