I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3526: , Bailing guard!

"What is a good way for you?" Lin Zhiyuan said excitedly, he couldn't wait to find trouble with this group of people.

Although his strength is relatively not so strong, but with Chen Ping's backing, he is still very confident.

At least, dominating one side is not a problem.

"Aren't there still a group of people here? They are the guards of the Bailing family."

Hearing this, the rabbit suddenly knew what Chen Ping wanted to do.

He probably guessed an extremely evil idea.

"You...what are you going to do?" The guards stepped back in horror, unexpectedly the other party wanted to shoot themselves.

They feel that they are just an ordinary person, and it stands to reason that they should not be targeted.

"Our boss meant to pull out all of you, and then throw it out on the street!"

The rabbit spoke with a smile on his face, he knew very well in his heart that the boss was planning to satisfy his little addiction.

Soon, the guards were stripped clean.

Chen Ping stared at them like this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"This... is really embarrassing." After saying this, he waved his hand to let people throw them out.

Before doing it, he also placed a forbidden technique in the bodies of this group of people.

"If you don't follow the route I set, you will burst into death next. If you don't believe it, you can try it. However, it is the internal organs and does not affect your personal appearance, so you are dead. , Will also be watched."

Chen Ping's words made everyone fearful.

However, there are also bold people who don't think this thing is terrifying.

After they were released, their faces changed instantly.

Unexpectedly, there are so many people outside now.

Although this is a relatively remote place, it is also the only way to the city.

Anyone who wants to go to the city needs to pass through this place!

Their appearance will be seen clearly by many people, and they will be remembered in their hearts! Never forget it!

At this moment, one of the thin-skinned people rushed out to another path.

The rabbit couldn't help but sneer when he saw what the other person looked like.

"It's really a group of stupid guys. They all said that they have to go down this road, but they have to hide elsewhere!"

Seeing the other side's actions, the other guards naturally wanted to follow the other side's behavior and leave from the path.

They are not clear in their hearts, once their appearance is seen by others, it will be over.

After all, they represent the face of the Bailing family. If they were simply caught, it would also be a private contradiction in private, but now, these contradictions have been directly brought to the surface.


When the guard ran out, he suddenly twitched, then fell to the ground, no more movement.

After arriving at his appearance, everyone showed extremely horrified expressions. They originally thought that Chen Ping was just deceiving themselves, but they did not expect that what Chen Ping said was actually true.

If everything is true, then it's over.

"This is the guard of the Bailing family!"

"My God, really! How do they look like this?" Everyone showed a very incomprehensible expression, not sure why the other party came out so madly.

Lin Zhiyuan walked out in time, yelling excitedly at a group of guards.

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