He wished he could humiliate the other party well and let him know how good he was.

Rabbits are like this, they have always been unreasonable and unforgiving.

"You are so courageous!" Rong Zhixiang showed an unhappy expression. He didn't expect that besides humiliating himself, this group of people would dare to humiliate the Bailings? !

A group of guards watching the play next to them showed incomprehensible expressions.

They didn't expect that this matter would turn out to be like this.

"You are dead."

Rong Zhixiang suddenly changed his previous attitude, staring at the rabbit very dissatisfied.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned directly and looked at Chen Ping fiercely.

In his opinion, the rabbit is Chen Ping's pet, so everything must be counted on Chen Ping's head.

"Hehe, Chen Ping...I want to see how good you are."

Rong Zhixiang nodded at the people around him, and then, the next moment a black mist hit.

After feeling a huge sense of oppression, Chen Ping could not help covering his eyes.

They knew in their hearts that this guy probably wanted to do something with a moth.

"They want to run!" Chen Ping said, but he didn't have any reaction, it seemed that all this was not important at all.

There was a thoughtful look on his face, and he stood aside indifferently, and he looked forward to all this even more.

The rabbit tried to prevent the opponent from escaping, but he still moved a little slower.

He just grabbed it toward the front, but never caught Rong Zhixiang.

The next moment the black mist dissipated, they saw Rong Zhixiang and a group of guards disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces became very ugly.

"You..." When the rabbit saw the disappeared group of people, he was irritated in an instant, and even wanted to kill the door directly.

"We are going to kill the door directly, anyway, we must hurry up and solve this guy who provoked us!"

Hearing this, Lin Zhiyuan and the old monk nodded one after another.

They can't wait to get started.

These people deceive people too much.

"I must come to the door and let this woman give me an explanation."

After the old monk said this, he indifferently took out his weapon from his sleeve.

Looks like this, he has already planned to fight a battle in the past.

As the brother of the two, Lin Zhiyuan naturally didn't care about all of this.

No matter what the next end, he doesn't mind, the most important thing is to accompany his brother to a big fight.

Hearing this, everyone's hearts were very excited, and an extraordinary battle was about to begin.

When they all looked at Chen Ping and waited for Chen Ping to speak, Chen Ping turned his head and glanced at the first group of guards who rushed over.

"You are too pitiful? They didn't plan to save you?"

Chen Ping's words made everyone around him stay.

Lin Zhiyuan and others didn't expect that Chen Ping would ask some security questions inexplicably.

The rabbit came to Chen Ping-Pian in confusion and stared at him like this.

"Boss, how do I feel that you are a little weird?"

Chen Ping waved his hand.

"To deal with the Bailing family, what we need to do is not only to kill the door, but also to have other methods."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was very excited.

Expected expressions appeared on their faces, wanting to know what Chen Ping would do next.

Chen Ping is an extraordinary person, and he is absolutely impossible to have any messy thoughts on weekdays.

Now that the other party said this, it proved that there must be a big plan to deal with the Bailing family.

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